#editorial | Logs for 2019-11-29

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[01:56:50] -!- carny has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:08:29] -!- carny [carny!~irc@tx1.nixnet.xyz] has joined #editorial
[03:15:14] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[06:34:09] -!- carny has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:34:31] -!- carny [carny!~irc@91.210.pp.yvz] has joined #editorial
[07:34:36] -!- SoyGuest61688 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[08:31:11] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!~luser@22-653-047-30.dyn.estpak.ee] has joined #editorial
[08:32:11] FatPhil is now known as SoyGuest72711
[18:25:05] -!- carny has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[18:27:14] -!- carny [carny!~irc@23.129.st.xil] has joined #editorial
[20:38:35] -!- yuhong [yuhong!~yuhong@dgut-7m7bi3khvxh2974vvfh9uf028.ipv5.telus.net] has joined #editorial
[20:38:47] <yuhong> I wonder what the current status of my essay/overview on Google.
[21:50:10] <carny> link?
[22:04:41] <yuhong> https://soylentnews.org
[22:04:42] <systemd> ^ 03Google DoubleClick Mozilla overview: SoylentNews Submission
[22:06:00] -!- yuhong has quit [Quit: Leaving]