#editorial | Logs for 2019-11-28

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[10:09:04] <chromas> #smake phys.org
[10:09:04] * MrPlow smakes phys.org upside the head with a loaded diaper
[10:11:42] <chromas> also ping janrinok
[10:14:55] <chromas> https://soylentnews.org still has content from the next 'article' because the website's dumb and has many articles in one page
[10:14:56] <systemd> ^ 03upstart - SoylentNews User ( https://soylentnews.org )
[10:14:58] <exec> └─ 13- SoylentNews User
[10:14:59] <exec> └─ 13- SoylentNews User
[10:16:52] <chromas> =doi https://www.nature.com
[10:16:55] <systemd> <p><b>Anisotropic polymer nanoparticles with controlled dimensions from the morphological transformation of isotropic seeds</b>, <cite>Nature Communications</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13263-6">doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13263-6</a>)</p>
[10:16:55] <exec> └─ 13303 See Other
[10:16:56] <exec> └─ 13Error: DOI Not Found
[10:17:54] <chromas> stupid template
[10:18:47] <chromas> oh, their site = dum
[12:04:42] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@ddibp10.bl.pg.gda.pl] has joined #editorial
[12:05:42] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest20641
[12:06:37] SoyGuest20641 is now known as cosurgi
[12:06:45] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[12:06:45] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Misc/cosurgi] has joined #editorial
[12:27:37] <janrinok> chromas - corrected it I think
[12:36:19] <chromas> heh, I left the nanoparticles one open on the other computer and forgot about it
[12:36:57] <janrinok> I noticed that too....
[12:39:26] <chromas> =doi http://dx.doi.org
[12:39:28] <systemd> <p><b>Neuronal GPCR NPR-8 regulates C. elegans defense against pathogen infection</b>, <cite>Science Advances</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aaw4717">10.1126/sciadv.aaw4717</a>)</p>
[12:39:30] <exec> └─ 13Neuronal GPCR NPR-8 regulates C. elegans defense against pathogen infection | Science Advances
[12:39:30] <exec> └─ 13Error: DOI Not Found
[12:41:07] <systemd> shaddup exec
[12:41:43] <chromas> Do we have a standard template for article citations?
[12:44:11] <janrinok> Nope - I just cut and paste what is provided in the article
[12:44:21] <janrinok> a bit of editing and it looks ok
[12:45:26] <janrinok> I Ctrl-U the web page, and cut and paste the relevant html
[12:49:31] <chromas> I never noticed it before, but waterfox has a "View Selection Source" option in the menu
[12:49:43] <chromas> it opens the source and highlights the relevant code
[13:03:34] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:15:21] <chromas> fpos. I broke it
[13:15:24] <chromas> #smake chromas
[13:15:24] * MrPlow smakes chromas upside the head with yo mama's testicles
[13:20:55] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[13:21:17] <chromas> helps to not put quotes around the variable name
[13:21:25] <chromas> =cite
[13:21:25] <systemd> Generate a block of HTML for citing an article. Takes DOIs and URLs
[13:23:21] <janrinok> most browsers have the same function - normally by using Ctrl-U
[13:24:01] <chromas> yeah but that option selects code too
[13:24:16] <chromas> probably in firefox/palemoon
[13:26:23] <janrinok> The best place for your suggestion would be in Takyon's add-on then everyone can use it - or am I misunderstanding you?
[13:26:45] <chromas> like if you select the article citation, then right-click and do "View Selection Source" it will open the source page and select the bit relevant to what you selected
[13:27:12] <janrinok> I don't want to be cutting and pasting from IRC to the editing page - they are not even open on the same machine for me
[13:28:35] <janrinok> I'm just working on Arthur to extract them automagically - but we non-usians are a bit busy at the moment ;)
[13:31:13] <chromas> Yeah. Getting the DOI and stuff from the research article's pretty easy because most sites have it in the metadata. But news articles citing the research just do whatever so it takes a bit to find it
[13:31:33] * chromas invents a new standard
[13:46:42] <janrinok> I hope they all adopt it - except for Microsoft of course, who will invent an entirely different and incompatible standard and then patent because "on a computer"
[14:07:26] <Bytram> chromas: I like what you are doing with cite! Brilliant!
[14:07:31] <Bytram> chromas++
[14:07:31] <Bender> karma - chromas: 108
[14:08:56] <Bytram> janrinok: adding it to taky's tool might be nice, but I run with the plain vanilla controls -- no addons -- primarily as a QA check on basic site functionality. Any augmentation needed I get either from bots, here, or a couple tools on my home PC.
[14:09:31] <Bytram> janrinok++ Congratulations on your 4,800th story...
[14:09:31] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 77
[14:10:47] <Bytram> janrinok++ Congrats on a "Day of janrinok" ... *every* story on Thursday, November 29, 2019 was posted by *you*!
[14:10:47] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 78
[14:11:13] <Bytram> and many MANY thanks for stuffing the queue over the long holiday!
[14:12:17] * Bytram was scheduled for a full workday yesterday, and ended up working 4 hours more 'cause we were so busy with customers and there still was so much to finish setting up to get ready for our Black Friday sale!
[14:12:53] <janrinok> Bytram, - I seem to remember doing posting stints like this a year or two back with LamX
[14:13:19] <janrinok> And best wishes for Thanksgiving - or whatever the appropriate greeting is...
[14:13:25] <Bytram> that works
[14:13:53] <Bytram> I remember those days... but, ISTR you took turns subbing and pushing out stories?
[14:14:13] <Bytram> you'd each find and sub stories and let the other review and push 'em out.
[14:14:16] <Bytram> bots++
[14:14:17] <Bender> karma - bots: 0
[14:14:30] <janrinok> yeah, but I don't recall it being any easier that way either :)
[14:14:47] <Bytram> nope
[14:14:57] <janrinok> we have the bots now which we didn't have then
[14:15:34] <Bytram> It was one of the things that cemented my relationship here -- seeing the behind-the-scenes dedication to support the site -- encouraged me many a time to also rise to the occasion, as needed.
[14:15:47] <Bytram> 'zactly -- bots are a huge help!
[14:15:50] * janrinok blushes
[14:16:22] <janrinok> I only did it because LamX threatened me - honest guv!
[14:17:05] <Bytram> have been so busy with work and all, when I got home from work and saw the queue was covered for overnight, twice just grabbed a bite to eat and went to bed. Sucks that my body is taking this long to recuperate!
[14:17:55] <janrinok> let it take its time - the end result is worth it. And we are good into Saturday morning at present - although I suspect that I will have made a few more mistakes....
[14:18:46] <janrinok> Fnord666 added half a days worth too, so it is not all my efforts by any means
[14:19:22] <Bytram> Keep practicing! One of these days I'm sure you'll become expert at making mistakes... I know I keep trying. ')
[14:19:51] <janrinok> chromas is helping by finding all my mistakes - and then laughing at me
[14:20:03] <Bytram> s/..$/=)/
[14:20:03] <Bytram> s/..$/=\)/
[14:20:03] <Bytram> ~sed on
[14:20:03] <Bytram> ~time x
[14:20:06] <exec> sed already enabled for 10#editorial
[14:20:06] <exec> <Bytram> Keep practicing! One of these days I'm sure you'll become expert at making mistakes... I know I keep trying. =)
[14:20:06] <exec> <Bytram> Keep practicing! One of these days I'm sure you'll become expert at making mistakes... I know I keep trying. =)
[14:20:07] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Thursday, 28 November 2019, 2:20 pm
[14:20:15] <Bytram> seems to be good at that... the laughing part.
[14:20:31] <Bytram> well, *that* sure was a delayed reaction
[14:20:33] <janrinok> well, to be fair, he keeps me chuckling along too
[14:20:45] <janrinok> what time today are you eating?
[14:20:50] <Bytram> same here.. quite the sharp wit.
[14:20:54] <Bytram> I dunno.
[14:21:08] <janrinok> you are not spending it on your own are you?
[14:21:21] <Bytram> I am scheduled to be at work at 11PM today, but have a mind to show up an hour earlier...
[14:21:33] <janrinok> you work on TG day?!
[14:22:04] <janrinok> I suppose that you have to be ready for BF
[14:22:07] <Bytram> there's a gathering of friends that starts around noon, I might attend that, but I need to be mindful of getting enough sleep for my Black Friday shift when the store opens at midnight
[14:22:31] <Bytram> I volunteer for it every year
[14:22:53] <janrinok> suit yourself - but that doesn't sound as though you are taking it easy, just sayin'
[14:22:53] <Bytram> sort of like retail's Super Bowl...
[14:23:44] <Bytram> What? We won the division so now we have to go to the playoffs and play *MORE* games? ;)
[14:23:53] <janrinok> lol
[14:24:21] <Bytram> oh, yes, I've noticed Fnord666's posting powers, too.
[14:24:46] <Bytram> Fnord666++ thanks for all the story postings!
[14:24:46] * Bytram is still trying to wake.
[14:24:46] <Bytram> * up
[14:24:46] <Bytram> lol
[14:24:46] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 119
[14:26:21] <Bytram> as for story journal citations, I would drag select the displayed text with my mouse and then do "view selected source", adjust the source selection (again with my mouse), copy, and then paste it into the story editor window.
[14:26:48] <Bytram> have a flakey connection today, it seems. gonna get some more coffee and get on a couple things.
[14:27:04] <janrinok> coffee doesn't help connections....
[14:27:28] <Bytram> janrinok: nice chatting with you, thanks for the good thanksgiving wishes... LOL! and give my best to S!
[14:27:46] <janrinok> will do - have a good one!
[14:27:56] <Bytram> mare sea!
[14:28:19] <Bytram> our river!
[14:30:40] * janrinok doesn't like sharing his river...
[14:41:04] * chromas draws two
[14:41:19] <janrinok> that's not the same!
[14:48:08] * chromas draws the talon for a royal flush but goes fish. Yahtzee!
[14:50:02] <janrinok> ... and a fun day was being had by all
[18:59:01] <janrinok> story queues good until end of Saturday (UTC). I'm taking a break for 24 hours or so.
[20:53:55] <Fnord666> janrinok, thanks so much for stuffing the queue!