#editorial | Logs for 2019-11-20

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[00:03:46] * Bytram yawns
[00:03:46] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Bytram's gaping mouth
[00:04:31] * carny yawns
[00:04:31] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into carny's gaping mouth
[00:04:51] <Bytram> #sammich
[00:04:51] * MrPlow whips up a bacon sammich for Bytram
[00:08:28] <chromas> Bytram: give it a go now
[00:09:08] <Bytram> k
[00:10:47] <Bytram> chromas++ First test worked like aq champ!
[00:10:47] <Bender> karma - chromas: 106
[01:30:53] <Bytram> =g mystery meat navigation
[01:30:54] <ClownHatLinux> https://en.wikipedia.org - Mystery meat navigation - Wikipedia
[01:30:56] <exec> └─ 13Mystery meat navigation - Wikipedia
[02:31:44] <Bytram> https://arstechnica.com
[02:31:46] <exec> └─ 13Official Monero website is hacked to deliver currency-stealing malware | Ars Technica
[02:31:47] <ClownHatLinux> ^ 03Official Monero website is hacked to deliver currency-stealing malware
[03:00:25] <chromas> =g tsb
[03:00:25] <ClownHatLinux> https://www.tsb.co.uk - Welcome to TSB | Local Banking for Britain | Personal Banking
[03:00:28] <exec> └─ 13Welcome to TSB | Local Banking for Britain | Personal Banking
[03:00:35] <chromas> That makes sense I guess
[03:00:40] <chromas> I was thinking traffic safety board
[03:10:39] <Bytram> ~arthur https://arstechnica.com
[03:10:41] <exec> └─ 13Cops put GPS tracker on man’s car, charge him with theft for removing it | Ars Technica
[03:10:42] <exec> 716 stories loaded
[03:10:43] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Cops put GPS tracker on man’s car, charge him with theft for removing it"
[03:11:13] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[03:11:18] <exec> 716 stories loaded
[03:11:28] <chromas> I sorta remember something like that from years ago
[03:11:39] <chromas> Might be on slashdort since sn didn't exists back then
[03:11:48] * chromas doesn't run off to go look
[03:12:21] <Bytram> "Back in 2012, the US Supreme Court ruled that it's illegal for the police to attach a GPS tracking device to someone's car without a warrant. But what if you find a GPS tracking device on your car? Can you remove it?
[03:12:21] <Bytram> A little more than a year ago, the state of Indiana charged a suspected drug dealer with theft for removing a government-owned GPS tracking device from his SUV. This month, the state's Supreme Court began considering the case, and some justices seemed skeptical of the government's argument."
[03:13:08] <Bytram> And what if it were a remote-controlled bomb? Am I permitted to remove *THAT*? And, how could I tell the difference?
[03:16:24] <chromas> Maybe it fell off while driving over some pot holes or it just stopped working for no reason
[03:17:12] <chromas> I remember a thread on reddit or somewhere with a guy showing photos of a device he found on his car
[03:17:14] <Bytram> read the story.
[03:17:34] <chromas> No, I mean it "fell off" nudge nudge nudge
[03:17:38] <Bytram> oh, yeah. I think that pertained to the original 2012 story.
[03:17:43] <Bytram> nod nod
[03:17:46] <Bytram> break time
[03:18:09] <chromas> If you don't have the resources to fight it in court, make it look like an accident
[03:41:52] <Bytram> https://arstechnica.com
[03:41:54] <exec> └─ 13Official Monero website is hacked to deliver currency-stealing malware | Ars Technica
[03:41:55] <ClownHatLinux> ^ 03Official Monero website is hacked to deliver currency-stealing malware ( https://arstechnica.com )
[03:41:57] <exec> └─ 13Official Monero website is hacked to deliver currency-stealing malware | Ars Technica
[03:42:21] <Bytram> =submit from the who-CAN-you-trust? dept. https://arstechnica.com
[03:42:23] <exec> └─ 13Official Monero website is hacked to deliver currency-stealing malware | Ars Technica
[03:42:24] <ClownHatLinux> Submitting "Official Monero website is hacked to deliver currency-stealing malware"...
[03:42:46] <ClownHatLinux> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Official Monero Website is Hacked to Deliver Currency-stealing Malware" (12 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:42:48] <exec> └─ 13Official Monero Website is Hacked to Deliver Currency-stealing Malware: SoylentNews Submission
[04:24:31] <Bytram> ~gnight editorial
[04:24:33] * exec irreducibly steals an ExFAT volume of dust from editorial
[04:24:50] <Bytram> organized bits of bits are no more.
[04:25:03] <Bytram> have a great night everyone!
[08:43:05] <janrinok> ~eds I'm going to be a bit busy over the next 2 or 3 days. I'll contribute where I can but that might not be as much as usual.
[08:43:06] <exec> editor ping for janrinok (reason: i'm going to be a bit busy over the next 2 or 3 days. i'll contribute where i can but that might not be as much as usual.): janrinok n1 nick Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 FatPhil mrpg chromas fyngyrz
[10:12:38] -!- SoyGuest21579 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[10:13:09] -!- FatPhil has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[10:13:40] -!- CoolHand has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[10:18:02] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@ddibp10.bl.pg.gda.pl] has joined #editorial
[10:19:02] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest794
[10:19:49] -!- CoolHand [CoolHand!~CoolHand@Soylent/Staff/Editor/CoolHand] has joined #editorial
[10:19:49] -!- mode/#editorial [+v CoolHand] by Hephaestus
[10:20:22] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!~luser@2-727-666-42.dyn.estpak.ee] has joined #editorial
[10:21:21] FatPhil is now known as SoyGuest34983
[11:35:30] <chromas> Looks like it's all up to you, Fnord666
[11:35:40] * chromas backs into the shadows
[14:41:36] <janrinok> posted 3 stories but that is it for today
[14:42:00] * janrinok can almost hear the sigh of relief from chromas
[14:44:30] * chromas 2nds them by just opening then saving without looking
[14:45:16] <janrinok> lol
[14:47:33] <janrinok> chromas, I've fixed the bug where the processing produces two copies of the same story. I'll send you an update when I have finished testing it and the extra code for your mod.
[14:48:12] <chromas> Do you know what it was? Mine used to do that. It still does on some site I think but I haven't seen it lately
[14:49:08] * janrinok sat in a waiting room doing a line-by-line step through the program until he had identified 2 possible candidates. Got home and tried them both to identify the cause - found - fixed.
[14:49:29] * janrinok got funny looks from the other people in the waiting room ....
[14:49:43] <chromas> For using python 3?
[14:50:03] <chromas> or for single-stepping in the current year?
[14:51:28] <janrinok> I had loads of paper sheets and I was going through the variables keeping records on a large notepad. Occasional curses and the 2 'gotchas' when I found possible causes.
[14:52:13] <janrinok> but gtg now - there is work to be done at this end! Have a good one!
[14:53:07] <chromas> and you too, also
[14:53:16] <janrinok> the bug was caused by a duplicate template entry which appears to have been an editing error at some time...
[14:54:40] <chromas> on the one hand, it's probably disappointing that you did all that code searching for nothing. On the other hand, the code's been audited. On the gripping hand, I never read that book but I know referencing it will get me nerd points
[18:10:23] <carny> running the site looks like it takes a lot of work
[18:12:51] <chromas> The codes we're working on is just our bots & scripts for generating subs
[18:13:23] <chromas> I think the site mostly runs on its own now, with the occasional poke from Bytram or tmb
[19:20:38] -!- ClownHatLinux has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:20:51] -!- ClownHatLinux [ClownHatLinux!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[19:39:52] -!- ClownHatLinux has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:42:20] -!- ClownHatLinux [ClownHatLinux!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[20:45:32] SoyGuest794 is now known as cosurgi
[20:45:36] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[20:45:36] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Misc/cosurgi] has joined #editorial
[21:14:29] -!- RandomFactor has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[21:15:43] -!- RandomFactor [RandomFactor!~IceChat9@629-71-065-58.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #editorial
[23:42:21] -!- MrPlow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:43:02] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #editorial
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[23:43:02] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #editorial