#editorial | Logs for 2019-11-14

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[00:00:38] <chromas> Well anyhow, you can pick the extractor on the sn sub page now, but no title when using storybot until I figure that out
[00:00:43] <chromas> or modify it I guess
[00:22:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> glad i'm not the only one pulling their hair out today
[00:24:46] <chromas> tmb wants to help debug my form's interaction with sn ;)
[00:25:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> if by debug you mean write a back door and offensive easter eggs into, you are absolutely correct
[00:26:00] <chromas> hey that's a great idea!
[00:26:18] <chromas> like rehash's X-Bender, I can so an X-Ethanol-fueled
[00:28:33] * TheMightyBuzzard cackles
[00:29:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> you know, we could totally do an X-MDC
[00:30:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> or grab a random EF line from the logs and put it in the irc motd
[04:11:58] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: yanno, we really *could* do an X-MDC... what a *great* idea!
[04:16:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> slapped in an issue
[04:21:12] <Bytram> way back when I wrote a meta story saying they were installed on our servers... I suppose they could be pulled from there (in whatever dir our furtune files live), or I could actually get around to posting a story with them in it, like was promised.
[04:23:26] <Bytram> Fnord666: Hi!
[04:27:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i think go through ALL his comments so you got some serious variety
[04:27:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> for the header anyway
[04:27:58] <Bytram> how many unique "X-Bender"s are there?
[04:29:25] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[04:29:58] * Bytram shurgs, too.
[04:32:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> looks like about 110
[04:32:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> they're in User.pm
[04:34:07] * Bytram is surprised there are that many.
[04:34:19] <Bytram> brb
[05:11:28] <Bytram> That's four stories pushed. Here's hoping it will get us far enough along that someone else can take it and run with it
[05:12:41] <Bytram> have a great bight everyody
[06:32:19] -!- fungus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[06:32:20] -!- fungus_ [fungus_!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[08:05:22] -!- fyngyrz_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:08:11] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #editorial
[08:08:11] -!- mode/#editorial [+v fyngyrz] by Hephaestus
[08:08:56] -!- cosurgi has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[08:09:07] <janrinok> chromas. To get a title - I assume inside the story you are processing - you have to use a template and the {title} mark. Storybot doesn't just poop out titles on demand, it produces stories. Do you think it needs a title option?
[08:09:13] -!- fungus_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:09:37] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[08:10:01] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@ddibp10.bl.pg.gda.pl] has joined #editorial
[08:11:00] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest21579
[08:44:27] <janrinok> chromas there are 2 template files; one called intro.txt and the other extro.txt. If you invoke templates (-t) and these files do NOT exist then you will get the default Arthur T Knackerbracket header and footer. If they exist but are EMPTY, then you get nothing at all. If they contain text that text will be printed before or after the story as appropriate.
[08:47:41] <janrinok> keywords can be included and will print as their respective values: these are {encoding} {title} {link} {true_url} {datetime} {source} {release} {linecount} and {wordcount}, but more might be added if required.
[08:53:19] <janrinok> So, the easiest way for you to get the title is to produce an intro.txt file containing {title} followed by a carriage return and the title will appear as the first line of the scraped story.
[09:07:01] <chromas> Ah, so I just need to edit a template. cool
[09:07:59] <chromas> I don't think it necessarily needs a title option, but at the moment, I'm only using it per url.
[09:08:44] <janrinok> Incidentally, if you run storybot in the usual mode of extracting everything from the logs, it actually prints out the title and link as it goes through each one. If you are trying to build up an index of titles and links then it already produces the text output for that.
[09:09:09] * chromas looks into the template files
[09:09:33] <chromas> didn't think to look at the .txts, though I did hunt for options in the .py
[09:09:50] <janrinok> the curly brackets are important, of course. And you can add whatever other text you want...
[09:11:25] <janrinok> I really must get a move on with the documentation.... (said yet another well-intentioned programmer)
[09:24:54] <chromas> I'm probably doin' it wrong. When I add -t, nothing changes
[09:25:12] <chromas> if I specify a template file or anything with the -t then it says no
[09:25:32] <chromas> or maybe it doesn't work with -u
[09:25:46] <janrinok> just looking
[09:26:05] * chromas looks around in storybot5.py
[09:26:29] <janrinok> you don't specify a filename - it has to be intro.txt or extro.txt
[09:26:40] <janrinok> the -t option takes no further arguments
[09:28:47] <janrinok> you are correct - it isn't designed to be used with the -u command.
[09:29:12] <janrinok> I'll have to rewrite that section.
[09:29:20] <chromas> I just inserted a print(title) in the url block
[09:29:53] <chromas> I think it's encoded or something though so I'll have a look at that
[09:30:31] <janrinok> print(title.encoding(encoding)) should work of the top of my head
[09:30:50] <chromas> yep I just saw that on the other line and it worked
[09:30:51] <janrinok> ... and I was wrong
[09:31:06] <chromas> so decode(encoding)
[09:31:15] <janrinok> print(title.decode(encoding))
[09:31:25] <janrinok> yep
[09:31:27] <chromas> so now I just need to edit my phpoo and have titles from storybot in the form page
[09:31:52] <janrinok> you can also extract the true_url the same way if that helps you
[09:32:08] <chromas> oh yeah I want that. cool
[09:32:24] <janrinok> that should get rid of the the google links etc
[09:33:04] <janrinok> er, make that actual_url if true_url doesn't work with -u
[09:36:11] <janrinok> when you have finished, let me have your changes and I will include them so that future updates don't break what you are changing now
[09:36:40] <janrinok> ... plus I can document them
[09:36:46] * janrinok falls about laughing
[09:43:54] <chromas> Well the only thing I did was put in
[09:43:54] <chromas> print(actual_url)
[09:43:54] <chromas> print(title.decode(encoding))
[09:43:54] <chromas> starting at line 80
[09:45:07] <chromas> But that should probably require an option or something. I dunno
[09:49:41] -!- ClownHatLinux has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[09:51:45] -!- ClownHatLinux [ClownHatLinux!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[09:52:02] <chromas> fpos bot must have a memory leak
[09:52:11] <chromas> Thanks a lot, garbage collection
[09:53:12] <janrinok> fpos bot - that's a new one on me
[09:54:08] <janrinok> Your suggestions have been incorporated and changes committed to git.
[09:56:24] <chromas> ah oh
[09:56:39] * chromas ducks out before the new code explodes
[10:03:12] <chromas> Ya'know, php is kind of a dildo when it comes to debugging
[10:05:06] <janrinok> in what way?
[10:05:32] <chromas> I misspelled the "implode" function as "impode"
[10:06:01] <chromas> So it was nice enough to just stop outputting text somewhere before that and not say anything
[10:06:32] <janrinok> lol - well it didn't want to frighten you with an error message
[10:06:35] <chromas> there's probably some setting somewhere but I dunno
[10:06:42] <chromas> or maybe it's in the systemd journal
[10:07:20] <janrinok> that's possible a very appropriate name for that routine then ....?
[10:07:27] <chromas> hm. 0 journal entries both for php-fpm and even for apache
[10:07:30] <janrinok> possibly*
[10:11:32] <chromas> There we go. Three scrapers, all in a row
[10:11:37] <chromas> or something. they all work now
[10:11:54] <chromas> still many a bug in my codes though
[10:13:15] <janrinok> that's the fun of coding. In six months time when somebody experiences a problem you can look back at it and say "Why the f$31 did I do that?!"
[10:14:16] <chromas> and then, once I've fixed it, I'll figure out why I did it and have to fix it again
[10:14:31] <janrinok> and you check back with whatever design documentation you have and realise that your code bears little resemblance to what you actually intended to write.
[10:15:09] <janrinok> that's the real value of documentation - it lets you know that you really are an idiot
[10:15:19] <chromas> !grab janrinok
[10:15:19] <Bender> Added quote 85
[10:15:54] * janrinok takes a bow
[10:16:46] <chromas> I'm rewriting some of my phpoos in D now. This code will totally be better this time. I just gotta figure out which of the 875 cgi alternatives I want to use
[10:18:09] <chromas> plain cgi's too slow. I need the performance for the dozens and dozens of bot hits
[10:18:57] <chromas> there's one right now
[10:19:04] <chromas> AhrefsBot
[10:19:23] <janrinok> for me it still doesn't transfer my submission to the SN sub drafting page
[10:19:39] <chromas> that's weird. fpfofsf
[10:20:01] <janrinok> and I cannot get rid of the certificate warnings on PaleMoon. It will not let me download your certificate to add it.
[10:20:27] <janrinok> so possibly the two things are linked - or I am talking out of my arse as usual
[10:23:47] <janrinok> On the plus side - all three of your parsing engines work equally well.
[10:24:23] <janrinok> does this problem only occur when I use it, or have others experienced the same problem?
[10:24:42] <chromas> ooh. what if you do it sans-https?
[10:24:56] <janrinok> worth a try
[10:24:59] <chromas> I don't think anyone else has used it
[10:25:11] <chromas> I did try it from my phone, outside my lan, and it worked okay
[10:25:49] <chromas> probably need to get a Real Certificate™
[10:25:53] <janrinok> no luck - same result for me, it just presents me with an empty SN submission page
[10:27:29] <chromas> :'(
[10:27:51] <janrinok> we need at least one other user to rule out my particular configuration so that you are not chasing something you cannot fix. It is a 30 second test so it shouldn't be too difficult to get some help?
[10:28:57] <janrinok> gtg for a while - back on in an hour or so
[10:30:01] <chromas> G'day
[10:30:21] <chromas> Or g'hour
[10:31:44] <chromas> FatPhil probably wants to give it a go
[10:32:09] <chromas> From the wink dept.
[11:20:32] <FatPhil> what do I need to do? I just woke up, and just had a big lunch, so there's no blood in my bonce-area presently.
[11:36:02] <chromas> http://chromas.0x.no
[11:36:02] <ClownHatLinux> ^ 03Soysub
[11:36:04] <exec> └─ 13Soysub
[11:36:46] <chromas> Paste in a link of some sort and click start at the bottom. It should fill in a form for creating sn subs
[11:37:12] <chromas> when you click Soy preview it should go to soylent's form. For janrinok, it gives an empty form
[11:59:35] * janrinok is still waiting with baited breath.....
[12:00:16] * janrinok corrects that to bated breath
[12:00:37] * chromas bates while holding breath
[12:01:07] * janrinok thinks that chromas will eventually go blind
[12:01:57] * chromas waits with 'bated breath
[12:02:24] * janrinok has just finished his lunch and will probably have a short nap - if the current excitement levels will allow it
[12:02:35] <chromas> if you have baited breath, does tmb stop by and try to go fishing?
[12:02:58] <janrinok> don't want to find out the hard way - I'll go for a nap....
[12:03:21] <chromas> g'noight
[12:03:38] <janrinok> well g'afternoon really...
[12:04:19] <chromas> good poing
[12:04:23] <chromas> g'arvo
[12:51:47] <FatPhil> chromas: soy preview -> blankish form. Only my name/email are filled in.
[12:52:45] <chromas> fpos
[12:52:54] <chromas> thanks for checking
[12:54:07] <chromas> I wonder if there's some sort of ip address/subnet check or something
[13:11:15] <janrinok> chromas, I do believe there is - it is one of the ways that is used to prevent flooding
[13:12:04] <janrinok> but we need to be on another channel to discuss that.
[17:10:18] <RandomFactor> ok, admittedly it was a bit of a stretch, but the original 'it's not hyperbola' dept on the ebola vaccine story. Get it - hype-erbola cuz, it's not hype and it's ebola. I intended that lame typo (not my fault it looks like all my other typos). A tragic loss for all but the most diligent of
[17:10:18] <RandomFactor> soylent historians who will be bereft of that fine wit
[17:10:18] <RandomFactor> ticism in future ages.
[17:24:03] <chromas> Did it get changed?
[17:46:40] <RandomFactor> oh yah, i'm assuming someone figured i meant 'hyperbole', which is gramatically and intuitively correct, not things i care about :-)