#editorial | Logs for 2019-11-02

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[00:14:37] <Fnord666> Evening all
[00:27:45] <chromas> =g'day Fnord666
[00:27:45] * ClownHatLinux erratically impales a dutch oven of oil on Fnord666
[00:30:57] <Bytram> ~gday Fnord666
[00:30:59] * exec problematically confiscates a jar jar of jelly beans from Fnord666
[00:31:26] <Bytram> no fried jelly beans for you!
[00:31:35] <Bytram> ;)
[00:31:49] <Fnord666> ~gday Bytram
[00:31:51] * exec unabashedly prepares a training bra of buffer underflows for Bytram
[00:32:01] <Fnord666> oh dear
[00:32:26] <Bytram> so, not many less-than-nothings
[00:32:48] <Fnord666> exactly
[01:28:43] <Bytram> sorry, got called away to eat... and now to watch a video, and then prolly to bed.
[01:30:02] <cmn32480> ~gday bytram
[01:30:03] * exec metrosexually snatches an us of chromas' tossed salad from bytram
[01:30:06] <cmn32480> how you feeling?
[01:30:48] <Bytram> surprisingly well, considering everything
[01:31:15] <cmn32480> good
[01:31:18] <cmn32480> glad to hear it
[01:31:20] <Bytram> only pain is at the entry point for the catheter -- upper thigh, near groin
[01:31:27] <Bytram> o/w feeling pretty good.
[01:31:35] <cmn32480> ouch... and good
[01:31:51] <Bytram> got a good night's sleep laast night -- that helped a lot!
[01:32:10] <cmn32480> i bet
[01:32:11] <Bytram> left hand is still a bit wonky, so typing is a bit... challenging
[01:32:29] <cmn32480> it usually helps. especially when you dont' get them often
[01:32:57] <Bytram> being called away by family... so good to "see" you! hope YOU are doing well!
[01:33:03] <cmn32480> rest up
[01:33:06] <cmn32480> glad you are ok
[01:33:13] <Bytram> give my best to J and the kids and the dogs
[01:33:23] <Bytram> ciao for now!
[01:34:22] <Fnord666> good night Bytram
[01:35:15] <Fnord666> glad to hear you're doing better.
[06:02:08] <janrinok> ~tell Bytram Good to 'see' you back on here and we are both pleased that things are looking up for you. Having had a similar event myself about a decade ago I know that it is important that you rest and recuperate, although you will naturally feel an obligation to the site.
[06:04:42] <janrinok> So just take things easy and catch up on your sleep. Fortunately you have relatives who can provide the help that you will initially need and you have a good team behind you here who will keep things going!
[10:56:17] <Bytram> ~tell janrinok Thanks for the kind thoughts! Strangely enough, I find that typing is therapeutic. Improves dexterity and strength of the left hand which is recuperating nicely, but still not 100%
[10:57:15] * Bytram apologizes for not noticing it was the weekend and setting stories to go out on weekday story spacing
[10:57:50] <Bytram> Many *MANY* thanks to whomever straightened it out!
[13:01:24] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[13:01:25] <ClownHatLinux> ^ 03Google pushes further into health care with Fitbit, raising new privacy concerns ( https://www.cnet.com )
[13:01:26] <exec> └─ 13Google pushes further into health care with Fitbit, raising new privacy concerns - CNET
[13:01:27] <exec> └─ 13Google pushes further into health care with Fitbit, raising new privacy concerns - CNET
[15:55:16] <Bytram> =submit https://arstechnica.com
[15:55:17] <ClownHatLinux> Submitting "Because Internet makes a linguist’s case for l33t speak, other online-text fads"...
[15:55:18] <exec> └─ 13Because Internet makes a linguist’s case for l33t speak, other online-text fads | Ars Technica
[15:55:39] <ClownHatLinux> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Because Internet Makes a Linguist’s Case for L33t Speak, Other Online-text Fads" (9 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:55:41] <exec> └─ 13Because Internet Makes a Linguist’s Case for L33t Speak, Other Online-text Fads: SoylentNews Submission
[15:55:53] <janrinok> ~gday Bytram
[15:55:54] * exec socialistically writes a fanfic featuring leathery bag of horny hornets about Bytram
[16:51:04] <Bytram> gday janrinok
[16:51:07] <Bytram> ~gday janrinok
[16:51:09] * exec emphatically whips up a hammerfs volume of dehydrated beer for janrinok
[16:51:32] * Bytram apologizes for only *now* noticing the greeting
[17:38:54] <Bytram> ~blame
[17:38:55] * exec points at Bytram
[17:50:52] <janrinok> Bytram, sorry, back from my steak now!
[17:51:04] <Bytram> no misteak!
[17:51:28] <Bytram> just aminute
[17:51:34] <janrinok> lol - good to 'see' you again! S sends you a double/triple {{{{{{}}}}}}
[17:53:01] <janrinok> She is still in the medical care home until Tuesday but I had to visit her yesterday to break the news of a bereavement in the family. Not someone too close, (the father of my SiL), and it wasn't unexpected but best to do it in person rather than the telephone
[17:53:29] <janrinok> our SiL, not just mine of course
[17:59:19] <Bytram> oh... so sad to hear!
[17:59:27] <Bytram> hoiw are YOU?
[18:22:09] <Bytram> break time; prolly away for several hours.
[18:22:55] <Bytram> queue is okay atm, but could stand some stuffing if anyone feels up to it. Would *love* to see us covered until monday noon!
[18:27:56] <janrinok> there he goes, begging again....