#editorial | Logs for 2019-10-10

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[00:42:29] <chromas> That's weird. I thought I'd already posted the iPhone crack story
[00:42:38] <chromas> Maybe I've got the alzheimer's
[02:28:01] <Bytram> chromas: !!
[02:28:04] <Bytram> Fnord666: !!
[02:31:13] * Bytram is looking for stories he can submit
[02:31:17] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:31:18] <upstart> ^ 03It's National Moldy Cheese Day and NASA has a message for you ( https://www.cnet.com )
[02:31:18] <exec> └─ 13It's National Moldy Cheese Day and NASA has a message for you - CNET
[02:32:11] <Bytram> that was a big meh.
[02:36:08] <chromas> Fnord666++
[02:36:08] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 111
[02:36:22] <chromas> Bytram++
[02:36:22] <chromas> janrinok++
[02:36:22] <Bender> karma - bytram: 83
[02:36:22] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 71
[02:36:26] <chromas> increments all around
[02:37:15] <Bytram> chromas++ thanks for pushing out a story earlier!
[02:37:15] <Bender> karma - chromas: 96
[02:39:16] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:39:17] <upstart> ^ 03Virgin Orbit aims to launch world's first commercial Mars satellite mission ( https://www.cnet.com )
[02:39:18] <exec> └─ 13Virgin Orbit aims to launch world's first commercial Mars satellite mission - CNET
[02:40:43] <Bytram> https://virginorbit.com
[02:40:44] <upstart> ^ 03SatRevolution, Virgin Orbit and Polish Universities Establish Mars Consortium
[02:40:45] <exec> └─ 13SatRevolution, Virgin Orbit and Polish Universities Establish Mars Consortium | Virgin Orbit
[03:16:21] <Bytram> ~arthur https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:16:24] <exec> 1095 stories loaded
[03:16:24] <exec> story not found
[03:16:28] <Bytram> ~arthur https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:16:32] <exec> └─ 13Human gut microbes could make processed foods healthier: A specific microbe can break down a chemical common in manufactured foods -- ScienceDaily
[03:16:35] <exec> 1095 stories loaded
[03:16:36] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Human gut microbes could make processed foods healthier"
[03:17:05] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[03:17:11] <exec> 1094 stories loaded
[03:20:44] <Bytram> =submit https://www.cnet.com from the where-are-we-going-to-find-tiny-humans dept.
[03:20:45] <upstart> Submitting "Virgin Orbit aims to launch world's first commercial Mars satellite mission"...
[03:20:45] <exec> └─ 13Virgin Orbit aims to launch world's first commercial Mars satellite mission - CNET
[03:21:07] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Virgin Orbit Aims to Launch World's First Commercial Mars Satellite Mission" (5 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:21:11] <Bytram> =submit https://www.pge.com
[03:21:13] <upstart> Submitting "Public Safety Power Shutoff Event"...
[03:21:35] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Public Safety Power Shutoff Event" (4 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:24:52] <Bytram> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[03:24:53] <upstart> ^ 03Father of Unix Ken Thompson checkmated as his old password has finally been cracked ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[03:24:54] <exec> └─ 13Father of Unix Ken Thompson checkmated as his old password has finally been cracked • The Register
[03:28:39] <Bytram> =submit https://www.theregister.co.uk from the "Check" this out! dept.
[03:28:40] <upstart> Submitting "Father of Unix Ken Thompson checkmated as his old password has finally been cracked"...
[03:28:40] <exec> └─ 13Father of Unix Ken Thompson checkmated as his old password has finally been cracked • The Register
[03:29:02] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Father of Unix Ken Thompson Checkmated as His Old Password Has Finally Been Cracked" (11 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:45:47] <Bytram> =submi https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:45:49] <exec> └─ 13How do the strongest magnets in the universe form? Team simulates basic conditions for the formation of magnetic stars -- ScienceDaily
[03:48:44] <Bytram> time for bed ---
[03:49:34] <Bytram> good nigt everbody!t
[03:51:00] <Bytram> nh
[07:48:01] -!- carny has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[07:49:17] -!- carny [carny!~carny@23.129.vu.yxz] has joined #editorial
[15:15:30] -!- carny has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:15:45] -!- carny [carny!~carny@23.129.ww.inx] has joined #editorial
[16:34:23] <Bytram> whereto? https://techxplore.com
[16:34:24] <upstart> ^ 03Technology to use hot air balloons for rocket launches competes in a startup battlefield
[16:45:45] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:45:46] <upstart> ^ 03A mob of horny tarantulas is prowling San Francisco ( https://www.cnet.com )
[16:45:47] <exec> └─ 13A mob of horny tarantulas is prowling San Francisco - CNET
[16:54:13] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.wsj.com
[16:54:14] <upstart> ^ 03Don’t Be Alarmed by Armies of Tarantulas. They’re Just Looking for Love.
[16:54:15] <exec> └─ 13Don’t Be Alarmed by Armies of Tarantulas. They’re Just Looking for Love. - WSJ
[16:54:22] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.wsj.com
[16:54:24] <exec> └─ 13Don’t Be Alarmed by Armies of Tarantulas. They’re Just Looking for Love. - WSJ
[16:54:24] <upstart> ^ 03Don’t Be Alarmed by Armies of Tarantulas. They’re Just Looking for Love.
[17:00:36] <janrinok> Bytram, !!! Don't usually see you on here at this time
[17:01:03] <Bytram> is my [historical] day off each week, but that will be changing soon.
[17:01:26] <janrinok> you mean they will change the day, or you won't get a day off :)
[17:01:54] <Bytram> In a couple/three weeks I will have no designated day off until after xmas
[17:02:42] <Bytram> I tossed a couple subs in the queue... noticed you had pushed out a few (thanks!)
[17:08:07] <janrinok> thanks for the subs - but I hope that you can get sometime off that suits you
[17:08:23] <Bytram> goose looks at gander
[17:08:35] <Bytram> ;)
[17:08:42] <janrinok> I've retired! But I get the point...
[17:09:08] <Bytram> mind, that was not meant as.. an at'tack'
[17:09:24] <janrinok> not taken as such - I know you better than that
[17:09:45] * Bytram was *tryung* to come up with a punny retort
[17:12:18] <Bytram> chromas++ This prescraper is proving quite helpful, especially in resolving imbedded URLs and removing extra attributes from elements: https://chromas.0x.no
[17:12:18] <Bender> karma - chromas: 97
[17:13:14] <janrinok> what is the command for the prescraper?
[17:13:56] <Bytram> just use the ^^^ url, paste in a link, and click the start button
[17:15:14] <janrinok> whoa, back up - click the start button in what?
[17:15:19] <Bytram> https://chromas.0x.no
[17:15:50] <Bytram> ^^^ load that page
[17:16:11] <Bytram> In the text entry box "Links & text:" enter one or more URLs
[17:16:33] <Bytram> then, below the text entry box, there is a "Start" button. Click it.
[17:17:25] <janrinok> neat!
[17:18:07] <Bytram> See the referenced story's source appear with major cleanup of imbedded links (relative URLs made absolute, extraneous attributes purged (rel="" target="", etc.))
[17:18:52] <Bytram> At the bottom of *that* original page are a couple links...
[17:19:00] <janrinok> seen
[17:19:03] <Bytram> "You can also start subs from feedctl or start from a blank form."
[17:19:09] <Bytram> ninja's
[17:19:12] <Bytram> s/s/d/
[17:19:14] <exec> <Bytram> ninja'd
[17:19:25] <janrinok> haven't got a clue what feedctl is though
[17:20:13] <Bytram> click it and open in a new tab
[17:20:29] <Bytram> like an interactive #rss-bot channel, IIRC
[17:20:54] <janrinok> do we have a page that explains all the commands that are available?
[17:21:43] <Bytram> none that I am aware of; that's a "chromas construction" that I suspect was originally for his own use that he let meknow about
[17:21:51] <janrinok> these bots and tools are all over the place, but I haven't seen any documentation for them
[17:22:27] <janrinok> perhaps we should try to put all these things together, or at least document what is available and how to use it
[17:23:53] <Bytram> yeah, I hear ya.
[17:24:34] <Bytram> except, of course, that this particular resource is not really a 'bot' but, instead, is a web page. <pedant-mode state="off"> ;)
[17:24:47] <janrinok> well, I did say 'tools' as well
[17:25:04] <Bytram> yes, you did.
[17:25:24] <Bytram> sorry, tired and a bit short on sleep; I apologize for unnecessary needling
[17:27:41] <janrinok> I cannot get it to do a preview or submission, but that might be a configuration problem with my browser
[17:27:52] <Bytram> hmmm
[17:28:09] <Bytram> let's start with an easy test
[17:28:19] <Bytram> just one moment
[17:29:24] <janrinok> it just takes me to the soylent submission editing page, but it is the standard page with no data in it.
[17:30:05] <Bytram> I don't recall if I tried that or not, I just use it as a first-pass filter for cleaning up the story text to a link that
[17:30:19] <Bytram> I had found in, say, #rss-bot channel
[17:31:23] <Bytram> Then, once the cleaned page source appears, I tend to "select all" / copy, and then paste it into a standard soylentnews story submission page.
[17:31:52] <janrinok> ah, OK, I've reached the same stage then
[17:32:19] <Bytram> so long as it is not stage fright... ;)
[17:32:25] <janrinok> lol
[17:45:57] <Bytram> finally, that's another one in the hopper.
[17:46:17] <Bytram> break time
[18:03:30] <chromas> if you press Soy Preview it takes you to the story submission form with the stuff fillied in
[18:04:50] <janrinok> chromas, it _should_ do that, but for me I just get the blank submission page
[18:05:12] <chromas> Might be broke, like the blank form link
[18:05:40] <janrinok> SoyPreview and SoySub both do exactly the same thing. I've got js enabled.
[18:06:57] <janrinok> I like the tool though, especially as it works in a browser whereas mine has a dedicated python program with optional GUI. Your version is much more usable by the community
[18:07:16] <chromas> That's strange; I've used soy sub the last few times I've submitted something sans bot (which is rare)
[18:07:37] <chromas> there's also one that just returns the html without a form and stuff
[18:08:19] <janrinok> perhaps you are using the same machine? I don't know if there are any parameters or bits that are present on your machine that I might not have on mine...
[18:09:06] <janrinok> Yep, I can cut and paste and that works fine, it cleans up the links etc and does exactly what it should other than transfer the data to the soylent submission page
[18:09:24] <chromas> ah, that is one thing I hadn't tested
[18:09:56] <chromas> I have the same ip address as the script so maybe that's why it works for me
[18:10:05] <janrinok> I'll have to learn php so that I can make use of a browser too
[18:10:06] <chromas> well that sucks
[18:10:21] <janrinok> I'm sure there is a way around ity
[18:10:26] <chromas> you can use python or whatever
[18:10:37] <chromas> I'm just using php because I know it a little better
[18:11:06] <chromas> it also grabs a reskey so I can directly submit from the form, but I guess it only works for me
[18:11:09] <janrinok> well it's html and css that I don't know much about (along with a million other things)
[18:12:04] <janrinok> Your software here grabs a reskey too, but perhaps we have to submit it via your machine then?
[18:12:36] <chromas> I wonder what it would do without the reskey
[18:12:51] <janrinok> what the API says it will do - nothing
[18:12:58] <chromas> if it's empty then the SN form should fill it in on preview
[18:13:16] <janrinok> maybe
[18:13:18] <chromas> the submission part is done like an html form
[18:13:32] <chromas> (only for the script; the bot still uses the api)
[18:13:36] <chromas> http://chromas.0x.no
[18:13:42] <janrinok> in which case you will have to obey the 20 second reskey rule
[18:13:56] <chromas> if you tack on a ?url then it gets you the story html
[18:14:34] <janrinok> that last link works fine
[18:14:50] * chromas needs to wrangle the scripts into the same directory
[18:15:58] <chromas> it's uglier because it's made for use by scripts
[18:16:01] <janrinok> would it stress your machine (or you) if I start playing around with the 2 links that you have provided, or would you rather wait until you done some more work?
[18:16:30] <chromas> if you go up a directory, you get my feed reader, and if you tack on a ?sn_sub then it adds buttons to submit stories
[18:16:43] <chromas> Nah, test all you want
[18:17:22] <chromas> I shouldl add some switches to xtractor.php though because if it finds the link in the feed table it caches the text
[18:17:33] * chromas should write some docs
[18:18:37] <janrinok> I was just saying the very same thing to Bytram - there are some useful tools appearing but there is little documentation and no one place to look for instructions. The same applies the many of the bots - the wiki pages are out of date
[18:19:22] <janrinok> I'd not seen your feedctl page until this evening - although I have seen the same data on an SN page
[18:19:36] <Bytram> Well, maybe it would be a good start to just enumerate the bots?
[18:19:42] <Bytram> ~ is for exec
[18:19:47] <Bytram> # is for rustbot
[18:19:52] <Bytram> = is for upstart
[18:19:59] <Bytram> any others?
[18:20:04] <chromas> ! is for Bender
[18:20:16] <Bytram> A is for Apple.
[18:20:18] <chromas> L is for Linx
[18:20:19] <Bytram> ;)
[18:20:33] <Bytram> greatminds++
[18:20:33] <Bender> karma - greatminds: 3
[18:20:35] <chromas> I think those are the only three who do subs
[18:21:17] <chromas> Also, rustbot = MrPlow
[18:21:27] <Bytram> ah, yes. correct.
[18:21:30] <chromas> usually
[18:21:38] <janrinok> lol
[18:21:50] <janrinok> that's a software term - 'usually'
[18:21:57] <chromas> sometimes there's also a PlowKing (for testing I think) and maybe that anti-spam one tmb was working on
[18:22:18] <Bytram> locations of these bots? MrPlow (#) runs on our beryllium server, exec (~) is on one of cmn32480's boxes
[18:22:41] <chromas> and upstart is on my box
[18:23:14] <Bytram> chromas: if you are of a mind to, it would be nice if https://chromas.0x.no had a "Reset" or "Clear all input" button
[18:23:43] <janrinok> The location of the bots is less important imo. But if we would like users to submit more, perhaps we should make it easier for them - although there is no guarantee that it will work. That is why I think chromas' latest tool is a winner. It should work on anybody's browser
[18:24:24] <Bytram> easy++
[18:24:24] <Bender> karma - easy: 1
[18:24:26] <janrinok> chromas++
[18:24:26] <Bender> karma - chromas: 98
[18:24:27] <Bytram> simple++
[18:24:27] <Bender> karma - simple: 1
[18:24:35] <Bytram> chromas++ for good measure
[18:24:35] <Bender> karma - chromas: 99
[18:27:14] <janrinok> can't stop at 99
[18:27:17] <janrinok> chromas++
[18:27:18] <Bender> karma - chromas: 100
[18:27:42] <chromas> There's a link at the top that takes you to the starter form, although it's not really indicated
[18:28:04] <janrinok> I'd found it, but I push or click anything I can find
[18:28:42] <Bytram> saw the link "SN_sub" and mistakenly thought it meant to submit this page to SoylentNews.
[18:28:47] <janrinok> chromas, do you do all of your story processing in php too?
[18:29:25] <janrinok> never let fear of what might happen if you press it from stopping you from doing just that. :)
[18:29:29] <chromas> Processing is in D. I made a command line tool that uses the extraction module the bot uses
[18:29:42] <Bytram> heh
[18:29:50] <janrinok> gotcha - neat
[18:30:08] <Bytram> =cap Impacts of low-dose exposure to antibiotics unveiled in zebrafish gut
[18:30:23] <Bytram> ===> Impacts of Low-Dose Exposure to Antibiotics Unveiled in Zebrafish Gut
[18:30:35] <janrinok> I might use D for a future project, but I've got too much investment in Python3 at present to change mid-course
[18:31:09] <chromas> well we don't have a python submission bot yet
[18:31:17] <chromas> get to work, mistah!
[18:31:21] <janrinok> Bytram, now there's another useful bot command that I didn't know
[18:31:42] <Bytram> does not yet exist. (hint hint)
[18:32:07] <janrinok> I get storybot 5 out and then start thinking about it
[18:32:10] <chromas> easy enough I guess, since I already have that function whipped up for the bo
[18:32:11] <chromas> t
[18:32:13] <janrinok> I'll
[18:32:14] <Bytram> I have one I coded using awk on my local box and when done with its processing puts it in the paste buffer
[18:32:46] <janrinok> brb
[18:33:44] <Bytram> mine still has little gotchas like it fails to capitalize the first word in a quoted phrase, and does not exclude common prepositions and linking words like "Before", "After", and "With"
[18:34:28] <Bytram> OTOH, it *does* correctly produce: "Hyphenated-Word" instead of "Hyphenated-word"
[18:34:44] <janrinok> mine keeps capitalising the letter following an apostrophe
[18:35:23] * Bytram has noticed, but it is so obvious when it happens, there is little risk of our missing it.
[18:35:48] <Bytram> so long as the net result is making it easier than doing it all by hand, it's a win in my book!
[18:36:04] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:36:11] -!- upstart [upstart!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[18:36:17] <chromas> =caps test
[18:36:17] <upstart> Test
[18:36:30] <chromas> =cap test title "blah blah's blah" more stuff
[18:36:30] <upstart> Test Title "blah Blah's Blah" More Stuff
[18:36:53] <chromas> looks like mine needs a-tweakin' as well
[18:37:06] * chromas goes off to tweak his thing
[18:38:54] <chromas> hm
[18:39:07] <chromas> =cap TEST TITLE OF TESTING
[18:39:07] <upstart> TEST TITLE OF TESTING
[18:39:26] <chromas> Looked like it would've lowered "of" but didn't
[18:40:09] <Bytram> fwiw, If I find that the 2nd letter is capitalized, then I leave the word's capitalization unchanged -- assume it is an initialism, acronym, or iThing
[18:40:31] <chromas> me too
[18:40:54] <chromas> but I just noticed the check for article words is case-sensitive, so it only ever lower-cases them if they already are
[18:41:00] <janrinok> I need to solve the Usa, Nasa, Uk sort of problem, but the only obvious way is a look-up table
[18:41:01] <chromas> #smake chromas
[18:41:01] * MrPlow smakes chromas upside the head with bovril
[18:41:09] <Bytram> also, I have a separate tool, tolower, that forces *all* text to lower, so I can do: echo HERE IS SOME TEXT|tolower|cap
[18:41:10] <Bytram> and get "Here is Some Text"
[18:41:23] <Bytram> janrinok: nope.
[18:41:30] <Bytram> look up to what I just wrote
[18:41:43] <Bytram> if 2nd letter ~ [A-Z] then leave unchanged
[18:41:55] <Bytram> =)
[18:42:11] <chromas> What if it's written N.A.S.A.?
[18:42:23] <Bytram> 2nd *letter*
[18:42:23] <chromas> or N.a.s.a.. I'm sure someone would totally do that
[18:42:40] <janrinok> But some of the original sources - outside the quoted story - get it wrong so it needs to be corrected
[18:43:11] <chromas> Don't use a lut for that. it's time to bring in machine learnin'
[18:43:14] <Bytram> catch the 99% of the cases and leave fine tuning to us? As it becomes apparent where the holes are, we can fix those cases then?
[18:43:44] <Bytram> In my mind's eye, I kinda have a state transition model of the processing, but never really wrote it down.
[18:43:45] * janrinok likes the mental challenges
[18:43:58] <Bytram> puzlles++
[18:43:58] <Bender> karma - puzlles: 1
[18:44:02] <Bytram> lol
[18:44:04] <Bytram> puzzles++
[18:44:04] <Bender> karma - puzzles: 1
[18:44:15] <janrinok> yeah, errors like that ....
[18:44:27] <Bytram> janrinok: s/t/w/
[18:44:29] <exec> <Bytram> <janrinok> yeah, errors like what ....
[18:44:34] <Bytram> ??? ;)
[18:44:54] <chromas> Bytram: s/(\/?)/!/g
[18:45:05] * chromas dropped his \\1
[18:45:12] <janrinok> too late - we all saw you! Nah, nah, na -naaah, nah
[18:46:06] * janrinok wonders if that children's taunt is universal or just an English thing....
[18:46:53] <janrinok> I've just noticed that if I post under my own username, I have no karma!
[18:47:15] <janrinok> or submit rather
[18:47:47] <janrinok> perhaps it has logged me out on this machine
[18:48:34] <janrinok> time for me to go. Have a good day/evening/night or whatever!
[18:49:22] <chromas> g'doy
[18:49:26] <Bytram> janrinok: And a *great* night to you , too!
[18:49:44] <janrinok> if I can sleep well, it will be a great night thanks
[18:49:56] * Bytram knows what you mean!
[18:50:08] <Bytram> in fact, now would be a good time for a nap
[18:50:31] * janrinok goes to write a program that hammers chromas' new submission tool
[18:50:51] * janrinok ... or sleep
[18:50:59] <chromas> you could probably do it in your sleep
[18:51:20] <janrinok> looking at my software, I think that I might have done so in the past
[18:51:34] <Bytram> why not both? Just... hammer in the morning!
[18:51:39] <janrinok> would explain a lot!
[18:51:44] <janrinok> gtg -bye
[18:52:11] <Bytram> janrinok: laters!
[19:59:27] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.anandtech.com
[19:59:28] <upstart> ^ 03New Tools & IP Accelerate Development of 5nm Arm ‘Hercules’ SoCs
[19:59:29] <exec> └─ 13New Tools & IP Accelerate Development of 5nm Arm ‘Hercules’ SoCs
[20:00:42] <Bytram> =submit from the Mighty-mite-might-be-coming-soon dept. https://www.anandtech.com
[20:00:44] <upstart> Submitting "New Tools & IP Accelerate Development of 5nm Arm ‘Hercules’ SoCs"...
[20:00:44] <exec> └─ 13New Tools & IP Accelerate Development of 5nm Arm ‘Hercules’ SoCs
[20:01:05] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "New Tools & IP Accelerate Development of 5nm Arm ‘Hercules’ SoCs" (10 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:12:12] <Bytram> =g coronated
[20:12:13] <upstart> https://www.merriam-webster.com - Coronate | Definition of Coronate by Merriam-Webster
[20:19:16] <Bytram> heh.
[20:19:25] <Bytram> This is a hoot! https://brians.wsu.edu
[20:19:25] <upstart> ^ 03More Errors (Eggcorns) | Common Errors in English Usage and More | Washington State University
[20:19:28] <exec> └─ 13More Errors (Eggcorns) | Common Errors in English Usage and More | Washington State University
[20:19:54] <Bytram> examples:
[20:19:56] <Bytram> flamingo dancer flamenco dancer
[20:20:14] <Bytram> four-stair heating forced-air heating
[20:20:29] <Bytram> gentile manners genteel manners
[20:20:43] <Bytram> glaucomole glaucoma
[20:20:55] <Bytram> gorilla warfare guerilla warfare
[20:21:12] <Bytram> Heineken remover Heimlich maneuver
[20:22:04] <Bytram> immaculate degeneration macular degeneration
[20:22:04] <Bytram> in sink in synch
[20:22:47] <Bytram> ivy tower ivory tower
[20:23:33] <Bytram> misconscrew misconstrue
[20:23:46] <Bytram> muncho man macho man
[20:24:50] <Bytram> parody of virtue paragon of virtue
[20:25:30] <Bytram> piece of mind peace of mind
[20:25:58] <Bytram> pot-bellied politics pork-barrel politics
[20:27:01] <Bytram> shock ways shockwaves
[20:28:09] <Bytram> techknowledgy technology
[20:28:36] <Bytram> two sense worth two cents’ worth
[20:29:11] <Bytram> tyrannical yolk tyrannical yoke
[20:29:19] <Bytram> very close veins varicose veins
[20:29:47] <Bytram> windshield factor wind chill factor
[21:04:14] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[21:04:16] <upstart> ^ 03PayPal Withdraws Support for Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency - SoylentNews
[21:04:17] <exec> └─ 13PayPal Withdraws Support for Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency - SoylentNews
[21:06:03] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[21:06:05] <upstart> ^ 03Visa, Mastercard Reportedly Reconsidering Support For Facebook's Libra - SoylentNews
[21:06:06] <exec> └─ 13Visa, Mastercard Reportedly Reconsidering Support For Facebook's Libra - SoylentNews
[21:07:04] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[21:07:07] <upstart> ^ 03Why You May Have to Wait Longer to Check Out an E-Book from Your Local Library - SoylentNews
[21:07:08] <exec> └─ 13Why You May Have to Wait Longer to Check Out an E-Book from Your Local Library - SoylentNews
[21:07:13] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[21:07:14] <upstart> ^ 03Stormclouds Gather for Facebook's Libra Currency - SoylentNews
[21:07:16] <exec> └─ 13Stormclouds Gather for Facebook's Libra Currency - SoylentNews
[21:08:05] <Bytram> =g mastercard
[21:08:06] <upstart> https://www.mastercard.us - Mastercard - Global Leading Company in Payment Solutions ...
[21:26:18] <Bytram> =g faux pas
[21:26:19] <upstart> https://www.merriam-webster.com - Faux Pas | Definition of Faux Pas by Merriam-Webster
[21:28:32] <Bytram> Grrr.
[21:30:22] <Bytram> I cannot submit a story that contains an HTML table element. Makes sense, I suppose. Will submit, accept, edit the table back in, and flag as NOT Display to ensure another editor took a look at it to approve the story.
[21:30:56] <Bytram> Saved
[21:31:06] <Bytram> Reloaded from submissions queue.
[21:31:22] <Bytram> Original story source pasted back in.
[21:47:26] <Bytram> made a couple additions and tidied up some
[21:52:36] <Bytram> and saved.
[21:52:47] <Bytram> that's it. NOW I am going for a nap
[21:52:50] <Bytram> laters