#editorial | Logs for 2019-09-30

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[01:45:44] <Bytram> =submit https://www.cdc.gov
[01:45:45] <upstart> Submitting "Notes from the Field: Zoonotic Mycobacterium bovis Di"...
[01:45:45] <exec> └─ 13Notes from the Field: Zoonotic Mycobacterium bovis Disease in Deer Hunters — Michigan, 2002–2017 | MMWR
[01:46:07] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Notes From the Field: Zoonotic Mycobacterium Bovis Di" (4 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:37:17] <Bytram> =g slashdot page widening troll
[03:37:18] <upstart> http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au - Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia > Slashdot trolling phenomena
[03:43:24] <Bytram> heh!
[03:43:59] * Bytram watched every single one of those appear on /.
[03:44:21] <Bytram> The one in particular I was referring to was: http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au
[03:44:23] <exec> └─ 13Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia > Slashdot trolling phenomena
[03:44:53] <Bytram> PASTE BEGIN
[03:44:55] <Bytram> Page widening/Lengthing These are attempts to widen pages beyond readabillity by posting a continuous line of characters. Most likely due to its character-width, the uppercase letter 'W' is very popular for these. However, a good number of browsers are no longer susceptible to this. Example (http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=46444&cid=4783631)
[03:44:56] <upstart> ^ 03Linux Kernel 2.2.23 Released - Slashdot ( https://slashdot.org) )
[03:44:57] <exec> └─ 13Linux Kernel 2.2.23 Released - Slashdot
[03:44:59] <Bytram> PASTE END
[03:45:01] <Bytram> lol
[03:45:07] <Bytram> .
[03:45:28] <chromas> https://en.wikipedia.org
[03:45:29] <upstart> ^ 03Slashdot - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[03:45:30] <exec> └─ 13400 Bad Request
[03:45:47] <chromas> aw
[03:46:05] <chromas> redirect--
[03:46:06] <Bender> karma - redirect: -1
[03:50:04] <Bytram> So, here is the problem I am struggling with. How can I publish tables of data to the site, laid out with ASCII characters, so that they DO NOT wrap around if a line is wider than the "display area" without hard-coding a specific width? At the point the code wants to do a word wrap onto the next line, I would prefer to see a horizontal bar appear.
[03:50:56] <Bytram> That is, if necessary. Skinny ASCII-tables should just be presented as-is.
[03:51:05] <Bytram> here are a couple examples
[03:51:21] <Bytram> PASTE BEGIN
[03:51:48] <Bytram> <ecode>
[03:51:48] <Bytram> mysql> SELECT * FROM example_table ORDER BY id ;
[03:51:48] <Bytram> +----+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
[03:51:48] <Bytram> | id | somefield | otherfield |
[03:51:49] <Bytram> +----+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
[03:51:52] <Bytram> | 1 | there is a single space between each and every word in this entry in this field | and each one of these words is also single-spaced |
[03:51:55] <Bytram> | 2 | there are five words here | here are four words |
[03:51:58] <Bytram> | 3 | three words here | two words |
[03:52:01] <Bytram> +----+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
[03:52:06] <Bytram> 3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
[03:52:08] <Bytram> mysql>
[03:52:10] <Bytram> </ecode>
[03:52:12] <Bytram> <ecode>
[03:52:14] <Bytram> mysql>
[03:52:16] <Bytram> SELECT * FROM USPS_abbr ORDER BY state ;
[03:52:18] <Bytram> +------+----------------+
[03:52:20] <Bytram> | abbr | state |
[03:52:22] <Bytram> +------+----------------+
[03:52:24] <Bytram> | AL | Alabama |
[03:52:26] <Bytram> | AK | Alaska |
[03:52:28] <Bytram> | AZ | Arizona |
[03:52:30] <Bytram> | AR | Arkansas |
[03:52:32] <Bytram> | CA | California |
[03:52:36] <Bytram> | CO | Colorado |
[03:52:38] <Bytram> | CT | Connecticut |
[03:52:40] <Bytram> | DE | Delaware |
[03:52:42] <Bytram> | FL | Florida |
[03:52:44] <Bytram> | GA | Georgia |
[03:52:46] <Bytram> | HI | Hawaii |
[03:52:48] <Bytram> | ID | Idaho |
[03:52:50] <Bytram> | IL | Illinois |
[03:52:52] <Bytram> | IN | Indiana |
[03:52:54] <Bytram> | IA | Iowa |
[03:52:56] <Bytram> | KS | Kansas |
[03:52:58] <Bytram> | KY | Kentucky |
[03:53:00] <Bytram> | LA | Louisiana |
[03:53:02] <Bytram> | ME | Maine |
[03:53:06] <Bytram> | MD | Maryland |
[03:53:08] <Bytram> | MA | Massachusetts |
[03:53:10] <Bytram> | MI | Michigan |
[03:53:12] <Bytram> | MN | Minnesota |
[03:53:14] <Bytram> | MS | Mississippi |
[03:53:16] <Bytram> | MO | Missouri |
[03:53:18] <Bytram> | MT | Montana |
[03:53:20] <Bytram> | NE | Nebraska |
[03:53:22] <Bytram> | NV | Nevada |
[03:53:24] <Bytram> | NH | New Hampshire |
[03:53:26] <Bytram> | NJ | New Jersey |
[03:53:28] <Bytram> | NM | New Mexico |
[03:53:30] <Bytram> | NY | New York |
[03:53:32] <Bytram> | NC | North Carolina |
[03:53:36] <Bytram> | ND | North Dakota |
[03:53:38] <Bytram> | OH | Ohio |
[03:53:40] <Bytram> | OK | Oklahoma |
[03:53:42] <Bytram> | OR | Oregon |
[03:53:44] <Bytram> | PA | Pennsylvania |
[03:53:46] <Bytram> | RI | Rhode Island |
[03:53:48] <Bytram> | SC | South Carolina |
[03:53:50] <Bytram> | SD | South Dakota |
[03:53:52] <Bytram> | TN | Tennessee |
[03:53:54] <Bytram> | TX | Texas |
[03:53:56] <Bytram> | UT | Utah |
[03:53:58] <Bytram> | VT | Vermont |
[03:54:00] <Bytram> | VA | Virginia |
[03:54:02] <Bytram> | WA | Washington |
[03:54:06] <Bytram> | WV | West Virginia |
[03:54:08] <Bytram> | WI | Wisconsin |
[03:54:10] <Bytram> | WY | Wyoming |
[03:54:12] <Bytram> +------+----------------+
[03:54:14] <Bytram> 50 rows in set (0.02 sec)
[03:54:16] <Bytram> mysql>
[03:54:18] <Bytram> </ecode>
[03:54:20] <Bytram> PASTE END
[03:54:55] <chromas> Why do you want it to not wrap?
[03:58:05] <chromas> you can try <td style="white-space:nowrap">
[03:58:22] <Bytram> looking at it using my cell phone, the wider tables are incredible difficult to match values to the column they are in.
[03:58:27] <Bytram> cf: https://soylentnews.org
[03:58:28] <upstart> ^ 03Error ( https://soylentnews.org )
[03:58:29] <exec> └─ 13Error
[03:59:57] <chromas> that doesn't have any tables though
[04:00:27] <Bytram> Huh? Did I paste the wrong link? Just a sec
[04:00:41] <chromas> "The Curious Case of the Missing Journal Entry"
[04:00:56] <chromas> it's all fake tables using <tt>
[04:01:05] <Bytram> yes, those are the ones.
[04:01:34] <Bytram> You might notice the example I pasted above is of the same layout and formatting.
[04:02:43] <Bytram> Now, take a look at https://chillax.soylentnews.org
[04:04:10] <Bytram> You'll will notice if you scroll down a ways, that it *is* possible to add horizontal scroll bars
[04:04:16] <chromas> you could throw in a style="white-space:nowrap" if rehash didn't strip everything away for no reason
[04:04:53] <chromas> I don't have an account on that rehash
[04:05:20] <Bytram> But I do not want to unnecessarily have horizontal scroll bars displayed f the contents do not require wrapping.
[04:05:22] <Bytram> k
[04:05:58] <chromas> maybe you can stick the tables into details tags
[04:06:06] <chromas> or spoiler, if it works similar
[04:06:19] <chromas> so they're narrow until someone expands it
[04:06:26] <Bytram> here is an example of the code which forces a fixed width:
[04:06:35] <Bytram> <div style="width: 100%; overflow-x: auto !important; white-space: nowrap !important;">
[04:06:36] <Bytram> <ecode>
[04:06:36] <Bytram> mysql> DESCRIBE message_log ;
[04:06:36] <Bytram> +-------+-----------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+
[04:06:36] <Bytram> | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
[04:06:36] <Bytram> +-------+-----------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+
[04:06:38] <Bytram> | id | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
[04:06:40] <Bytram> | user | mediumint(8) unsigned | NO | | NULL | |
[04:06:42] <Bytram> | fuser | mediumint(8) unsigned | NO | | NULL | |
[04:06:44] <Bytram> | code | int(11) | NO | | -1 | |
[04:06:46] <Bytram> | mode | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
[04:06:48] <Bytram> | date | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
[04:06:50] <Bytram> +-------+-----------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+
[04:06:52] <Bytram> 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
[04:06:54] <Bytram> mysql>
[04:06:56] <Bytram> </ecode>
[04:06:58] <Bytram> </div>
[04:08:20] <Bytram> .
[04:09:01] <Bytram> thought of <spoiler> or somesuch, but when it gets expanded... we are right back at the beginning.
[04:09:16] <Bytram> Okay, can't stay awake any longer.
[04:09:25] <Bytram> Have a great night everyone?
[04:09:32] <Bytram> s/.$/!/
[04:09:34] <exec> <Bytram> Have a great night everyone!
[04:10:05] <chromas> when it gets expanded, you want it to be wide right?
[04:10:07] <chromas> hm
[04:10:30] <chromas> You could put up a page on one of the servers and just point a link to it
[04:12:03] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:12:49] -!- upstart [upstart!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[06:57:52] -!- carny has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[07:01:15] -!- carny [carny!~carny@23.129.jq.qks] has joined #editorial
[11:33:48] <Bytram> =g UCE
[11:33:49] <upstart> https://www.urbandictionary.com - Uce - Urban Dictionary
[11:33:57] <Bytram> =g UCE usolicited
[11:33:58] <upstart> https://searchcio.techtarget.com - What is UCE (unsolicited commercial email)? - Definition from ...
[11:34:57] <Bytram> =declined
[11:34:57] <upstart> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[11:36:23] <Bytram> =declined [expired|SPC]
[11:36:23] <upstart> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[11:37:03] <Bytram> SPCS == Self-Promoting Commercial Submissions
[11:37:38] <Bytram> "SoylentNews does not accept self-promoting, commercial story submissions."
[11:39:28] <Bytram> chromas: ^^^
[11:39:32] <Bytram> also:
[11:39:43] <Bytram> =declined --list
[11:39:43] <upstart> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[11:39:46] <Bytram> lol
[11:40:25] <Bytram> =declined [--list|--expired|--SPCS]
[11:40:25] <upstart> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[11:47:13] <Bytram> .
[11:47:56] <Bytram> chromas: Sorry for the vague query last night; was exhausted and running on fumes. I'll see if I can post something on dev.
[11:59:46] <Bytram> well!
[12:00:10] <Bytram> I can see it clear as day on staff server, but cannot seem to reproduce it on dev. :(
[12:00:16] <Bytram> also:
[12:00:18] <Bytram> coffee++
[12:00:18] <Bender> karma - coffee: 98
[12:19:44] <janrinok> Oh the disappointment! I've just stopped what I was doing to come and see if there was any response to the investigation story going out - and it is delayed! I'll have to have a cup of tea to calm myself down again.
[12:21:21] <janrinok> Bytram, you are a tease...
[12:22:01] <Bytram> ~blame
[12:22:02] * exec points at Bytram
[12:22:08] <janrinok> it is like waiting for the last series of GoT, only to discover that they are not showing it in France!
[12:22:18] <janrinok> lol
[12:22:27] <Bytram> Waiting for... Bytram!
[12:23:02] <janrinok> hows things Bytram?
[12:23:34] <Bytram> A little tired; only slept 5 hours each of two nights, but got more like 6+ last night, so an improvement.
[12:23:48] <Bytram> How are YOU!
[12:23:54] <janrinok> go back to sleep then! That is what days off are for
[12:23:54] <Bytram> s/!/?/
[12:23:56] <exec> <Bytram> How are YOU?
[12:24:25] <janrinok> I'm OK, but suffering from poor sleep patterns like you
[12:24:40] <Bytram> naps++
[12:24:40] <Bender> karma - naps: 8
[12:25:32] <janrinok> I have to manage my naps around someone else - it doesn't work very well for me
[12:25:36] <Bytram> WHY can't slashcode use proper css to format <ecode>? white-space: nowrap;
[12:25:54] <Bytram> nap together?
[12:26:21] <janrinok> because ne'er-do-wells put the code in their submissions and cock up the system!
[12:26:50] * janrinok is not insinuating that Bytram is a ne'er-do-well....
[12:26:58] <Bytram> Whew!
[12:27:22] * Bytram just finds and reports the results of their efforts
[12:27:51] <janrinok> Actually got a submission this morning from Ari in which he admits he is submitting it to piss me off - he must think it is difficult for me to press 'delete' or something
[12:31:02] <Bytram> Hey... It's a *hack* but I *think* I may have gotten auto-horizontal scrolling to kind of work... wish me luck that it is not *just* working because I am in story preview.
[12:31:05] <Bytram> heh
[12:31:49] <janrinok> I wouldn't have put as much effort into solving that particular problem as you are doing, to be honest.
[12:32:49] <janrinok> I think most will read the Exec Summary and then go no further. Sure, lots of people will want to read it all but not on a cell phone.
[12:34:16] <Bytram> Is not *just* for the community. I think I may have an opportunity to use this in the future to document my "communication skills" should I attempt to apply for a job back in tech.
[12:35:22] <Bytram> Darn! Worked in "preview", but after an update and reload, horizontal scrollbars disappeared. :(
[12:36:45] <Bytram> And when I reload the story in the editing window, and then look at the preview... the horizontal scrollbars are there again!
[12:38:01] <Bytram> IOW, HTML rendering in story preview != HTML rendering as output when viewed on the site.
[12:38:50] <Bytram> ~time x
[12:38:51] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Monday, 30 September 2019, 12:38 pm
[12:45:07] <janrinok> not sure why they should want to filter HTML that we have inserted unless there are normal codes that make a mess of some subsequent processing.
[12:47:37] <Bytram> there are two site vars that provide controls on permitted attributes. One for general users (in story submissions, comments, journal entries) and another set for admins which includes all those allowed for regular users (_RU) and additional ones for admins like when we are editing a story for the main page.
[12:48:20] <Bytram> the site vars are: approvedtags_attr and approvedtags_attr_admin
[12:49:32] <Bytram> At least, as far as I can tell from looking at the source and the docs and the descriptions. But whether or not what is says on the tin and what it actually does are one-and-the-same, well... that could be another thing altogether!
[12:50:24] <janrinok> well, there's the next problem for you to investigate :)
[12:52:09] <janrinok> ... and of course, hacks shouldn't work anyway - it should be implemented properly or not used at all
[13:03:39] <janrinok> You've delayed it again!
[15:44:23] * Bytram added a "Finding:" paragraph at the conclusion of each "Section" and a final "Conclusion" and "Recommendation" to the end of the document.
[15:45:31] <Bytram> I'm going to have to live with the poor handling of ASCII-formatted tables for now. The problem has been identified as a bug, and upon the site being updated, the story will then be displayed correctly.
[15:45:59] <Bytram> janrinok: That is it. Done. Finis. Thanks so much for your review and feedback!
[15:47:07] <Bytram> And, time for me to head out to meet with some friends. Hope to be back in a couple-few hours, depending on what I see develop in the comments and whether or not they can be responded to using my cell phone, or are better dealt with using my home PC.
[15:47:23] <Bytram> laters!
[18:16:15] <Bytram> Update to the investigation: It seems links to comments are having their ampersands "eaten". JR reported it to me once, I fixed it. And they came back again.
[18:16:51] <janrinok> perhaps the database is hungry - feed me, FEED ME!
[18:23:12] <Bytram> I'm starting to think that using "&amp;" in URLs is the cause of the problem. That is the correct and recommended syntax, but since when has that stopped the code from doing it's own thing? ;)
[18:23:33] <Bytram> Have updated the story so that all links to comments use bare & characters.
[18:24:13] <janrinok> well, it occurs in every other comment link without problem, so while it might be related I'm reluctant to claim it might be the cause.
[18:24:52] <Bytram> Also, previously, moved a chunk of text down to Extended Copy section to make what appears on the main page < 800 words!
[18:25:37] <janrinok> I noticed that - I hope that you are (rightfully) proud of the results of your efforts?
[18:26:05] <Bytram> ~eds WRT Site Investigation. In all cases, I am maintaining a local file to which I make changes, and then copy/paste to the site. Any locally-made changes are likely to get dropped.
[18:26:06] <exec> editor ping for Bytram (reason: wrt site investigation. in all cases, i am maintaining a local file to which i make changes, and then copy/paste to the site. any locally-made changes are likely to get dropped.): janrinok n1 nick Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 FatPhil mrpg chromas fyngyrz
[18:26:54] <Bytram> After I added a Finding: entry in each "section" and a final conclusion at the end of the document, I am MUCH more comfortable with how it came out.
[18:27:05] <Bytram> thanks for the kind words.
[18:27:26] <janrinok> np - you did the work. We just sat on the sidelines and cheered occasionally
[18:28:26] <Bytram> You have no idea how much the occasional encouragement has helped!
[18:28:42] <Bytram> that was one long long slog!
[18:29:01] <janrinok> oh, I think I have, my memory is not as bad as all that...
[18:30:17] <janrinok> ... and I'm going to try to put out no more that 5 stories in a single day, and I will spend some more time with S (who, unsurprisingly, sends you her best as usual)
[18:31:30] <Bytram> Couldn't have done as much as I did without your solid and continued support, especially in feeding the ever-hungry story queue!
[18:32:04] <janrinok> I hope somebody helps out by filling the queue for today and tomorrow morning - I'm nearly ready for my bed again
[18:34:43] <Bytram> I already pushed out another story to give us some "breathing space"
[18:35:00] <janrinok> noted
[18:35:00] <Bytram> Will see what I can do to get us a larger buffer
[18:35:15] <janrinok> I think you should be having a coffee and a rest now!
[18:36:15] <Bytram> actually, I hear the call of having already had plenty of coffee... brb!
[19:20:40] <Bytram> =g model view controller
[19:20:40] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - Model–view–controller - Wikipedia
[19:51:55] <Bytram> =g noreferrer
[19:51:56] <upstart> https://www.forbes.com - The Difference Between Nofollow and Noreferrer, and Why it Matters
[22:13:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~eds stories queue has been empty for three hours or so
[22:13:12] <exec> editor ping for TheMightyBuzzard (reason: stories queue has been empty for three hours or so): janrinok n1 nick Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 FatPhil mrpg chromas fyngyrz