#editorial | Logs for 2019-09-27

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[00:55:27] <Fnord666> That's it for me for now. I'll check on the story queue after midnight
[00:55:47] <chromas> Fnord666++
[00:55:47] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 103
[00:55:50] <Bytram> Fnord666++ thanks so much!
[00:55:50] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 104
[00:55:53] <Fnord666> midnight ER that is
[00:56:00] <Fnord666> ET
[00:56:06] <Bytram> ER? Emergency Room?
[00:56:07] <Fnord666> phone home!
[00:56:13] * chromas sprinkles Skittles around
[00:56:22] <Bytram> LOL!
[00:56:34] <Fnord666> They paid a bunch of money to have it be skittles
[00:56:34] * Bytram gets his bike for a ride across the moon
[00:56:51] <Bytram> One of these days, Alice... One of these days!
[00:56:56] <Fnord666> lol
[00:57:04] <Bytram> And IIRC, Reeses passed up the opportunity
[00:57:13] <Bytram> s/up/on/
[00:57:13] <Fnord666> yup
[00:57:15] <exec> <Bytram> And IIRC, Reeses passed on the opportunity
[00:57:25] <Bytram> can you say "oops!"
[00:57:35] * Fnord666 says "oops"
[00:57:38] <Fnord666> yup!
[00:57:57] <Fnord666> biab
[00:57:59] <Bytram> btw, anyone here know what "vBulletin" *is*?
[00:58:16] <Bytram> =g vBulletin
[00:58:17] <upstart> https://www.vbulletin.com - vBulletin 5 Connect, The World's Leading Community Software
[00:58:17] <Fnord666> It's a forum
[00:58:27] <Fnord666> bullitin board code to handle forums
[00:58:35] <Bytram> do I need to wear a toga?
[00:58:59] <Fnord666> toga! toga! toga! - John Belushi
[00:59:06] <Bytram> LOL!!!!
[00:59:27] <Bytram> Much better than "Tora! Tora! Tora!"
[00:59:58] <Fnord666> "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" - Bluto
[01:00:12] <Bytram> *groan*
[01:00:42] <Fnord666> :)
[01:00:46] <Fnord666> back later
[01:01:24] <Bytram> ciao for now!
[02:09:39] <chromas> Mars passed up. Reese's were the pieces for the species
[02:10:52] <Bytram> I sit corrected.
[02:11:52] * chromas transmits a bucket o' Ms to Bytram's desk
[02:27:04] -!- carny has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:27:08] -!- carny [carny!~carny@149.202.yyz.ws] has joined #editorial
[02:35:53] <Bytram> https://t.co
[02:35:55] <exec> └─ 13https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1177314408604680192/photo/1
[02:35:55] <upstart> ^ 03Elon Musk on Twitter ( https://twitter.com )
[03:11:18] <Bytram> =g spacex wikipedia
[03:11:19] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - SpaceX - Wikipedia
[03:26:21] <Bytram> =g spacex announcement september 28
[03:26:21] <upstart> https://www.space.com - SpaceX's Next Starship Prototype Nearly Finished, Elon Musk Says ...
[03:26:35] <Bytram> =g spacex announcement "September 28"
[03:26:36] <upstart> https://www.express.co.uk - SpaceX Starship update: Elon Musk teases Starship getting ready ...
[03:29:39] <Bytram> =g spacex presentation "September 28"
[03:29:39] <upstart> https://www.geekwire.com - SpaceX's Elon Musk tweets a sneak peek at his Starship vision ...
[03:29:51] <Bytram> =g spacex presentation location "September 28"
[03:29:52] <upstart> https://www.cnn.com - Elon Musk shares photos of new Mars rocket prototype - CNN
[03:30:12] <Fnord666> Bytram what are you still doing awake?
[03:30:24] <Bytram> two many naps.
[03:30:43] <Fnord666> two too many?/
[03:30:56] <Bytram> And... trying to find out where and what time Elon Musk is supposed to make his next starship announcements
[03:31:00] <Bytram> yes.
[04:10:06] <Bytram> .
[04:10:06] <Bytram> .
[04:11:17] <Bytram> Well, can't believe it, but the weekend is fast approaching. I'm hoping we can get the story queue stuffed through noonish Monday, as all too often things run dry about then and we're left scrambling to get out stories for Monday AM through noon-ish (EDT)
[04:11:24] <Bytram> .
[04:11:25] <Bytram> .
[04:12:19] <chromas> Just write a script to automatically re-space the stories according to the queue size
[04:12:20] <Bytram> yes, I'm tired and am re-repeating myself. Time for bed.
[04:12:55] <Bytram> have a great night everyone!
[12:34:24] <janrinok> ~tell Bytram I've moved your non-displayed politics story into the weekend and released it. Hope you don't mind. Trying to fill the queues as much as I can, but I've run out of stories that I haven't submitted myself.
[12:34:43] <Bytram> janrinok: much obliged!
[12:34:52] <janrinok> ah, you were hiding there all along
[12:34:56] <janrinok> ~gday Bytram
[12:34:58] * exec amazingly pits an animated gif of meat against Bytram
[12:35:14] <janrinok> ... have some meat
[12:35:58] <Bytram> not a meal w/o potatoes, too. ;)
[12:36:02] <Bytram> ~gday janrinok
[12:36:03] * exec nonchalantly offers a matrix of rocket sauce to janrinok
[12:36:17] <janrinok> Ari is submitting stories in German etc again. I've deleted them.
[12:36:17] <Bytram> hmm, BBQ?
[12:36:26] <Bytram> mare sea
[12:36:33] <janrinok> meat with rocket sauce - my favourite!
[12:36:38] <Bytram> while you are here...
[12:36:45] <janrinok> yup
[12:37:23] <Bytram> I'm thinking that if we post any story that promotes any single viewpoint on the political divide, then we open ourselves up to having to be willing to post *any* of them.
[12:37:50] <janrinok> true - but you know my feelings about any political story
[12:37:56] <Bytram> Democrat, Republican, Alt-Right, Antifa, Alt-Left, whateverism
[12:38:05] <Bytram> nod nod
[12:38:27] <Bytram> As I get older, I am better able to see the wisdom of my elders
[12:38:29] <Bytram> =)
[12:38:31] <janrinok> Well the original argument was that change of US president would affect technology, trade, employment etc
[12:38:48] <janrinok> I don't think we can say that for alt-right or left
[12:39:36] <janrinok> so, while I dislike pol stories, I can see some justification for some of them being acceptable.
[12:40:24] <janrinok> But we must remain neutral otherwise some of the things that we have been accused of will become true, despite our best efforts to avoid that situation
[12:40:26] <Bytram> Strictly political stories? Not interested. Somebody advocates for, say, doubling funding to DARPA, or National Institutes of Health, etc. then, strictly because of the tech angle, I might be tempted to run with it.
[12:41:26] <janrinok> Well in the run up to Pres elections you will find that it gets increasingly difficult to justify how we permit some and refuse others. The easiest way would have been the path that we did NOT take :)
[12:42:23] <Bytram> yes, it's why I'm having this chat with you.
[12:42:35] <janrinok> A statement from you to eds could clarify things if you think it necessary - although I appreciate that you have lots on your plate. When I tried to do the same I was over-ruled
[12:43:25] <Bytram> I'll add the item to the list of things to cover in my next state-of-the-SN-world story. =)
[12:43:51] <janrinok> there was a lot of support from staff to report _everything_ to do with the election, or at least with a broader brush than I would have been comfortable with
[12:43:57] <Bytram> Ultimately, the site is for the community, and we may have to give them enough rope to try it, and hang themselves, if they insist.
[12:44:37] <janrinok> They felt the argument that such 'discussions' always generate lots of participation was more important than the quality of the discussion.
[12:45:02] * Bytram is not ashamed to admit he is willing to learn from his mistakes.
[12:46:14] <janrinok> I'm not blaming you or anyone for what we did. It was always with the best of intentions. The same rule should apply to religion and personal matters (i.e. sex) There is no right answer and you will rarely see anyone change their views after a discussion on line
[12:47:24] <janrinok> and there are still many who think that we should do more political reporting - particularly of the extremes in politics, as we witness regularly
[12:48:49] <janrinok> Anyway, I was in the hot seat when we started it, so if anyone is to blame it should be me
[12:49:45] <Bytram> It has been my observation that those who most would like more political reporting are those with a personal viewpoint they want to promote, but are not-so-willing to extend the same opportunity to those viewpoints they oppose.
[12:50:19] <janrinok> I also advocated that we separate entirely our normal stories and politics, essentially having a separate front page for pol and its own editors, but that was not possible because of the effort involved in writing the code and finding the manning
[12:51:16] <janrinok> You are spot on there - they provide the most unbiased submissions that we see, absolutely contrary to our guidelines
[12:51:52] <Bytram> hey, something I knew that I didn't know I knew!
[12:52:16] <janrinok> I would be much happier if we could separate the two topical themes but I suspect it is just too difficult now
[12:53:23] <Bytram> I've long struggled with understanding when a particular "thing" appears and understanding in which "conceptual bucket" belongs, unless I've previously seen it enumerated. Is like I need a BNF diagram for English!
[12:53:49] <janrinok> I'm not sure if any of this clarifies your own thinking, or whether you are just being polite at letting me rant ;)
[12:54:15] <janrinok> Unpossible! BNF for English!
[12:55:21] <janrinok> time for tea - back in 5
[12:55:43] <Bytram> It does not help that my audio-to-text parser in my head rapidly enumerates all possible words for any given phonetic input: to too two, etc.
[13:03:07] <janrinok> I've noticed you doing a bit of that recently. I could not tell if you were punning on purpose or just so tired that your brain was having problems thinking fast enough - I suspected the latter and have tried to give you as much support as I can over the last few weeks and particularly this week during your vacation.
[13:03:34] <Bytram> generally it is for thew punny
[13:04:10] <janrinok> we - that is the Royal we, which means you - need to get the report out before it becomes pointless
[13:04:45] <janrinok> don't worry about the queues - there are enough of us to pick up that task
[13:05:08] <Bytram> yes, is why I asked for help in stuffing the queue for this w/e
[13:06:03] <Bytram> I've got a phone call in about 10 minutes where I need to go offline, and then it is my plan to focus on that. Need to not have my ssh session get dropped in the middle, so am holding off until after the call.
[13:06:06] <janrinok> well stop even worrying about that - I can always post Arthur stories if there is nothing else. I can generate over 200 a day provided that someone can process them. :)
[13:06:20] <Bytram> jolly good then!
[13:06:23] <Bytram> ;)
[13:07:27] <janrinok> its just that, as you know, we prefer not to release our own subs - but if needs must we can and will. Bit like LamX and someone I know a year or two back
[13:08:06] <Bytram> yeah, cmn and I had several tag-team-submission sessions back in the day.
[13:08:17] <Bytram> s/several/many/
[13:08:19] <exec> <Bytram> yeah, cmn and I had many tag-team-submission sessions back in the day.
[13:09:36] <Bytram> https://twitter.com
[13:09:38] <upstart> ^ 03axi0mX on Twitter
[13:09:38] <exec> └─ 13Twitter
[13:09:56] <Bytram> okay, going off-line for a bit. Nice talking to you!!
[13:11:01] <Bytram> give my best to S and thanks so much for all you've done to make time for me to focus on the investigation!
[13:11:31] <janrinok> S sends you a big hug and kiss
[13:11:36] <janrinok> speak to you laters
[15:24:02] <Bytram> ~arthur https://threatpost.com
[15:24:04] <exec> └─ 13Microsoft Blacklists Dozens of New File Extensions in Outlook | Threatpost
[15:24:06] <exec> 1148 stories loaded
[15:24:06] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Microsoft Blacklists Dozens of New File Extensions in Outlook"
[15:24:36] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[15:24:42] <exec> 1147 stories loaded
[15:24:59] <Bytram> ~arthur https://www.wired.com
[15:25:01] <exec> it has been only 24 seconds since the last submission - please wait
[15:25:02] <exec> └─ 13NASA Wants to Send Nuclear Rockets to the Moon and Mars | WIRED
[15:25:35] <Bytram> ~arthur https://www.wired.com
[15:25:37] <exec> └─ 13NASA Wants to Send Nuclear Rockets to the Moon and Mars | WIRED
[15:25:38] <exec> 1147 stories loaded
[15:25:39] <exec> attempting to submit story: "NASA May Soon Have a Nuclear Rocket for the First Time in 60 Years"
[15:26:09] <exec> error: something went wrong with your submission - maybe try again in a minute
[15:26:15] <Bytram> lol
[15:26:22] <Bytram> =submit https://www.wired.com
[15:26:24] <exec> └─ 13NASA Wants to Send Nuclear Rockets to the Moon and Mars | WIRED
[15:26:25] <upstart> Submitting "NASA Wants to Send Nuclear Rockets to the Moon and Mars"...
[15:26:47] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "NASA Wants to Send Nuclear Rockets to the Moon and Mars" (13 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[17:31:36] <janrinok> Bytram, can I delete those 2 test submissions or do you still need them?
[17:31:55] <Bytram> there's actually 3
[17:32:03] <Bytram> pls move them to hold, if you would?
[17:32:15] <Bytram> thanks for asking!
[17:32:18] <janrinok> I can only see 2, but I will move them to hold
[17:32:40] <Bytram> #3 is at about an hour ago
[17:33:01] <janrinok> only 2, perhaps one of them didn't work?
[17:38:27] <janrinok> Saturday's queue fully stuffed (UTC)
[17:39:02] <janrinok> test #3 is already processed into the story list although it is non-display
[17:44:07] <Bytram> oh, doh! Yep. nvm.
[17:44:47] <Bytram> been making excellent headway
[17:44:50] <janrinok> I could mark it as display again - although the chat on here suggests somebody already tried that
[17:44:54] <Bytram> needa break atm, tho
[17:44:55] <Bytram> afk
[17:45:46] * janrinok sniggers then remembers that his similar cock-up can still be found in Google going back to 2014
[17:51:42] <janrinok> fyi - Arthur has found 332 possible stories today. Some of those will be crap, but about 2/3rds will be usable. Still have to manually check each one as Arthur is stupid when it comes to selecting good stories and rejecting bad....
[17:52:18] * cmn32480 checks to make sure his name hasn't changed to arthur
[17:52:46] * janrinok adds 'write an AI program that can identify good and bad stories' to his todo bucket list
[17:53:20] <janrinok> ~gday cmn - must be after lunch for you to have turned up on here :)
[17:53:22] * exec dexterously writes a fanfic featuring a moldy tome of Debian about cmn
[17:53:35] <cmn32480> ~gday janrinok
[17:53:37] * exec quietly pukes bewb of quests on janrinok
[17:53:40] <cmn32480> and yes it is after lunch
[17:54:02] <cmn32480> J made chili the other night, so I had ledftovers...
[17:54:08] * cmn32480 lights a candle
[17:54:12] <janrinok> I think puked bewbs trumps fanfic of mouldy Debian
[17:54:26] <cmn32480> any bewbs trumps most things
[17:54:43] <janrinok> don't sit too close to that candle after chili
[17:54:53] <cmn32480> sound advice
[17:54:59] <janrinok> say hello to J for me
[17:55:49] <cmn32480> only if you pass my best to S
[17:56:06] <cmn32480> just don't tell her about the chili... I woulnd't want her to think less of me
[17:56:10] <cmn32480> if that is even possible
[17:58:52] <janrinok> S sends you a hug and kiss too. You and Bytram get more than I do nowadays, I think...
[17:59:16] <Bytram> well, you just go back in there and ask for equal time! =)
[17:59:49] <janrinok> we've just had a large mushroom stuffed with fresh crab and a hollandaise sauce, with quinoa and pepper salad
[18:00:10] <janrinok> ... and now I'm having a drink!
[18:00:53] <janrinok> she quite enjoys that 2 people she has never met but 'knows' by name say hello to her
[18:02:34] <janrinok> I'll have to chat to chromas to see what percentage of success upstart has. I might be able to learn something there.
[18:19:25] * Bytram would just like to know the exact sequence of steps needed to submit a story as I already have code to programatically post comments, replies, and perform moderations as well as retrieve those and other things, too.
[18:20:03] <janrinok> you are using the API?
[18:20:47] <janrinok> what language are you writing your code in?
[18:21:04] <Bytram> awk
[18:21:09] <janrinok> lol
[18:21:13] <Bytram> and yes, the API,
[18:21:41] <Bytram> with a smattering of .BAT to encapsulate the various parts/cmds
[18:21:44] <janrinok> do you do it blindfolded with one foot in a bucket of custard, just to make it more difficult?
[18:23:24] <janrinok> how on earth to you call the API in awk?
[18:23:27] * cmn32480 gets the bare electrical wire to hook to the custard for fun
[18:23:54] <Bytram> I don't.
[18:24:30] <Bytram> batch files encapsulate invoking curl and passing around args, either as command line args and/or as environment variables
[18:24:35] <janrinok> we have all these high level languages that make such tasks relatively easy, and you choose awk and .bat....
[18:24:51] <Bytram> was what I had handy at the time.
[18:25:06] <cmn32480> handy implies suitable for the task...
[18:25:10] <janrinok> lol - well, what problem exactly are you encountering?
[18:25:24] <cmn32480> that he is trying to kill a fly with a sledge hammer
[18:25:30] <chromas> Now that you're a linux master, it's time to switch from bat to bash
[18:25:31] * janrinok might regret asking that question
[18:25:56] * cmn32480 shuts up knowing exec submits stuff in php
[18:25:57] <Bytram> I *just* now got a lappy set up with Ubuntu 16.04
[18:26:14] <Bytram> FWIW, I have already written batch programs to:
[18:26:15] <Bytram> SN_API
[18:26:15] <Bytram> SN_API_abort
[18:26:15] <Bytram> SN_API_account_create
[18:26:15] <Bytram> SN_API_comment_get
[18:26:15] <Bytram> SN_API_comment_mod
[18:26:15] <janrinok> I'm full of admiration that you got anything to work, but why are submissions proving difficult
[18:26:17] <Bytram> SN_API_comment_post
[18:26:19] <Bytram> SN_API_comment_reply
[18:26:21] <Bytram> SN_API_comment_reskey
[18:26:23] <Bytram> SN_API_comment_sleep
[18:26:25] <Bytram> SN_API_cookies
[18:26:27] <Bytram> SN_API_cookies_default
[18:26:29] <Bytram> SN_API_curl
[18:26:30] <Bytram> SN_API_discussion_get
[18:26:33] <Bytram> SN_API_domain_set
[18:26:35] <Bytram> SN_API_filters_list
[18:26:37] <Bytram> SN_API_log
[18:26:39] <Bytram> SN_API_mod_bombs_unmod
[18:26:41] <Bytram> SN_API_mod_num_from_str
[18:26:45] <Bytram> SN_API_sid_from_cid
[18:26:47] <Bytram> SN_API_stoid_from_sid
[18:26:47] <chromas> c-c-combobreaker
[18:26:49] <Bytram> SN_API_stoid_from_URL
[18:26:51] <Bytram> SN_API_story_reskey
[18:26:52] <Bytram> SN_API_story_single_get
[18:26:54] <Bytram> SN_API_story_URL
[18:26:57] <Bytram> SN_API_tries
[18:27:10] <Bytram> API was not so clear to me at the time, so I grabbed the low-hanging fruit of watching URLs go by in my browser and following along in the API and asking questions.
[18:27:15] <janrinok> lol - welcome chromas!
[18:27:21] <Bytram> Didn't ask about story subs until...now!
[18:27:55] <janrinok> well, they are no different other than format and op instruction to anything else that you have written
[18:28:42] <janrinok> would it help if I sent you the equivalent in Python?
[18:30:12] <janrinok> cmn32480, php is quite a good choice compared with awk/bat. To be honest, I am impressed!
[18:31:31] <janrinok> have we upset him - he's gone very quiet
[18:32:05] <cmn32480> janrinok - keep in mind: I DIN"T WRITE EXEC.
[18:32:10] <Bytram> lol
[18:32:12] <cmn32480> that was all crutchy
[18:32:20] * Bytram is busy with his investigation
[18:32:22] <janrinok> didn't accuse of you of doing such a thing!
[18:32:31] <Bytram> yes, code would be MOST helpful!
[18:32:37] <janrinok> k
[18:34:47] <chromas> First, do a get with parameters m=story&op=reskey and then wait 20 seconds
[18:34:47] <chromas> Then do a post with m=story&op=post, plus the fields reskey, subj, story, tid (topic id), name, subtype & primaryskid (1)
[18:35:15] <cmn32480> exec's submit code
[18:35:16] <cmn32480> https://github.com
[18:35:16] <upstart> ^ 03crutchy-/exec-irc-bot
[18:35:18] <exec> └─ 13exec-irc-bot/submit.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub
[18:36:18] <janrinok> Bytram, snapi.py on its way via email.
[18:36:41] <chromas> need to run it on a rasp pi
[18:36:46] <chromas> so it's snapi.pi
[18:36:56] <cmn32480> mmmmm pie....
[18:37:02] <janrinok> or should that be snapi.py.pi?
[18:37:21] <cmn32480> snapi.rasp.py.pi?
[18:37:56] <janrinok> don't, you'll make me hungry again
[18:38:04] * Bytram adds to the confusion by noting his alma mater was RPI
[18:38:29] <janrinok> I used to measure RPI of radars
[18:38:46] <cmn32480> I used to measure the diameter with pi
[18:38:49] <janrinok> oh no, that was PRIs and PRFs
[18:38:54] <cmn32480> I used to measure the diameter of pie with pi
[18:39:34] <janrinok> I used to eat pies, still do in fact
[18:39:57] <chromas> rectangles per isosceles
[18:40:45] <janrinok> steak and kidney, fruit, meat and potato, chicken
[18:41:35] <janrinok> I don't think that I have eaten awk, but I have tasted bat
[18:42:34] <chromas> Have you tried sed?
[18:42:44] <janrinok> that's what she sed
[18:57:42] <janrinok> time for me to be gone. Have a good one guys. Probably/possibly see you on here over the w/e
[18:57:55] <janrinok> ~gnight all
[18:57:56] * exec cromulently violates a shitload of steaks with all
[18:58:14] * janrinok thinks that should keep them going....
[18:58:16] <Bytram> ~gnight janrinok
[18:58:18] * exec tediously corrupts a Superbowl of distractions with janrinok
[18:58:33] <Bytram> now THAT should keep ya goin!
[22:31:01] <Bytram> whereto? https://t.co
[22:31:03] <exec> └─ 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aDOpyUmfL4
[22:31:03] <upstart> ^ 03Live! 24/7 SpaceX Boca Chica Complex ( https://www.youtube.com )
[22:35:36] * Bytram sees the clouds rolling in, and no sign of a lightning rod. That could make things, umm, interesting.
[22:38:36] <Bytram> for those of you who have faster connections:
[22:38:37] <Bytram> https://t.co
[22:38:38] <upstart> ^ 03STARSHIP CAM - Spacex Boca Chica Live in 4K ( https://www.youtube.com )
[22:38:39] <exec> └─ 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy7bjxXpJdc
[22:45:03] <Bytram> https://www.teslarati.com
[22:45:04] <upstart> ^ 03SpaceX's Starship Mk1 halves mated to reach full stack height in Boca Chica, TX
[22:45:04] <exec> └─ 13SpaceX's Starship Mk1 halves mated to reach full stack height in Boca Chica, TX