#editorial | Logs for 2019-09-16

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[00:02:56] -!- fyngyrz_ [fyngyrz_!~fyngyrz@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[00:02:56] -!- fungus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:02:56] -!- fyngyrz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:03:22] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[01:26:05] <Bytram> whereto? https://medium.com
[01:26:07] <upstart> ^ 03Adam Fletcher – Medium ( https://medium.com )
[01:37:17] <Fnord666> Evening Bytram!!
[01:37:36] <Bytram> Evening Fnord666!!
[01:38:18] * Bytram is tired from a long day at work after a short night by pushing out a couple stories.
[01:39:21] <Fnord666> JR's been killing it recently
[01:39:34] <Bytram> You ain't been too shabby, yourself!
[01:39:40] <Bytram> Fnord666+++
[01:39:42] <Bytram> Fnord666++
[01:39:42] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 99
[01:39:48] <Bytram> =g agent 99
[01:39:49] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - Barbara Feldon - Wikipedia
[01:39:51] <Fnord666> I'm quite grateful he picked up the slack while I was on vaca
[01:40:24] <Bytram> I just may have helped some with that, too. Also, a shoutout to chromas who stepped in a few times.
[01:40:51] <Fnord666> true dat. I saw everyone posting like mad
[01:41:12] <Fnord666> Bytram++
[01:41:12] <Bender> karma - bytram: 80
[01:41:17] <Fnord666> chromas++
[01:41:17] <Bender> karma - chromas: 90
[01:41:20] <Fnord666> janrinok++
[01:41:20] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 65
[01:41:31] <Bytram> Huh? They may have been quick, but I did not particularly notice anyone who was angry! =)
[01:41:38] <Fnord666> :)
[01:42:01] <Fnord666> made vacation less stressful knowing things were well in hand
[01:42:34] <Bytram> Am so glad you were able to *vacate* on your vacation!
[01:42:48] <Fnord666> :)
[01:47:18] <Bytram> starting on Sat the 21st, I will be on vacation for the last time this year. A much-looked-forward-to 8 days' respite before the slog through the long and busy days of the holidays.
[01:48:12] <Fnord666> Nice!
[01:48:19] <Bytram> agreed!
[01:48:36] <Bytram> Didn't we just recently run a story about the radius of a proton?
[01:49:10] <Bytram> I am looking at a sub right now and know I've read about it before, but not sure if that was here as well as on Ars.
[01:49:41] <Fnord666> hmmm
[01:49:54] * Bytram des a search
[01:49:57] * Bytram does a search
[01:50:13] <Bytram> nope, I guess not.
[01:50:53] <Fnord666> search yields no joy
[01:51:07] <Bytram> is what I found; thanks for the confirmation!
[01:51:22] <Bytram> =g ars technica size of proton
[01:51:23] <upstart> https://arstechnica.com - Physics not “broken” after all? We're close to resolving proton radius ...
[01:51:33] <Fnord666> The COBOL story looks interesting
[01:54:51] <Bytram> Oh, and in answer to your question: yes I did miss you. The *real* question is how much did you miss *us*? =)
[01:55:01] <Fnord666> but it's going to be a rabbit hole for me
[01:56:14] <Bytram> sorry, my connection just hiccuped ...what is going to be a rabbit hole?
[01:56:49] <Fnord666> that cobol story
[01:56:57] <Bytram> well, need a break. Biab.
[01:57:04] <Fnord666> k
[01:57:06] <Bytram> oh. Yep.
[01:58:08] <Bytram> Even though I tested a COBOL compiler and a COBOL workbench back-in-the-day, I found the article to be immensely readable and informative. I might just have picked up a better understanding of things, too! ;)
[01:58:18] <Bytram> now time for a break; biab
[02:07:20] <Bytram> back
[02:09:12] <Fnord666> k
[02:09:54] <Fnord666> I did miss having the opportunity to chat with everyone here while I was gone
[02:11:23] <Fnord666> We did not get to see any bears however we did see a bunch of humpback whales, sea otters and lazy sea lions sunning themselves on a buoy
[02:11:56] <Fnord666> also got to tour the Alaskan Brewing Co and sample their product
[02:13:39] <Fnord666> Coolest thing there was that they a had a number of 1 barrel setups that any full time employee could use to experiment with
[02:14:15] <Fnord666> a few experiments have even made it into their product line over the years!
[02:15:04] <Fnord666> re the COBOL article I may be downloading hercules to install on a PC in the near future.
[02:15:27] <Fnord666> I actually played with it some years ago but it was still very early in the project
[02:16:53] <Fnord666> The software I work on for my day job is written in mainframe assembler and runs on an IBM z14. I was hoping to create a development environment that could be loaded onto a PC
[02:18:29] <Bytram> My connection just burped again. :/(
[02:18:50] <Bytram> sounds like a nice trip... Good. For. You!
[02:19:42] <Fnord666> nice weather too in Alaska. high 50s to low 60s. Apparently the coastal towns don't get much snow either
[02:20:07] <Fnord666> More like Seattle weather but chillier
[02:21:30] <Fnord666> and RE COBOL we do the same thing in assember, using fixed point rather than floating point
[02:22:24] <Bytram> COBOL is just assembler with more and longer words
[02:22:30] <Bytram> ;)
[02:22:42] <Fnord666> :)
[02:23:05] <Fnord666> Aren't almost all programming languages, essentially?
[02:23:29] <Bytram> And, if you take a close look, much the same can be said about FORTRAN, and to a lesser extent, C.
[02:23:32] <Fnord666> functional languages excluded or course. Those are just dark magic
[02:23:34] <Bytram> Nope.
[02:24:09] <Bytram> If they were, compilers would not need to be as complex as they are.
[02:24:24] <Bytram> Case in point: Java and C++
[02:24:27] <Fnord666> All the ALGOL based languages boil down to the same fundamental constructs and it just becomes syntax at that point.
[02:24:45] <Bytram> nod nod
[02:24:59] <Bytram> ever program in LISP?
[02:25:18] <Fnord666> Yes, and prolog. MAde my head hurt
[02:25:20] <chromas> LITHP
[02:26:16] <Bytram> Do you know the origins of "CAR" and "CDR"?
[02:27:10] <Fnord666> I don't think I do. Please enlighten me!
[02:27:35] <Bytram> CAR = "Contents of the Address Register" and CDR = "Contents of the Data Register"
[02:27:54] <Fnord666> definitely did not know that
[02:27:55] <Bytram> They're just pointers!
[02:27:55] <Fnord666> cool
[02:27:59] <Bytram> nod nod
[02:29:12] <Fnord666> were you working with C++ when it first appeared?
[02:29:33] <Fnord666> nothing but a preprocessor that turned the new code into normal C
[02:30:28] <Bytram> Have not programmed in C++, but I did enough C programming back when C++ was coming around to have see that stage in Microsoft's C Compiler.
[02:31:13] <chromas> Does that mean people who don't like Qt because it's preprocessor heavy are hypocrites?
[02:32:20] <Bytram> "preprocessor" is a longer word for "macro"
[02:32:43] <chromas> what if macros are built into the language though?
[02:32:48] <Fnord666> quite possibly although C++ (and its compilation) has evolved quite a bit since then
[02:33:03] <Bytram> Oh! Most assuredly!
[02:33:15] <chromas> Yeah, they're finally starting to get the concept of modules after many, many, many decades
[02:33:50] <Bytram> If you have never had the pleasure, I cannot too highly recommend the Assembler and macro processor that DEC had for the PDP-11 and VAX.
[02:34:30] <Fnord666> I'm not sure if you're praising it or condemning it with that sentence...
[02:34:49] <Fnord666> :)
[02:34:56] <Bytram> Praising it, high praise, indeed!
[02:36:18] <Bytram> *EVERYTHING* was orthogonal and consistent! Naming conventions, syntax for: ordering of operators and operands; indexing; register ref; and memory refs, too!
[02:36:40] <Fnord666> Noice!
[02:37:12] <Fnord666> x86 assembler is the exact opposite I think.
[02:37:54] * Bytram spent a few years deep in the IBM/370 BAL assembler long ago when he was testing IBM's VM operating system. Now that was almost, but not entirely, unlike DEC. Special cases and syntax was the norm!
[02:37:59] <Bytram> ninjad!
[02:52:37] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:52:38] <upstart> ^ 03The Cars lead singer Ric Ocasek dead at 75 ( https://www.cnet.com )
[02:52:39] <exec> └─ 13The Cars lead singer Ric Ocasek dead at 75 - CNET
[02:53:09] <Bytram> =submit https://www.cnet.com
[02:53:11] <upstart> Submitting "The Cars lead singer Ric Ocasek dead at 75"...
[02:53:12] <exec> └─ 13The Cars lead singer Ric Ocasek dead at 75 - CNET
[02:53:33] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "The Cars Lead Singer Ric Ocasek Dead at 75" (5 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:56:08] <Bytram> And that's going to have to do it for me. I have yet another late shift ahead of me for tomorrow, and am running on fumes right about now
[02:57:47] <Fnord666> bummer.
[02:57:59] <Fnord666> Didn't Eddie Money just pass away also?
[02:58:29] <Bytram> Heh. for a second there, I thought you meant Eddie Munster.
[02:58:35] <Bytram> Dont know.
[02:58:55] <Fnord666> =submit https://variety.com
[02:58:57] <exec> └─ 13Eddie Money Dead: ‘Two Tickets to Paradise’ Singer Was 70 – Variety
[02:58:57] <upstart> Submitting "Eddie Money, ‘Two Tickets to Paradise’ Singer, Dies at 70"...
[02:59:14] <Fnord666> good night Bytram
[02:59:18] <Fnord666> pleasant dreams
[02:59:19] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Eddie Money, ‘Two Tickets to Paradise’ Singer, Dies at 70" (20 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:59:25] <Bytram> =gnight Fnord666
[02:59:25] * upstart derisively embiggens a case of flowers with Fnord666
[02:59:33] <Fnord666> ~gnight Bytram
[02:59:34] * exec abrasively gives a truecrypt volume of your grandmother's queefs to Bytram
[02:59:35] <Bytram> =declined
[02:59:35] <upstart> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[02:59:56] <Fnord666> grandma queefs!!!!
[03:00:07] <Fnord666> that command will come in handy
[03:01:13] <Bytram> yep! chromas took my idea and ran with it.
[03:02:12] <Fnord666> Nice
[03:02:17] <Fnord666> chromas++
[03:02:17] <Bender> karma - chromas: 91
[03:02:42] <Bytram> chromas++ indeed
[03:02:42] <Bender> karma - chromas: 92
[03:05:13] <Bytram> takyon: You subbed a story with "[HOLD]" in the title... Do you have any plans/thoughts on updating or unholding it?
[06:16:43] <janrinok> Fnord666, noted your vacation starting on 21st. Thanks for the heads-up
[06:17:00] <janrinok> ~tell Fnord666, noted your vacation starting on 21st. Thanks for the heads-up
[09:06:48] -!- fyngyrz_ has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[09:06:53] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #editorial
[09:06:53] -!- mode/#editorial [+v fyngyrz] by Hephaestus
[11:16:40] <Bytram> ~tell janrinok That vacation was for Bytram, not Fnord666
[11:28:20] <chromas> You all look the same to me :)
[11:28:43] <chromas> I guess you're different colors, but I don't see that because I'm not a racist
[11:51:52] <Bytram> chromas: /a .*$/looking/
[11:51:58] <Bytram> chromas: s/a .*$/looking/
[11:51:59] <exec> <Bytram> <chromas> I guess you're different colors, but I don't see that because I'm not looking
[12:14:25] -!- fyngyrz has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[12:14:25] -!- fungus has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[12:56:19] <janrinok> Bytram, OK, you are going on vacation - got it - will you have the investigation finished by then or not?
[13:01:41] <Bytram> I expect so, yes
[13:01:54] <Bytram> if not, that will be my top priority
[13:03:18] <Bytram> I am *not* being helped by leg cramps waking me 2-3 times each night... lack of sleep is catching up on me, as well as too many things needing my attention.
[13:04:53] <Bytram> Only got about 4-5hours sleep last night, and hope to catch a nap before I need to be at work in just under 6 hours.
[13:06:13] <janrinok> Understood - it wasn't a criticism, just that I need to plan how long I can keep editing at this rate and stay on top of my other responsibilities. I too am having sleep problems, including the occasional leg cramps. I haven't found anything that stops them.
[13:07:19] <janrinok> But my sleep patterns are very unusual nowadays. Waking about 5:00am and then needing a sleep during the day. Doc reckons it might be age-related.
[13:07:34] <Bytram> age related... YOU??!!!!
[13:07:37] <Bytram> =)
[13:07:57] <cmn32480> frickin' old people...
[13:08:06] <janrinok> I don't feel a day over 110
[13:08:26] <cmn32480> I'm just glad the sleeplessness isn't only me lately
[13:08:34] <cmn32480> makes me feel vaguely better
[13:08:35] <Bytram> as for your posting rate, Fnord666 thinks you are afraid he is catching up on you on the HoF and are posting furiously to keep him at bay!
[13:09:21] <janrinok> Not so, but I would like to reach 5000 sometime. I don't care how long it takes or where I am in the HofF - it is someone else's turn now
[13:09:23] <Bytram> janrinok: fwiw, I know I need to drink more water, and I need to do more stretching to limber up my legs.
[13:09:30] <Bytram> nod nod
[13:09:45] <janrinok> I've tried both of those with little noticeable difference.
[13:09:56] <Bytram> urk. :(
[13:10:38] <janrinok> And the older one gets - as cmn32480 is about to discover - the less tolerant of huge quantities of water before bedtime one becomes.
[13:10:53] <Bytram> I know that, and you know that, but what I'm trying to say is let Fnord666 take up more of the slack, he had a great vacation and can take up more of the load. I'm still trying to get at least 5 stories out each day
[13:11:06] <Bytram> I know that one too well.
[13:11:07] <janrinok> Its a choice between leg cramps and needing to pee 4-5 times a night!
[13:11:16] <cmn32480> what'ya mean "about to discover"??? I can't drink anythign for 2 hours before bedtime...
[13:11:29] <Bytram> ::chuckles::
[13:11:53] <Bytram> cmn32480: hey, still in crunch mode or have you made it through?
[13:12:14] <cmn32480> still crunching... jsut different stuff eating me alove.
[13:12:19] <cmn32480> *alive
[13:12:25] <janrinok> I was merely noting that you are younger than I am....
[13:12:39] * Bytram expects a phone call in next 15 minutes or so... will abruptly lose connection; apologies in advance
[13:12:45] * janrinok notices that statement applies to more people in the world each day
[13:12:45] <cmn32480> np
[13:13:29] <Bytram> janrinok: No disrespect meant, but I believe you are our oldest elder statesman here
[13:13:49] * cmn32480 l;ooks at jr waiting for him to shake his cane at us
[13:14:20] <Bytram> would be too much work. don't want to tire him out, yanno?
[13:14:24] <Bytram> ;)
[13:14:44] <Bytram> cmn32480: Hope things get calmer for ya, and soon
[13:14:53] <cmn32480> dear God me too!
[13:14:57] <janrinok> I simply hold the cane in the air and wait for Parkinson's to come along and shake it for me
[13:15:14] <cmn32480> that'd work... woth a little luck you wont' spill your tea
[13:15:21] <janrinok> too late
[13:15:40] <cmn32480> rats...
[13:15:45] <cmn32480> and that stuff stains
[13:15:56] <janrinok> no, stumbled moving around the room....
[13:16:33] <janrinok> tile floor throughout the house. Easier for the wheelchair and other non-avoidable accidents
[13:16:59] <cmn32480> and it cleans up your spills easier
[13:17:11] * janrinok notes that such things are very infrequent nowadays
[13:17:55] <janrinok> Bytram, considering that I am the oldest elder statesman - does that me all your lawns belong to me?
[13:18:31] <Bytram> ~blame
[13:18:32] * exec points at Bytram
[13:18:59] <Bytram> !grab janrinok
[13:18:59] <Bender> Added quote 83
[13:19:17] <Bytram> that sounds like fodder for a new exec command, ~lawn All your lawns are belong to me. --janrinok
[13:19:23] <janrinok> lol
[13:19:29] <Bytram> ROFL!
[13:19:40] <Bytram> hmm
[13:19:42] <Bytram> =blame
[13:19:42] * upstart points at Bytram
[13:19:59] <Bytram> =lawn
[13:20:21] <Bytram> ^^^ chromas if you have a mind to... =)
[13:20:42] <janrinok> lol - you can all git off my lawn!
[13:21:27] <Bytram> so what happens if I do a git --blame lawn
[13:21:34] <Bytram> ;)
[13:23:07] <janrinok> it tells Linus what you wrote
[13:24:30] <Bytram> lol
[13:25:07] <janrinok> Joking apart, I am free of Parkinson's and any of the other age related problems so far - and many don't believe it when I tell them my true age. Probably a good job too, because I find life busy enough without more problems.
[13:26:05] <Bytram> janrinok++ Now that IS good news and offers me hope
[13:26:06] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 66
[13:27:48] <janrinok> The biggest problem I have to contend with is the new vocabulary of yeet, yoink etc. I find myself reading things and wondering what the hell they are writing about, which is the whole purpose behind it I suppose... I'm obviously not trendy enough to be included
[13:28:10] <Bytram> urban dictionary to the rescue?
[13:29:06] <janrinok> I am doomed to understand the ramblings of Ari, but not the words of the millennials who will have to sort this mess out - if they have enough avocado on toast to keep themselves going.
[13:29:36] <janrinok> I have a well-thumbed bookmark for that very web page
[13:29:58] <Bytram> =g define yeet
[13:29:59] <upstart> https://www.urbandictionary.com - Yeet - Urban Dictionary
[13:30:05] <Bytram> =g define yoink
[13:30:05] <upstart> https://www.urbandictionary.com - Yoink - Urban Dictionary
[13:30:12] <janrinok> well yoink is just a fast but in the other direction
[13:31:07] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[13:31:08] <upstart> ^ 03Comparison of Arduino UNO and Rasberry Pi: SoylentNews Submission
[13:31:09] <exec> └─ 13Comparison of Arduino UNO and Rasberry Pi: SoylentNews Submission
[13:31:27] <Bytram> ^^^ delete reason: "Thanks for the story submission, but we do not accept self-promotional stories on this site."
[13:31:39] <janrinok> There are 3 copies of that in the list - as you have no doubt found
[13:32:19] <janrinok> And they are all poorly written so I think that they have come straight from a foreign advertising splurge
[13:32:37] <Bytram> first one had no link, next had link as plain text, third had link as being clickable, and all had a glaring typo: "Arduino, as a real MCU system in the traditional sense, can only run one program at a time, and its functions are relatively single."
[13:32:52] <Bytram> relative *single*? I think they meant "simple"
[13:33:01] <Bytram> agreed
[13:34:08] <janrinok> if they were not automated, it would suggest that EmmaSwift took little effort to get the submission right in the first instance, or was having a bad Monday morning...
[13:34:35] <janrinok> I can relate to the second excuse more readily than the first
[13:35:16] <Bytram> agreed
[13:35:20] <janrinok> ... and is if by magic - they have all disappeared
[13:35:28] <janrinok> and as if*
[13:36:26] <janrinok> does the 'discard' command work with any sub - and if so how does one use it>
[14:03:18] <Bytram> chromas: FYI: It looks like upstart ignored links from the original in: https://soylentnews.org
[14:03:19] <upstart> ^ 03Eddie Money, ‘Two Tickets to Paradise’ Singer, Dies at 70: SoylentNews Submission
[14:03:20] <exec> └─ 13Eddie Money, ‘Two Tickets to Paradise’ Singer, Dies at 70: SoylentNews Submission
[14:05:58] <chromas> weird
[14:06:35] <Bytram> agreed
[14:06:35] <chromas> but they do have the entire article in the meta tags, sans links. Maybe it grabbed it from there
[14:06:50] <Bytram> ahhh, that would 'splain it.
[14:07:01] <Bytram> thot you'd like to know. No biggie.
[14:07:19] <chromas> I should probably have it output some status info somewhere
[14:07:33] <chromas> it'th a mythtery
[14:07:56] <Bytram> =g robert asprin myth series
[14:07:57] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - MythAdventures - Wikipedia
[14:08:17] <Bytram> fun and quick reads laced with puns
[14:08:46] <chromas> Thanks for the bug rapport
[14:08:54] <Bytram> ROFL!
[14:11:17] <chromas> Hm, even a plain curl returns it with the links, so it's not the server sending something different
[14:11:31] <Bytram> curiouser and curiouser!
[14:11:39] <Bytram> ~arthur https://www.theguardian.com
[14:11:41] <exec> └─ 13The world has a third pole – and it's melting quickly | Environment | The Guardian
[14:11:41] <exec> 213 stories loaded
[14:11:42] <exec> story not found
[14:11:52] <Bytram> =submit https://www.theguardian.com
[14:11:53] <exec> └─ 13The world has a third pole – and it's melting quickly | Environment | The Guardian
[14:11:55] <upstart> Submitting "The world has a third pole – and it's melting quickly"...( 1 modified urls; http://www.theguardian.com )
[14:12:16] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "The World Has a Third Pole – and It's Melting Quickly" (0 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:12:24] <chromas> hm
[14:12:30] <chromas> it redirected to a non-https
[14:14:00] <Bytram> Wait, huh? Sense no makes!!!
[14:17:10] * Bytram yawns
[14:17:10] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Bytram's gaping mouth
[14:18:43] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[14:39:15] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #editorial
[14:39:15] -!- mode/#editorial [+v fyngyrz] by Hephaestus
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[16:18:02] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #editorial
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