#editorial | Logs for 2019-09-14

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[00:27:37] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:28:02] -!- upstart [upstart!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[02:25:37] <Fnord666> howdy Bytram!
[02:25:48] <Bytram> Fnord666: !!
[02:25:57] <Bytram> What a day!
[02:26:11] <Fnord666> Sure it was Friday the 13th
[02:26:18] <Bytram> good to have you back and feeding the story queue!
[02:26:49] <Fnord666> :)
[02:27:02] <Fnord666> I found a coupla things...
[02:27:25] <Fnord666> I still need to check a couple of other rss feeds
[02:27:35] <Fnord666> ow ya been?
[02:27:40] <Bytram> BUSY
[02:27:42] <Fnord666> s/ow/How/
[02:27:43] <exec> <Fnord666> How ya been?
[02:28:33] <Fnord666> are we learning to speak regex?
[02:28:48] <Bytram> trying to investigate missing journal entry, keep story queue fed, deal with a co-worker being on vacation (so that is about 15-20% of a week's staffing), plus the usual daily grind of laundry, grocery shopping, etc.
[02:29:59] <Fnord666> ugh
[02:30:12] <Fnord666> definitely BUSY
[02:30:34] <Fnord666> I'll work on the story queue
[02:30:49] <Fnord666> can't help with most of the other stuff
[02:31:07] <Bytram> had a couple visiting from out-of-town, made a connection and within half-an-hour had one of my top-20 sales ever! (Possibly one of my top 10)
[02:31:16] <Bytram> so was a good day on that account
[02:32:19] <Fnord666> noice!
[02:33:38] <Bytram> indeed!
[02:52:56] <Bytram> teamwork++
[02:52:56] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 205
[03:00:13] <Fnord666> bytram++
[03:00:13] <Bender> karma - bytram: 79
[03:01:38] <Bytram> !uid
[03:01:39] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 8537, owned by TNekitbka
[03:01:50] <Bytram> yeah, sure.
[03:02:05] <Bytram> I think that is the password I'll use on my luggage
[03:02:53] <Fnord666> sorry the TSA only allows 3 digits. Too much time to brute force otherwise
[03:10:11] <Bytram> are you kidding me?
[03:10:28] <Bytram> bolt cutters tke NO time
[03:10:35] <Fnord666> yes i am kidding
[03:10:37] <Bytram> s/k/ak/
[03:10:38] <Fnord666> i hope anyway
[03:10:39] <exec> <Bytram> bolt cutters take NO time
[03:11:05] <Fnord666> kinda obvious though and the TSA requires luggage locks that they have a magic key to anyway
[03:11:36] <Fnord666> but they have an agreement with the baggage handlers so they can brute force likely looking luggage. they split the take
[03:12:37] <Bytram> TSA splits it 50/50? They get the inside, baggage handlers get the outside?
[03:13:20] <Fnord666> pretty much. TSA has the used knife business
[03:13:51] <Bytram> yeah, how can I get a piece of that busines? They must have auctions or somesuch
[03:14:28] <Fnord666> There was a guy at our local flea market that bought those confiscated knives in bulk, then sold them out of bins
[03:14:57] <Fnord666> Probably local govt monthly auction
[03:15:04] <Bytram> nod nod
[03:15:06] <Bytram> rbeak tiem
[03:15:12] <Bytram> break time
[03:15:13] <Fnord666> :)
[03:15:33] <Fnord666> channeling your inner cmn?
[03:16:35] <Bytram> Fnord666++ feeding the story queue
[03:16:35] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 98
[03:16:46] <Bytram> ~gnight Fnord666
[03:16:48] * exec unnecessarily lobs shippon of lean finely textured beef at Fnord666
[03:16:52] <Fnord666> ~gnight Bytram
[03:16:54] * exec prematurely QCs an array of tranquilizer darts for Bytram
[03:17:18] <Fnord666> ummm, beef.
[03:17:20] <Bytram> guess I won't have much trouble getting to sleep, then.
[03:17:21] <Fnord666> yum
[03:17:29] <Fnord666> just wht I was thinking
[03:17:36] <Fnord666> pleasant dreams my friend
[03:17:38] <Bytram> thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[03:18:01] <Fnord666> you too!
[16:39:24] <Bytram> Hey guys! Got caught up with some work-related stuff at home, and now I need to be at work in less than an hour. :/
[16:39:53] <Bytram> Won't be home until about 11 hours from now, so will prolly be heading straight to bed.
[16:40:00] * Bytram needs more hours in a day!
[16:40:09] <Bytram> Fnord666: got ur msgs; thanks!