#editorial | Logs for 2019-08-28

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[04:06:52] <Fnord666> chromas - question for you
[04:07:00] <Fnord666> for the story 'Their Mothers Chose Donor Sperm, The Doctors Used Their Own.'
[04:07:07] <Fnord666> which dept is better:
[04:07:16] <Fnord666> technically-it-was-donated
[04:07:35] <chromas> mangum-cum-laude
[04:07:38] <Fnord666> or why get bottled when you can have tap
[04:07:43] <chromas> lol
[04:07:57] <chromas> not sure
[04:08:22] <Fnord666> yeah me either which is why I thought I look for a second opinion
[04:09:26] <Fnord666> from the 'that-explains-why-it-was-warm-' dept
[04:10:03] <Fnord666> ok, time for me to head to bed.
[04:10:08] <Fnord666> good night all
[04:10:20] <chromas> g'noight
[16:35:04] -!- Bytram_ [Bytram_!~a6b659e8@996-50-608-182.mobile.uscc.net] has joined #editorial
[16:42:05] <Bytram_> Am at training today. Lunch is over. Gtg!
[16:46:55] -!- Bytram_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[18:42:58] -!- Carny has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[18:46:41] -!- Carny [Carny!~carn@46.165.ugu.riv] has joined #editorial
[23:12:28] -!- RandomFactor_ [RandomFactor_!~6c4a713f@629-71-065-58.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #editorial
[23:14:36] <RandomFactor_> Slip o th' finger - https://soylentnews.org '29 August 2019' should be '28 August 2019' on the publication date in the journal reference
[23:14:37] <upstart> ^ 03Superconductivity Confirmed in a Nickel Oxide: SoylentNews Submission
[23:14:38] <exec> └─ 13Superconductivity Confirmed in a Nickel Oxide: SoylentNews Submission