#editorial | Logs for 2019-08-25

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[02:27:43] <Bytram> https://hackaday.com
[02:27:44] <upstart> ^ 03An Entire PDP-11 On Your Bench
[02:27:45] <exec> └─ 13An Entire PDP-11 On Your Bench | Hackaday
[03:13:40] <Bytram> .
[03:14:35] <Bytram> Zoinks! It's way past my bed time... have a great night everyone!
[03:14:49] * Bytram shambles off to bed.
[13:30:11] -!- Carny has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:30:20] -!- Carny [Carny!~carn@893.emeraldonion.org] has joined #editorial
[15:00:52] <Fnord666> Howdy janrinok. Looks like we are working on the same story!
[15:21:21] <janrinok> Myself and Bytram have it in hand - please don't modify that draft. We are basing everything in it on evidence that we can prove during our investigation.
[15:24:03] <janrinok> back to the other channel for any further discussion
[16:25:35] <Fnord666> :) I was actually talking about the flash emulator story
[17:39:56] <janrinok> didn't notice that one - sorry :)
[22:02:14] -!- SoyGuest6178 [SoyGuest6178!~6c4a713f@629-71-065-58.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #editorial
[22:02:35] <SoyGuest6178> GDI i just posted my journal article as a sub /sigh
[22:03:21] SoyGuest6178 is now known as RandomFactor
[22:08:22] <chromas> Did you wanted it baleeted?
[22:13:14] <RandomFactor> Please
[22:13:39] <RandomFactor> it's already been rejectified once, i don't need the added humiliation
[22:14:25] <chromas> Wait. How do I know you're the real RandomFactor from the site?
[22:14:44] <RandomFactor> would anyone else say 'refectified'?
[22:15:03] <chromas> you mean misspelling rectumfried?
[22:15:15] <RandomFactor> Exactly :-p
[22:16:05] <chromas> But here's an exciting thing: I can reject the same sub over and over :D
[22:16:28] <RandomFactor> My ratio cries out in support of your happiness
[22:16:40] <chromas> I haven't checked to see if it affects the raio
[22:16:54] <chromas> I guess enter is my backspace key now
[22:17:16] <RandomFactor> Down to 97%
[22:17:29] <chromas> Not sure if it affects ratio, but it does send you a message/email each time
[22:17:48] <RandomFactor> i was at 99% before
[22:19:02] <upstart> I'm only at 72% :'(
[22:19:31] <chromas> Also haven't checked to see if accepting a rejected sub affects raio
[22:19:32] <RandomFactor> I should go complain in comments about the unfairness of it all and demand i an end to the opression.
[22:19:46] <chromas> I guess I'm doomed to misspell ratio when it's at the end of a message
[22:19:59] <chromas> yes
[22:20:18] <chromas> also accuse the editors and admins to bowing down to tmb's will even though he's barely even around anymore
[22:20:40] <RandomFactor> ^--This
[22:25:00] <RandomFactor> We're sorry, your submission "Plasma Tsunamis Responsible for Sunspots" was declined for the following reason: Double-rejected!
[22:25:45] <RandomFactor> I wonder if i should post it to my journal also...
[22:26:39] <chromas> I should've wrote "TheMightyBuzzard made me do it!"
[22:27:00] <chromas> But jokes would probably be taken seriously
[22:27:17] <RandomFactor> dammit, 1 more second for /grab chromas
[22:28:56] <RandomFactor> dunno, would be hard to take it too seriously until after I got up off the floor
[22:31:07] <chromas> Got an alt-reich boot on your neck again?
[22:31:24] <chromas> Need some more aristarchus subs to help with that
[22:31:53] <RandomFactor> Did you see my godwin in the dept the other day? I was kinda proud of that
[22:32:24] <chromas> I did
[22:32:31] <chromas> still literally shaking
[22:32:49] <RandomFactor> I was thinking of Ari when I did it