#editorial | Logs for 2019-08-23

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[00:30:21] <Bytram> Fnord666: !!
[01:01:16] <Bytram> =g NOTAM
[01:01:17] <upstart> https://www.notams.faa.gov - Defense Internet NOTAM Service
[01:01:26] <Bytram> =g NOTAM notice
[01:01:27] <upstart> https://www.faa.gov - Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)
[01:09:43] <Bytram> =submit https://www.clickorlando.com
[01:09:45] <upstart> Submitting "How SpaceX plans to move Starship from Cocoa site to Kennedy Space Center"...
[01:09:45] <exec> └─ 13How SpaceX plans to move Starship from Cocoa site to Kennedy...
[01:10:07] <upstart> ✓ Sub-ccess! "How SpaceX Plans to Move Starship From Cocoa Site to Kennedy Space Center" (11 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[01:34:38] <Fnord666> Evening all!
[01:37:16] <Fnord666> moving my story
[01:40:11] <Bytram> umm, okay.
[01:41:06] <Bytram> lemme guess, I looked, picked a time, pushed the story out after one more look-see, and in that time you pushed out a different story into the same slot I picked?
[01:44:13] <Fnord666> pretty much, yeah.
[01:44:24] <Bytram> how ya be?
[01:44:32] <Fnord666> I previewed with my new time, looked good, submitted
[01:44:44] <Bytram> same here!
[01:44:47] <Fnord666> stories queue comes up with your story two minutes before mine.
[01:44:49] <Fnord666> lol
[01:44:57] <Bytram> we should compare luggage combinations
[01:44:59] <Fnord666> I am doing well. Yourself?
[01:45:09] <Bytram> well, thanks.
[01:45:24] <Fnord666> Good to hear
[01:45:55] <Bytram> was REALLY tired wed night after working the closing shift... can't tell you how thrilled I was to see the story queue was filled... went straight to bed!
[01:45:57] <Fnord666> I'm getting ready to leave for our Alaska Cruise in 10 days
[01:46:07] <Bytram> Good. For. You!
[01:46:14] <Fnord666> Happy to help!
[01:46:28] <Bytram> Hey, I got favor to ask... could you please bring back a glacier for me?
[01:46:33] <Bytram> =)
[01:46:45] <Fnord666> How about a nice cold asteroid?
[01:46:49] * Bytram had never seen one and thought it never hurts to ask!
[01:47:14] <Bytram> That'd be the trick! By the time they get to Earth they tend to have warmed up just a bit!
[01:47:18] <Fnord666> These days they're probably on the endagered species list, or has Trump repealed that already
[01:47:34] <Bytram> ugh
[01:47:53] <Fnord666> my thoughts exactly
[01:47:54] <Bytram> I was just getting ready to go to bed; let's just ignore him for now... okay?
[01:48:05] <Fnord666> ignore who? never heard of him
[01:48:39] <Fnord666> Just forarning you that I will be pretty much out of contact 9/1 to 9/8 or so.
[01:48:53] <Fnord666> s/forarning/forwarning/
[01:48:54] <exec> <Fnord666> Just forwarning you that I will be pretty much out of contact 9/1 to 9/8 or so.
[01:49:35] <Bytram> Hypothesis: with all the TV that the masses watch, and the increasing amounts of advertisements that are shown and which are primarily designed to persuade by sleight of hand and/or emotional inducements, is it any wonder that deep, rational thinking has plummeted?
[01:49:51] <Bytram> I appreciate the forewarning
[01:50:02] <Bytram> So, I better sleep now while I can, right?
[01:50:14] <Fnord666> :)
[01:50:52] <Bytram> IOW, your contributions are very VERY welcome and fill in a huge chunk of the stories needed for a day.
[01:50:53] <Fnord666> I'm not sure how you can get wifi on an airplane but a cruise ship is a EM sink hole
[01:51:03] <Bytram> maybe we can persuade chromas to step up a bit.
[01:51:37] <Bytram> multiple transmitters all over the decks and, quite likely, in every stateroom.
[01:52:09] <Bytram> Alternatively, they have a few "community" PCs where you can login and end e-mail.
[01:52:19] <Bytram> s/they/they may/
[01:52:20] <exec> <Bytram> Alternatively, they may have a few "community" PCs where you can login and end e-mail.
[01:52:37] <Bytram> or so I have heard... have never been on a cruise before.
[01:52:44] <Fnord666> Last cruise I was on, admittedly a few years ago, they charged by the kilobyte
[01:53:16] <Bytram> SpaceX's Starlilnk can't get here too soon
[01:53:18] <Fnord666> I'll have to look into it this time
[01:53:24] <Fnord666> agreed
[01:53:54] <Bytram> not many cell towers in the ocean, sadly.
[01:54:23] <Bytram> make sure your adblockers are in good shape to minimize bandwidth usage.
[01:54:43] <Fnord666> I don't actually know how airplanes manage to handle decent wifi though
[01:54:51] <Fnord666> always re adblockers
[01:55:05] <Bytram> and, with that, as much as I am enjoying this conversation, I have the early shift tomorrow and still have not really caught up on my sleep...
[01:55:27] <Fnord666> understood. Good night my friend and pleasant dreams
[01:55:50] <Bytram> satellite links, and there's only a few hundred people, tops, on a plane. Ships often have thousands of passengers.
[01:56:33] <Fnord666> good point, especially the really large ones
[01:56:37] <Bytram> never mind what the ship actually needs for its own use: weather reports, emails to/from home office, etc.
[01:57:08] <Bytram> and here's a wish for sweet dreams and a good night to you, as well!
[01:57:19] <Bytram> have a great night everybody!
[01:57:28] <Fnord666> thanks. ttyl
[10:50:10] <Bytram> =g html tag ins
[10:50:11] <upstart> https://www.w3schools.com - HTML ins tag
[12:23:16] <Bytram> time for me to head to work; have a great day everyone!
[18:03:00] <janrinok> ~tell Bytram - Well that was a lively discussion with which to start the weekend! I think there was a lot of useful stuff there to mull over and far less crap than I had expected.
[18:30:04] <Fnord666> Evening janrinok!
[18:30:22] <Fnord666> How are you?
[18:30:36] <janrinok> good, and you?
[18:30:46] <Fnord666> doing well. Thanks for asking!
[18:31:30] <janrinok> you are posting up a storm nowadays. You'll be passing me in a couple of months at this rate
[18:31:40] <Fnord666> #smake
[18:32:05] <Fnord666> I'm just doing what I can
[18:32:15] <janrinok> ... and doing it very well, I would say
[18:32:24] * Fnord666 blushes
[18:32:31] <Fnord666> well thank you
[18:32:48] <Fnord666> I've had good role models
[18:32:49] <janrinok> I've got a bit of time to spend on the site for a couple of weeks then I will have to ease back again I think
[18:33:37] <Fnord666> that'll work out a bit. I'm on a cruise ship the first week in September so I likely won't have connectivity
[18:35:12] <janrinok> It all depends on S's medical needs and work around the house. Currently all the contractors are on holiday so there is not a lot I can do in certain areas. Cruising anywhere nice - which is a daft question, if it wasn't nice you wouldn't go presumably
[18:35:37] <janrinok> should have had a '?' in there somewhere
[18:35:57] <Fnord666> Yeah my voluntarily going places I didn't want to go to be miserable ended when I left the military
[18:36:18] <janrinok> likewise!
[18:36:23] <Fnord666> :)
[18:37:21] <Fnord666> How is S doing? Well I hope?
[18:38:03] <janrinok> As good as we expected - or even better in some ways. She remains positive and morale is high, so it makes things easier for both of us
[18:38:19] <Fnord666> That's awesome. Good to hear.
[18:38:38] <janrinok> yep, we are both pleased with how things are at the moment
[18:38:45] <janrinok> thanks for asking
[18:55:36] <janrinok> time to go. Prolly back on tomorrow
[18:55:51] <janrinok> Have a good one everybody
[19:07:03] <Fnord666> ok. Have a good evening and weekend janrinok
[23:21:52] <Bytram> ~tell janrinok Yes, I concur! Far less rancorous than I expected. Had I it to do over, I would like to have made mention that moderation of a comment, here, is unlike other sites. It is about the score of the *comment*! I like to call it "Olympic Scoring" where a -1 means a waste of your time to bother reading it, 0 is better than nothing, 1 is kinda meh, 2 is a bit better than okay, 3 is good but not great, 4 is quite good, and 5 is
[23:21:52] <Bytram> the creme-de-la-creme (or however you spell that!) IOW don't want to miss this one!
[23:23:44] <Bytram> ~tell janrinok that is just from off the top of my (balding head) but you get the idea, I hope. It is quite *unlike* the like/dislike buttons that are found elsewhere on the web.
[23:27:16] <Bytram> .op
[23:27:16] -!- mode/#editorial [+o Bytram] by Hephaestus
[23:27:23] <Bytram> .kick MrPlow
[23:27:23] -!- MrPlow was kicked from #editorial by Hephaestus!Hephaestus@dodekatheon.olympus.gr [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[23:33:01] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #editorial
[23:33:02] -!- MrPlow has quit [Changing host]
[23:33:02] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #editorial
[23:59:10] <Bytram> #g david koch dead
[23:59:11] <MrPlow> https://www.cbsnews.com - "9 hours ago ... Billionaire conservative icon David Koch has died at age 79, his older brother Charles Koch said in a statement Friday. The New York resident ..."