#editorial | Logs for 2019-08-18

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[01:38:20] <Bytram> =g "Key Negotiation Of Bluetooth attack"
[01:38:21] <upstart> https://knobattack.com - KNOB Attack
[01:38:45] <Bytram> =g "Key Negotiation Of Bluetooth attack" wikipedia
[01:38:46] <upstart> https://news.ycombinator.com - Obvious solution, don't use anything that emits electromagnetic ...
[01:38:57] <Bytram> =g Key Negotiation Of Bluetooth attack Wikipedia
[01:38:58] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - Key-agreement protocol - Wikipedia
[20:23:30] <Carny> https://soylentnews.org
[20:23:32] <upstart> ^ 03Judge Orders Georgia to Switch to Paper Ballots for 2020 Elections - SoylentNews
[20:23:33] <exec> └─ 13Judge Orders Georgia to Switch to Paper Ballots for 2020 Elections - SoylentNews
[20:23:38] <Carny> bad title for this
[20:23:56] <Carny> she only ordered them to use paper if they can't get rid of the old machines
[20:24:10] <Carny> but it won't matter anyway
[20:24:30] <Carny> all new voting machines are hackable right from the factory
[20:24:49] <chromas> so title is good ;)
[20:25:05] <Carny> nope ;]
[20:25:13] <Carny> the title is still wrong
[20:25:43] <Carny> it's just that the new machines won't fix anything because they're still insecure
[20:26:10] <Carny> there is no major voting machine vendor that isn't neck deep in the swamp
[20:26:40] <Carny> some of them george soros has invested in directly
[20:27:01] <Carny> like he isn't even trying to hide it with shell corps
[22:04:32] <Bytram> Carny: Soooo, what would you suggest for a title, instead of "Judge Orders Georgia to Switch to Paper Ballots for 2020 Elections" ??
[22:09:08] <Carny> judge orders georgia to get rid of old voting machines or switch to paper ballots
[23:35:19] <Bytram> Carny: Sorry, stepped away for a bit. FWIW, this is the linked article and look what shows up: https://arstechnica.com
[23:35:20] <upstart> ^ 03Judge orders Georgia to switch to paper ballots for 2020 elections
[23:35:21] <exec> └─ 13Judge orders Georgia to switch to paper ballots for 2020 elections | Ars Technica
[23:36:12] <Bytram> Not arguing that we should retain their A/B tested titles ending up with that one; only that it was not a daft creation by anyone here.
[23:37:45] <Bytram> BTW, The link text shows what the original title was for the story: "Judge Bans Insecure Touchscreen Voting Machines from Georgia after 2019
[23:37:45] <Bytram> "
[23:37:54] * Bytram will update the story title.
[23:47:38] <Bytram> done. give the site a few minutes for it to work its way through the caches.
[23:47:45] <Bytram> Carny: ^^^
[23:47:57] <Bytram> Carny++ Thank you
[23:47:57] <Bender> karma - carny: 5
[23:57:49] <chromas> Someone mentioned that in the comments at ars; got downvoted