#editorial | Logs for 2019-07-04

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[00:00:52] <chromas> They like to submit political shitposts
[00:04:14] <Carny> i guess sn doesn't have sections like slashdot
[00:04:40] <Carny> i would read politics.sn.org so hard
[00:04:52] <chromas> It does. There's a Politics nexus but we try to keep it mostly stem
[00:05:41] <Carny> how do i read it or sumbit to it?
[00:05:51] <chromas> sci-fi, technobabble, eugenics, mongoloids
[00:06:02] <Carny> lol
[00:06:02] <chromas> There's a combobox on the submission page
[00:06:06] <Carny> i'm in
[00:06:17] <Carny> oh
[00:06:28] <chromas> If you don't set that, an editor will, if they decide to run the sub
[00:06:28] <Carny> so i can't sumbit from irc
[00:13:40] <Carny> i don't want to spam the main queue with politics if most submissions are tech
[00:15:01] <chromas> It's more likely to be considered if the politics is stem-related. Left/right circlejerks and stuff will probably be mostly ignored though
[00:15:34] <Carny> ok
[00:16:14] <chromas> also you can post stuff in your journal if you're looking to rustle some jimmies
[00:17:01] <Carny> yeah i guess i have to setup a read/write web environment for this site
[00:17:18] <Carny> i usually keep almost all my web access read/only
[00:17:35] <chromas> oh yeah, you need an account to post journals. You can submit and comment without account though
[00:25:46] <Carny> is there a way to sumbit journal entries for the rest of the site?
[00:31:58] <chromas> I've never used the journal system but I think there's a link somewhere to submit your journal entry for posting. I assume it'd be like submitting a regular story but you've already written it
[00:32:14] <Carny> that would be great
[00:32:56] <Carny> you could research topics and provide more links and quotes
[02:23:52] * Bytram wanders off to prepare a bite to eat.
[05:00:02] <Bytram> stayed up too late; hope I can sleep in some. Have a great night everyone!
[09:58:21] SoyGuest41609 is now known as cosurgi
[09:58:26] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[09:58:26] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Misc/cosurgi] has joined #editorial
[17:23:14] <Carny> how do i report a spammer?
[17:23:21] <Carny> https://soylentnews.org
[17:23:22] <upstart> ^ 03Journal of heatingrox (6858)
[17:23:23] <exec> └─ 13Journal of heatingrox (6858)
[17:25:39] <Carny> https://soylentnews.org
[17:25:40] <upstart> ^ 03Journal of mkphotography (6813)
[17:25:42] <exec> └─ 13Journal of mkphotography (6813)
[17:27:26] -!- SoyCow4463 [SoyCow4463!~d8c4e185@216.196.org.jki] has joined #editorial
[17:27:39] <SoyCow4463> janrinok: you there?
[17:28:38] -!- SoyCow4463 has quit []
[17:29:05] -!- Fnord666_ [Fnord666_!~d8c4e185@216.196.org.jki] has joined #editorial
[17:29:24] <Fnord666_> janrinok: you there? question about a story
[17:29:50] Fnord666_ is now known as SoyGuest93272
[17:30:27] SoyGuest93272 is now known as Fnord666_
[17:38:03] -!- Fnord666_ has quit []