#editorial | Logs for 2019-05-15

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[00:25:38] <Bytram> =yt tim conway dentist novacaine
[00:25:39] <upstart> https://youtube.com - Tim Conway&#39;s &quot;The Dentist&quot; (FULL) (9:11)
[00:48:47] -!- Sirfinkus [Sirfinkus!~SirFinkus@u-32-30-676-744.hsd5.wa.comcast.net] has joined #editorial
[00:55:19] <Bytram> chromas: You still around? Just subbed a story and not sure if it should be breaking news or not.
[00:56:03] * chromas looks
[00:56:12] * Bytram looks back
[00:56:39] <chromas> I wouldn't consider it breaking but I think the last celeb death was marked as such
[00:57:05] <Bytram> compromise? let's not mark it as breaking, but move it to be the next story to be released?
[00:57:22] <chromas> I can mark it too if you want
[00:57:38] <Bytram> sorry, lost me with that one
[00:57:45] <chromas> pee on it
[00:57:51] <chromas> oops, I mean mark it breaking
[00:57:52] <Bytram> replace what is currently in slot 4 with this one.
[00:58:03] <Bytram> oh, ummm. No, but thanks anayway!
[00:58:50] <Bytram> Oh. *now* I get the joke. :p It has been a long day after a not-long-enough night.
[00:59:26] <Bytram> slot 4 was scheduled for:
[00:59:29] <Bytram> 2019-05-15 02:16:00
[00:59:50] <Bytram> moving facebook settlement to: 2019/05/15 08:28:00
[01:00:06] <Bytram> teamwork++
[01:00:06] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 190
[01:00:07] <chromas> ah, didn't realize you were doing too
[01:00:18] <Bytram> poifect timing!
[01:00:30] * chromas had just moved it to 8:16
[01:00:55] <chromas> should he be from the tragically hilarious dept? No. Probably not
[01:01:06] <chromas> (or hilariously tragic)
[01:01:13] <Bytram> He who laughs last laughs best
[01:01:16] <Bytram> ??
[01:01:30] <Bytram> He sure made a lot of people laugh
[01:01:47] * Bytram 2nds time
[01:02:24] <chromas> Now he makes satan laugh
[01:02:47] * Bytram hopes that is a good thing
[01:03:14] <chromas> I guess it could've been "he's laughing with the angels now" but it's more bright
[01:03:49] <Bytram> I assume you are out of the story now?
[01:03:56] <chromas> oh yeah
[01:04:08] <chromas> I was out when I save just before you did :)
[01:04:23] <Bytram> was what I thought, but realized I better make sure
[01:04:30] <Bytram> that would be very not funny
[01:05:28] <Bytram> come to think of it, we generally leve the dept line blank or simply put: R.I.P.
[01:05:39] <Bytram> think I'll go with the latter.
[01:06:19] <chromas> or a tombstone glyph
[01:06:27] * Bytram 2nds san francisco facial recognition
[01:09:57] * Bytram looks at Vodafone
[01:17:38] <Bytram> saved
[01:21:09] * Bytram checks out ralph nader story
[01:26:58] <Bytram> and that one is done, too.
[01:55:56] <Bytram> .topic #editorial is where the cool kids hang out to have meta discussions about stories on SoylentNews | This channel IS logged | that's all I got....
[01:55:56] Hephaestus changed topic of #editorial to: #editorial is where the cool kids hang out to have meta discussions about stories on SoylentNews | This channel IS logged | that's all I got....
[01:56:44] <chromas> where the cool kids (and chromas) hand out
[01:56:46] <chromas> :)
[02:08:36] * Bytram decides to hang out and wait for a hand out
[02:45:22] <Bytram> =g MDS
[02:45:23] <upstart> https://www.mds-foundation.org - MDS Foundation | MDS is a bone marrow failure disorder
[02:45:35] <Bytram> =g MDS French
[02:45:35] <upstart> https://context.reverso.net - mds - Translation into English - examples French | Reverso Context
[02:45:43] <Bytram> nope
[02:45:57] <Bytram> =g MDS microcode
[02:45:57] <upstart> https://www.cisco.com - Upgrade the Firmware on an MDS 9000 Series Multilayer Director ...
[02:48:06] <Bytram> can't stay awake any more; time for bed.
[02:48:20] <Bytram> Have a great night everyone!
[04:01:27] -!- Sirfinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[12:25:43] <Bytram> =g Space Weather Prediction Center
[12:25:44] <upstart> https://www.swpc.noaa.gov - Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
[12:46:01] <Bytram> =g GEO altitude
[12:46:02] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - Geosynchronous orbit - Wikipedia
[13:02:22] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[13:02:23] <upstart> ^ 03SpaceX to Launch 60 Starlink Satellites at Once, and More - SoylentNews
[13:02:25] <exec> └─ 13SpaceX to Launch 60 Starlink Satellites at Once, and More - SoylentNews
[13:15:40] <Bytram> =g FCC starlink schedule
[13:15:41] <upstart> https://spaceflightnow.com - FCC approves SpaceX's plan to operate Starlink satellites at lower ...
[13:30:14] * Bytram just submitted a time-sensitive story about tonight's SpaceX Starlink launch.
[14:41:10] <Bytram>
[14:41:12] <Bytram>
[14:42:08] <Bytram> Time for me to get ready and head off to work, but... I have a time-sensitive submission about tonight's SpaceX launch of 60 Starlink Satellites; could someone please review and push it out? https://soylentnews.org(0230+UTC+May16)
[14:42:09] <upstart> ^ 03SpaceX to Launch 60 Starlink Satellites: 90min Window Opens 2230EDT May15 (0230 UTC May16): SoylentNews Submission
[14:42:10] <exec> └─ 13SpaceX to Launch 60 Starlink Satellites: 90min Window Opens 2230EDT May15 (0230 UTC May16): SoylentNews Submission
[14:42:26] <Bytram>
[14:42:43] <Bytram> have a great day everyone!
[17:35:19] -!- NCommander has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:37:27] chromas is now known as NCommander
[17:37:31] NCommander is now known as chromas
[17:37:49] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #editorial
[17:38:25] -!- NCommander has quit [Changing host]
[17:38:25] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall] has joined #editorial
[19:20:18] <chromas> Google Joins could use some seconding but it's already out so I left it