#editorial | Logs for 2019-04-14

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[02:25:39] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[02:34:47] -!- Sulla [Sulla!~Sulla@ytscgg-013-078-587-080.mycingular.net] has joined #editorial
[02:39:35] <Bytram> ~eds Hey guys! Thanks SO MUCH for keeping at least a half-dozen stories queued up at all times the past few days!! It has taken a HUGE load off my mind! When we're down to 2 or 1 or (shudder) none in the queue, it's a scramble to try and find and queue a story or two to keep us from running "dry".
[02:39:36] <exec> editor ping for Bytram (reason: hey guys! thanks so much for keeping at least a half-dozen stories queued up at all times the past few days!! it has taken a huge load off my mind! when we're down to 2 or 1 or (shudder) none in the queue, it's a scramble to try and find and queue a story or two to keep us from running "dry".): janrinok n1 nick Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 FatPhil mrpg chromas fyngyrz
[03:05:24] <Bytram> calling it a day... have a great night everyone./away
[12:37:38] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@2o65la1781ol6z6498eo2kwx37361g70.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #editorial
[12:37:38] -!- janrinok has quit [Changing host]
[12:37:38] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[12:37:38] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by Hephaestus
[12:38:33] <Bytram> janrinok: !!!
[12:38:45] <janrinok> Bytram!
[12:38:53] <Bytram> How ARE you?
[12:39:15] <Bytram> so good to "see" you!
[12:39:17] <janrinok> I'm just fending off more criticism from Ari regarding the edit I did to the Microsoft Edge story
[12:39:25] <Bytram> lol
[12:39:52] <janrinok> S is not too well, I was ill last week, but we have my PiL here to help celebrate S's birthday tomorrow
[12:39:52] <Bytram> clicky
[12:40:43] <Bytram> Ugh. Please give her my best wishes for her B-day!
[12:41:05] <Bytram> and a HUGE hug and a sloppy wet kiss, too!
[12:42:06] <janrinok> Will do, but I hope she is resting at the moment having not slept much last night.
[12:42:27] <Bytram> that would be best then; save it as a surprise for when she wakes
[12:42:45] <janrinok> lol - will do!
[12:43:03] <janrinok> how's things with you?
[12:43:36] <Bytram> much better, tx!
[12:44:02] <Bytram> lately, the eds here have kept at least a half dozen stories in the story queue
[12:44:14] <Bytram> so I don't wonder if I have to push out a story using my phone
[12:44:16] <Bytram> while at work
[12:45:04] <Bytram> getting a couple good nights' sleep also helps =)
[12:45:10] <janrinok> I've had to 2nd a few stories with my phone - but it is not a pleasant experience
[12:45:47] <janrinok> I'm very much an old-school, 2 large screens and oodles of processing power type of guy
[12:45:58] <Bytram> nod nod
[12:46:23] <Bytram> I got a large-screen TV last fall that I now use aas my monitor
[12:46:34] <Bytram> can run UHD (4380x2160)
[12:46:44] <Bytram> but my old lappy tops out at 2200x1200
[12:47:02] <janrinok> however, if you have any personal comments that you wish to make regarding my handling of the Edge story, please PM me and let me know. I'm no longer steering the good ship Soylent....
[12:47:09] <Bytram> got a new lappy, but am having some issues with the supplier and am not going to unpack/setup until I get resolved
[12:47:20] <janrinok> what sort of issues?
[12:47:20] <Bytram> am reading comments right now
[12:47:24] <janrinok> k
[12:48:01] <Bytram> a few weeks after I bought it, there was a promotion to buy the lappy and get a free gaming hedset s a bonus
[12:48:12] <Bytram> *headset as a bonus
[12:48:29] <Bytram> I *could* have just returned lappy and ordered a new one with the bonus headset
[12:48:35] <janrinok> understood that bit - I'm used to reading cmn's typing
[12:48:50] <Bytram> instead called them up and suggested that was wasteful and could they just send me the headset
[12:49:19] <Bytram> 4 times now, they have said sure, and then voided the transaction some random number of days later with no notice to me
[12:49:31] <Bytram> had to go and chevk order status and discover it wAS voided
[12:49:37] <Bytram> then get on the phone and call again
[12:49:38] <janrinok> sounds reasonable, but I can see why their bean counters would wince....
[12:49:54] <Bytram> each time was 30+ minutes on the phone with a record of over an hour one time
[12:50:03] <janrinok> you are applying commonsense....
[12:50:24] <janrinok> ... that will leave them confused for a start
[12:50:27] <Bytram> oh, the cust svc folk are fine with it, when I explain the situation but it always seems to get voided
[12:50:34] <Bytram> something about being backordered
[12:51:00] <Bytram> even though each time I see the void (up until right now) the site wAS shoing the headset available to order.
[12:51:29] <Bytram> Last I heard it was back ordered but would be avail may 1.
[12:51:34] <janrinok> so, it looks like you might have persuaded them to remove the offer all on your own - lol!
[12:51:42] <Bytram> ~blame
[12:51:44] * exec points at Bytram
[12:51:47] <Bytram> =)
[12:51:58] <janrinok> lol * billions
[12:52:00] <Bytram> I seem to have a knack for being able to break *anything*
[12:52:19] <janrinok> that's why you are so valuable in QA
[12:53:05] <Bytram> I am seriously debating writing a snail mail letter to company president explaining how disappointed I am, how much time it haS taken me, how much time it has taken from cust svc staff, and thought s/he would like to know about customer experience.
[12:53:36] <janrinok> it can do no harm, the worst that can happen is that they say 'No'
[12:54:30] <Bytram> last time I called, I pointed out that if I did actually get the headset, on the face of it all is even, except for all the time and inconvenince on my part trying to get this rectified...
[12:54:33] <janrinok> is it a big international company?
[12:54:40] <Bytram> they promised they would snail mail me a $50 gift card
[12:55:07] <Bytram> that was just a few days go, but have not seen anything off it yet... may be too early
[12:55:22] <janrinok> yeah, give them 10 days or more
[12:55:25] <Bytram> one of the largest dept stores in the country... that I happen to work at.
[12:56:01] <janrinok> I was going to suggest that you embarrass them, but that might not be such a good idea if they employ you
[12:56:03] <Bytram> So, when I order something for one of my guests, is this the kind of service I am setting them up for? I am none-too-pleased!
[12:56:59] <janrinok> it only takes one back office dickhead to undo all the good work of 100s of front-of-house staff
[12:57:00] <Bytram> I am a man of integrity and when I say I'm going to do something, I do it, or I better have a really good explanation of what went sideways to prevent it, but also an attempt at an amends to set things right.
[12:57:10] <Bytram> yuppers!
[12:58:05] <janrinok> I'll bet that the person causing the problem has a fraction of your experience but actually gets paid more
[12:58:41] <Bytram> yes on the first, doubtful on the 2nd
[12:58:45] <janrinok> he will see it has having saved $10 while losing $1000s of future custom
[12:59:27] <janrinok> but he is not responsible for future custom, he will simply blame someone else
[13:00:16] <Bytram> something like that, I suspect
[13:00:44] <Bytram> 'cept company has a BIG customer-focused approach in place and has been pushing that for a few years now.
[13:01:19] <janrinok> which is exactly how it should be, can you 'hint' at this in your next contact with them?
[13:01:47] <Bytram> oh, I have mentioned it along the way, yes. Will be in my snail mail letter, if I go that route.
[13:01:48] * janrinok is assuming that you haven't yet done this
[13:01:54] <Bytram> see above
[13:02:24] <janrinok> I can't wait for the next instalment - I've been missing all this by not being on IRC
[13:03:33] <Bytram> as things of any import go, it's small potatoes. But, and this is a big but... it's the principle of the thing... do NOT promise something and fail to follow through.
[13:04:15] <janrinok> exactly. I sometimes fear that integrity and honesty are rare attributes nowadays
[13:05:47] <Bytram> FWIW, ari only down moded 2 of your cmnts; 1 as flamebait and 1 s troll
[13:06:10] <janrinok> Yeah, he mentioned that, I'll have to correct my statement.
[13:06:54] <Bytram> btw, I concur with your striking that passage; by rights should not have gone out in the first place; sorry to see you taking the heat for that
[13:07:07] <janrinok> I wish S's condition was like it was a few years ago, I miss SN more than I expected to do. I'm definitely more on the sidelines looking in rather than making any significant contribution
[13:07:34] <Bytram> 100x1 == 1x100 Every bit helps!!!
[13:07:52] <janrinok> Oh, I don't mind taking the 'heat' - it is only Ari when all is said and done :)
[13:08:07] <Bytram> perspective++
[13:08:07] <Bender> karma - perspective: 1
[13:08:12] <Bytram> orly?
[13:08:14] <Bytram> perspective++
[13:08:14] <Bender> karma - perspective: 2
[13:08:38] <Bytram> how can one have perspective if there is only 1 (point of view) =)
[13:09:20] <janrinok> Sounds like my PiL are just returning from their walk, I'd better go and say hello to them. Back in a few minutes
[13:10:04] <Bytram> k
[13:13:27] <janrinok> not my PiL, just some neighbours saying 'hello'. But S is now awake so I'll make her a cup of tea
[13:13:44] <Bytram> yar
[13:14:19] <janrinok> Our tea is quite nice, not like that damp stuff that someone found in Boston Harbour ....
[13:16:05] <Bytram> you have... dry tea?!
[13:16:25] <janrinok> well, initially yes. But we are happy to wet it ourselves
[13:17:28] <janrinok> ... but it must be done properly, with the correct attention to both ceremony and practicality. Only then does tea taste like it should.
[13:18:33] <Bytram> and there is an element of synchronicity at play, too. Like trying to bring down the grid by everyone simultaneously putting a kettle on during a break in the world cup!
[13:19:11] <janrinok> And such things don't happen when fridge doors open during the superbowl?
[13:19:45] <Bytram> entirely different level of load
[13:20:02] <janrinok> true, we can at least claim to be successful...
[13:20:19] <Bytram> otoh, synchronized flushes have been known to cause issues in some places
[13:21:00] <Bytram> is too early in day to somehow work in a royal problem making it a royal flush
[13:21:02] <Bytram> ;)
[13:21:08] <Bytram> which reminds me
[13:21:10] <Bytram> coffee++
[13:21:10] <Bender> karma - coffee: 95
[13:21:20] <Bytram> back in a few
[13:21:44] <Bytram> oh, and that was 9 mod points used in that discussion
[13:21:52] <janrinok> by me?
[13:21:59] <Bytram> mostly, if not entirely, up.
[13:22:07] <Bytram> my mod points
[13:22:14] <janrinok> thx!
[13:22:33] <Bytram> not all to you, but I dispensed as I saw apropos
[13:23:19] <janrinok> As always I try to do the correct thing as every other editor does. And if Ari is complaining about it, it tends to suggest to me that I am on the right track :)
[13:24:48] <Bytram> it is dangerous territory for me to asses my own self-worth based on the *opinions* of others; I will certainly entertain feedback, and address any issues I find, but I need to maintain my own inner moral compass and not be held sway by trendy circumstances
[13:25:29] <Bytram> circumstances may not be the exact word; too early to think entirely clearly
[13:26:52] <Bytram> oh! I just remembered to check something... back in a few
[13:29:30] <Bytram> just checked to see if any more MDC quotes were provided since my last look; nothing added to either journal entry.
[13:30:01] <Bytram> (1) https://soylentnews.org
[13:30:03] <upstart> ^ 03Journal of martyb (76) ( https://soylentnews.org )
[13:30:03] <Bytram> (2) https://soylentnews.org
[13:30:05] <upstart> ^ 03Journal of The Mighty Buzzard (18) ( https://soylentnews.org )
[13:30:05] <exec> └─ 13Journal of martyb (76)
[13:30:06] <exec> └─ 13Journal of The Mighty Buzzard (18)
[13:30:11] <Bytram> lol
[13:30:29] <Bytram> ^^^ for future reference/posterity
[13:32:55] <janrinok> I was impressed and humbled by the response to the news of MDC's demise on our site.
[13:33:59] <Bytram> likewise
[13:34:31] * Bytram wonders what kind of... reaction(?)... there will/would be when his time has come
[13:34:53] <Bytram> =g mark twain live life undertaker
[13:34:54] <upstart> https://www.brainyquote.com - Mark Twain - Let us endeavor so to live so that when we...
[13:35:17] <Bytram> ^^^ "Let us endeavor so to live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."
[13:35:43] <Bytram> beg-o-meter updated
[13:35:47] <janrinok> I suspect if anyone even remembers me when I eventually go, it will be to the sound of cheering from those whose submissions I've rejected. I can live with that...
[13:35:55] <janrinok> or die.... more correctly]#
[13:36:33] <Bytram> and fail to see the cheers of those who are grateful that said subs were deep-sixed.
[13:36:58] <janrinok> I'm cooking pork shoulder in beer - the house currently smells like heaven to me, at least
[13:37:04] <Bytram> might bit of a tongue twister there
[13:37:40] * Bytram made a large ham stew last w/e... about 3 gallons' worth... umm, about 12 liters
[13:38:01] <janrinok> yeah, I understood the sentiment. However, I don't plan on going anytime in the near future - at least not until after I tasted this joint of pork
[13:38:27] <Bytram> ~3kg ham, ~3kg potatoes, 1kg carrots, 3 large onions, various spices
[13:38:34] <janrinok> I can cope with gallons - we use to have them too. Although ours were a different volume to yours.
[13:38:44] <Bytram> is why I xlated
[13:39:13] <janrinok> I've spent long enough in the US to know the difference
[13:39:21] <Bytram> good to know
[13:39:37] <Bytram> btw, did you catch the spacex falcon heavy launch / landings?
[13:39:51] <janrinok> yep - and the black hole image!
[13:39:55] <Bytram> good
[13:40:02] <Bytram> phone... brb, maybe
[13:40:22] <Bytram> actually, need to step away for a bit
[13:40:36] <Bytram> really REALLY enjoyed catching up with you!
[13:40:51] <Bytram> be good... or have fun! Your choice. =)
[13:55:59] <janrinok> I'll have fun being good... Take care Bytram
[17:23:45] -!- janrinok has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:36:37] <Sulla> My favorite quote about death was a Democratic statesman on the death of Theodore Roosevelt, "death had to take him when he was sleeping, for if he had been awake there would have been a fight"
[22:21:02] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[22:21:02] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[22:21:39] -!- mrpg has quit [Client Quit]
[23:30:43] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]