#editorial | Logs for 2018-11-16

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[00:18:17] <Bytram> new poll scheduled for 2018-11-16 08:00:00 UTC
[01:04:09] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[01:04:10] <upstart> ^ 03NASA confirms Mars Opportunity rover did not send signal back to Earth ( https://www.cnet.com )
[01:04:11] <exec> └─ 13NASA confirms Mars Opportunity rover did not send signal back to Earth - CNET
[01:08:00] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[01:08:01] <upstart> ^ 03FCC tries to clean-up space ( https://www.cnet.com )
[01:08:02] <exec> └─ 13FCC tries to clean-up space - CNET
[01:25:14] <Bytram> =g PS3 OtherOS checks
[01:25:15] <upstart> https://gearnuke.com - Sony sending $10 settlement checks for PS3 "Other OS" lawsuit
[01:25:28] <Bytram> =g PS3 OtherOS
[01:25:29] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - OtherOS - Wikipedia
[01:31:11] <Bytram> http://go.theregister.com
[01:31:13] <upstart> ^ 03Trump in Spaaaaaaace: Washington DC battles over who gets to decide the rules of trillion-dollar new industry ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[01:31:14] <exec> └─ 13Trump in Spaaaaaaace: Washington DC battles over who gets to decide the rules of trillion-dollar new industry • The Register
[03:03:43] <Bytram> back
[03:11:28] <chromas> https://gearnuke.com
[03:11:29] <upstart> ^ 03Sony sending $10 settlement checks for PS3 "Other OS" lawsuit
[03:11:30] <exec> └─ 13Sony sending $10 settlement checks for PS3 "Other OS" lawsuit
[04:07:35] <Bytram> time for bned
[04:07:41] <Bytram> time for bed!
[04:07:48] <Bytram> have a great night everyone!
[12:15:18] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[12:15:19] <upstart> ^ 03BlackBerry to Acquire Cylance for $1.4 Billion in Cash | SecurityWeek.Com ( https://www.securityweek.com )
[12:15:21] <exec> └─ 13BlackBerry to Acquire Cylance for $1.4 Billion in Cash | SecurityWeek.Com
[12:15:32] * Bytram didn't know they were still around.
[12:16:29] <chromas> Yeah but they just do Android phones now
[12:17:52] <Bytram> apparently still have a large footpring with QNX
[12:18:22] <Bytram> http://rss.computerworld.com
[12:18:23] <upstart> ^ 03Amid calls for a Windows bug status dashboard, Microsoft belatedly agrees to build one ( https://www.computerworld.com )
[12:23:59] <Bytram> =g blackberry stock
[12:24:00] <upstart> https://www.forbes.com - Why BlackBerry's Stock Has Been Underperforming
[12:25:39] <Bytram> =g blackberry curve
[12:25:40] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - BlackBerry Curve - Wikipedia
[12:30:38] <Bytram> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[12:30:40] <upstart> ^ 03Nvidia just can't grab a break. Revenues up, profit nearly doubles... and stock down 20% ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[12:30:41] <exec> └─ 13Nvidia just can't grab a break. Revenues up, profit nearly doubles... and stock down 20% • The Register
[12:37:09] <Bytram> =submit https://www.sciencemag.org
[12:37:11] <upstart> Submitting "In just 12 days, the world gets half of its annual rainfall"...
[12:37:33] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[13:04:58] <chromas> Ah oh, Bytram's puter sub is gonna hit the past pretty soon
[13:05:21] <Bytram> sokay, tired of moving it up again and again
[13:05:38] <Bytram> still haven't clearly figured out what I want to ask
[13:06:05] <Bytram> appreciate your noticing and mentioning it!
[13:06:12] <chromas> Set it to 2048
[13:06:23] <chromas> Or the year 100,000,000
[13:06:32] <Bytram> =g in the year 2525
[13:06:33] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - In the Year 2525 - Wikipedia
[13:07:26] * chromas considers undoing Bytram's hard work an removing the bold from the bberry sub >:)
[13:07:43] <Bytram> was in the original, if I am not mistaken
[13:08:18] <chromas> it was
[13:08:30] <chromas> it still is, but also it was
[13:08:40] * chromas butchers Mitch Hedberg
[13:09:34] <Bytram> whodat?
[13:09:42] <Bytram> =g Mitch Hedberg
[13:09:43] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - Mitch Hedberg - Wikipedia
[13:09:53] <chromas> =yt i used to to drugs mitch hedberg
[13:09:54] <upstart> https://youtube.com - MItch Hedberg - I used to do Drugs (7)
[13:10:27] <Bytram> which reminds me...
[13:10:29] <Bytram> coffee++
[13:10:29] <Bender> karma - coffee: 89
[13:10:30] <chromas> His delivery is weird. Or was. He ded
[13:10:31] <Bytram> biab
[13:10:33] <Bytram> =)
[13:11:53] <Bytram> that would tend to put a damper on your delivery
[14:03:23] <Bytram> =g Washington Post WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange has been charged under seal,
[14:03:24] <upstart> https://www.washingtonpost.com - Julian Assange has been charged, prosecutors reveal inadvertently ...
[14:04:03] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.washingtonpost.com
[14:04:13] <upstart> ^ 03Julian Assange has been charged, prosecutors reveal inadvertently in court filing
[14:04:24] <exec> └─ 13Julian Assange has been charged, prosecutors reveal inadvertently in court filing - The Washington Post
[14:43:50] <chromas> https://soylentnews.org
[14:43:51] <upstart> ^ 03Mozilla Report Ranks Holiday Tech Gifts by Considerin GPrivacy and Security: SoylentNews Submission
[14:43:53] <exec> └─ 13Mozilla Report Ranks Holiday Tech Gifts by Considerin GPrivacy and Security: SoylentNews Submission
[14:44:03] * chromas wonders if takyon did that on porpoise
[14:44:12] <chromas> "Considerin GPrivacy"
[14:44:53] <chromas> Probably not, but I assume there's probably some tool or group called Privacy or it was some sort of word play
[14:55:52] <Bytram> =g 029665193919
[14:55:53] <upstart> [0 results]
[14:55:58] <Bytram> =g 29665193919
[14:55:59] <upstart> [0 results]
[16:55:06] <Bytram> time for me to get going about my day... not sure how long I'll be out and about.
[19:02:59] -!- Xyem has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[19:03:00] -!- Xyem_ [Xyem_!~xyem@yu801-49.members.linode.com] has joined #editorial
[19:03:29] Xyem_ is now known as Xyem
[19:03:29] -!- Xyem has quit [Changing host]
[19:03:29] -!- Xyem [Xyem!~xyem@Soylent/Staff/Developer/Xyem] has joined #editorial
[20:46:51] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[20:46:51] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[20:47:15] <mrpg> Hmm, these two subs have no date. The articles have no date.
[20:47:23] <mrpg> This: Experts urge caution over study linking IVF technique to increased risk of intellectual disability
[20:47:31] <mrpg> And this: Giant Meteor Crater Found Under Greenland Ice Cap
[20:47:36] <mrpg> Do you see the date?
[20:51:54] <mrpg> The way I run this thing you'd think I knew something about it. - Bugs Bunny
[20:52:09] <mrpg> The way I run this thing you'd think I knew something about it. - Trump
[20:55:26] <mrpg> Experts Urge Caution over Study Linking IVF Technique to Increased Risk of Intellectual Disability - READY
[20:55:45] <mrpg> I hope those dateless stories are not from 2008
[21:11:13] <mrpg> Story about Kilogram - ready
[21:15:00] <mrpg> In Just 12 Days, the World Gets Half of its Annual Rainfall - READY
[21:15:09] <mrpg> load"*",8,1
[21:26:37] <mrpg> That's all for today.
[21:29:37] <mrpg> bytram: how many stories have I submitted? do some MySQL magic and let me know please. Just for curiosity. I'm not planning on taking over the top cat.
[21:30:11] <mrpg> In my submissions story there's only the last eight maybe.
[21:30:17] <mrpg> eit
[21:30:18] <mrpg> ate
[21:30:33] <mrpg> e-eet
[21:30:40] <mrpg> é-eet
[21:32:12] <mrpg> Well I have 930 stories with these four of today. In what, three years?
[21:43:00] <mrpg> First story, December 2016
[21:43:42] <mrpg> That's like 1,3 stories per day.
[21:45:20] <chromas> A comma for a decimal point?
[21:45:20] * chromas gets worked up in murikan
[21:51:42] <mrpg> Sorry, in Spanish that's how we roll.
[21:52:06] <mrpg> 1.234,56
[21:52:43] <mrpg> Though some countries use the dot. The dictionary says "don't sweat over it"
[22:18:41] <mrpg> I thought the name "mike rowe" was some kind of joke, like Dewey, Chetem and Howe. Turns out is the guy from Dirty Jobs :-)
[22:50:11] <mrpg> Bye, see you tomorrow, maybe Monday.
[22:50:17] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: close - bye]
[23:52:09] <chromas> He's got a show on Facebook now.