#editorial | Logs for 2018-10-13

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[02:11:04] -!- MrPlow has quit [Quit: Powered by Rust.]
[02:28:41] * chromas checks for easy takyon & Bytram subs :)
[02:29:05] <Bytram> I put a couple out there, and did a few upstarts, too.
[02:29:13] <Bytram> obliged.
[02:30:05] <Bytram> i can't believe how many people showed up at my friend's wake tonight. Had people lined up out the door. Took me over an hour from the time arrived until I could get to the ashes.
[02:30:26] <Bytram> funeral is tomorrow AM, so your help is very much appreciated!!!
[02:30:29] <Bytram> chromas++
[02:30:29] <Bender> karma - chromas: 46
[02:31:32] <chromas> I thought wake == funeral
[02:32:06] <Bytram> wake is aka "viewing"
[02:32:20] <Bytram> funeral is the "rite"
[02:32:23] <Bytram> #g rite
[02:32:28] <Bytram> yeah, right.
[02:32:50] <Bytram> https://www.google.com
[02:32:50] <upstart> ^ 03Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
[02:32:52] <exec> └─ 13Error 404 (Not Found)!!1
[02:33:00] <chromas> extra /
[02:33:02] <Bytram> https://www.google.com
[02:33:04] <exec> └─ 13rite - Google Search
[02:33:04] <upstart> ^ 03rite - Google Search
[02:33:10] <Bytram> write!
[02:33:34] <chromas> Heh, the 3-in-1 diarrhea sub had space diarrhea
[02:33:37] * Bytram chuckles in amusement, now that he could write the right rite there
[02:34:03] <Bytram> IIRC, that's from science daily?
[02:35:04] <Bytram> be sure to scroll down on any science daily page and see the: "materials" provide by "organization" links... if "materials" is a link, then use THAT for the story instead of SD.
[02:35:49] <Bytram> also, just below that is often a well-formed link to the journal article. drag select, view source, copy, paste, and minor cleanup.
[02:36:19] <Bytram> ok, should really hit the hay.
[02:36:26] <Bytram> chromas++ thank you!
[02:36:26] <Bender> karma - chromas: 47
[02:36:31] * chromas should add auto-DOI detection
[02:36:43] <chromas> Thank for the increment :)
[02:37:25] <Bytram> yanno, that's 5 past *everything*
[02:39:22] <Bytram> chromas: this story: https://soylentnews.org(FIX+ME)+in+Vape+Liquid
[02:39:23] <upstart> ^ 03FDA Issues Stiff Warning to E-Cig Seller who put aRGAIV(FIX ME) in Vape Liquid: SoylentNews Submission
[02:39:24] <exec> └─ 13FDA Issues Stiff Warning to E-Cig Seller who put aRGAIV(FIX ME) in Vape Liquid: SoylentNews Submission
[02:41:01] <Bytram> couldn't submit that story with correct spelling of Viagra and Cialis, so I put them in reverse order and inverse capitalised them each time they appeared so that I could get the story submission past the site story submission filters.
[02:41:07] <Bytram> you. have. been. warned.
[02:41:10] <Bytram> =)
[02:41:58] <chromas> Thanks :)
[02:42:09] <Bytram> So, Viagra becomes aRGAIV and Cialis becomes SILAIc
[02:42:25] <Bytram> thought that might perk up your curiosity.
[02:42:33] <Bytram> and now this time for sure.
[02:42:36] <Bytram> gnight!
[02:53:10] <chromas> heh, connection timeout
[10:32:44] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:35:33] -!- upstart [upstart!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[10:38:27] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:38:53] -!- upstart [upstart!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[10:55:30] <Bytram> chromas: thanks for feeding the story queue!
[10:55:53] <Bytram> slept okay, but woke early... decided to poke the story queue and remove old stories...
[10:56:38] <Bytram> you see anything in the subs queue dated 10/06 and earlier that you want to keep? If so, pls let me know. otherwise, I'll send 'em off with: "Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor selected it to be run since the time it was submitted (over a week ago). It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue."
[10:59:41] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB145
[10:59:43] <upstart> https://www.space.com - Haunted Again: Skull-Faced 'Halloween Asteroid' Returns in 2018
[11:01:04] <chromas> Nah, delete whatever
[11:01:40] <chromas> upstart's google doesn't have safe search ;)
[11:01:45] <Bytram> noticed this story got dropped already? https://soylentnews.org
[11:01:47] <upstart> ^ 03Eerie skull-shaped asteroid will zoom past Earth just after Halloween -- hopefully!: SoylentNews Submission
[11:01:47] <exec> └─ 13Eerie skull-shaped asteroid will zoom past Earth just after Halloween -- hopefully!: SoylentNews Submission
[11:02:44] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB145 Wikipedia
[11:02:46] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - 2015 TB145 - Wikipedia
[11:03:08] <chromas> you just need the =g
[11:03:31] <chromas> unless you're doing something weird I guess
[11:05:18] <chromas> I remember that story. Didn't notice i'twere deleted
[11:12:21] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB145 naming
[11:12:24] <upstart> http://earthsky.org - Update: 2015 TB145 likely a dead comet | Human World | EarthSky
[11:17:03] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid TB145 TB144 TB143
[11:17:04] <upstart> Search failed: Key not found: items
[11:17:14] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid TB145 TB144
[11:17:16] <upstart> http://www.freeasteroids.org - Asteroids Game - Play for free online!
[11:17:23] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid TB145 TB143
[11:17:24] <upstart> http://www.freeasteroids.org - Asteroids Game - Play for free online!
[11:17:34] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB145 TB143
[11:17:36] <upstart> http://itt-tech.info - Seattle
[11:22:07] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB143
[11:22:08] <upstart> https://www.google.com - A Year in Search 2015 - Google Trends
[11:22:15] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB142
[11:22:16] <upstart> https://www.google.com - A Year in Search 2015 - Google Trends
[11:22:19] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB141
[11:22:20] <upstart> http://time.com - Skull-Shaped 'Halloween Asteroid' is Coming Back in 2018 | Time
[11:22:26] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB140
[11:22:27] <upstart> https://www.google.com - A Year in Search 2015 - Google Trends
[11:22:31] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB139
[11:22:33] <upstart> https://www.google.com - A Year in Search 2015 - Google Trends
[11:22:37] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB138
[11:22:38] <upstart> https://www.google.com - A Year in Search 2015 - Google Trends
[11:22:42] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB137
[11:22:44] <upstart> https://www.google.com - A Year in Search 2015 - Google Trends
[11:23:27] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB136
[11:23:28] <upstart> https://www.google.com - A Year in Search 2015 - Google Trends
[11:23:38] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB101
[11:23:39] <upstart> https://www.google.com - A Year in Search 2015 - Google Trends
[11:24:04] <Bytram> =g google search Asteroid 2015 TB146
[11:24:51] <upstart> http://time.com - 3-Mile-Wide Asteroid to Pass Close to Earth, NASA Says | Time
[11:24:59] <Bytram> =g duckduckgo search Asteroid 2015 TB146
[11:25:00] <upstart> Search failed: Key not found: items
[11:25:23] <chromas> I should probably make it read the status field
[11:26:01] <Bytram> lol
[11:26:21] * Bytram is trying to find out where the "TB" of "TB145" comes from.
[11:26:25] <Bytram> so far, no luck
[11:26:39] <Bytram> =g search asteroid naming conventions
[11:26:40] <upstart> https://www.iau.org - Naming of Astronomical Objects | IAU
[11:39:27] <chromas> Ah oh! upstart's almost at maximum karma. Time to go shitpost
[11:46:48] <chromas> https://minorplanetcenter.net
[11:46:49] <upstart> ^ 03New- And Old-Style Minor Planet Designations
[11:46:50] <exec> └─ 13New- And Old-Style Minor Planet Designations
[11:47:56] <chromas> They should just give them DOIs
[11:48:02] <chromas> or ipv6 addresses
[11:49:35] <Bytram> =g direct line to heaven
[11:49:36] <upstart> https://www.youtube.com - Line To Heaven - Introvoys - YouTube
[11:49:46] <Bytram> =g hotline to heaven
[11:49:47] <upstart> https://www.youtube.com - Bananarama - Hotline To Heaven (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO ...
[11:50:23] <Bytram> break time... biab
[18:22:07] <Bytram> cleaned a bunch of old (a week or more) stories from the submission queue: "Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor selected it to be run since the time it was submitted (over a week ago). It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue. Please keep trying."
[18:22:43] <Bytram> gonna lay down for a nap.
[18:22:48] <Bytram> laters.
[22:06:56] <chromas> I should've saved Bytram's spooky sub for the 31th
[22:06:57] * chromas oh wells
[22:08:23] <chromas> geezus, cafebabe has a more sever case of linkitis than even takyon :)
[22:08:31] * chromas dropped an e
[22:29:04] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[22:29:04] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[23:00:14] <mrpg> take it slow it'll work itself out fine
[23:00:24] <mrpg> all we need is just a little patience
[23:00:31] <mrpg> I'll do Apple Speaks Out Against Australian Anti-Encryption Law; Police Advised Not to Trigger Face ID
[23:00:37] <mrpg> I'll do Human Retinas Grown In A Dish Reveal Origin Of Color Vision
[23:00:42] <mrpg> I'll do From 'problem Child' to 'prodigy'? LSD Turns 75
[23:00:44] <mrpg> Ready
[23:00:45] <mrpg> Ready
[23:00:47] <mrpg> Ready
[23:00:52] <mrpg> I work so fast
[23:01:12] <mrpg> I'll do Scientists Develop Novel Vaccine for Lassa Fever and Rabies
[23:01:16] <mrpg> Ready
[23:01:30] <mrpg> https://www.youtube.com
[23:01:32] <upstart> ^ 03Lita Ford - Kiss Me Deadly
[23:01:32] <exec> └─ 13Lita Ford - Kiss Me Deadly - YouTube
[23:03:01] <mrpg> And this one goes with the retina story https://www.youtube.com
[23:03:03] <upstart> ^ 03Dirty Dancing- Hungry Eyes
[23:03:03] <exec> └─ 13Dirty Dancing- Hungry Eyes - YouTube
[23:03:36] <mrpg> mary is mary cause shes gonna mary
[23:03:44] <mrpg> quien conociera a maria amaria a maria
[23:14:53] <chromas> mrpg++
[23:14:53] <Bender> karma - mrpg: 54
[23:21:47] <mrpg> Thanks.
[23:22:53] <mrpg> Thank you https://www.youtube.com
[23:22:55] <upstart> ^ 03Herman Munster and the Oscar
[23:22:55] <exec> └─ 13Herman Munster and the Oscar - YouTube
[23:35:40] <chromas> now eye see