#editorial | Logs for 2018-07-03

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[01:42:51] <Bytram> looks like the story queue is running dry...
[01:43:58] <Bytram> *just* pushed out: Australian Government Trials Biometrics for its MyGov System @ 2018/07/03 04:40
[01:45:40] <Bytram> 'FART' Bill Indicates Trump's Intention to Dump WTO @ 2018/07/03 06:17:00
[01:46:03] <chromas> "crutchy's bill"
[01:46:17] <Bytram> well ain't that "ducky" ??
[01:46:43] <Bytram> E-Cig Maker Juul Valued at $15-16 Billion
[01:48:07] <Bytram> E-Cig Maker Juul Valued at $15-16 Billion @ 2018/07/03 07:54:00
[01:48:43] <Bytram> making progress, still need to find a couplemore
[01:51:33] <Bytram> Microsoft Drops Windows 7 Support for Older PCs
[01:52:54] <Bytram> Microsoft Drops Windows 7 Support for Older PCs @ 2018/07/03 09:31:00
[01:55:17] <Bytram> Linux Mint 19 "Tara" Final Release is Out
[01:55:46] <Bytram> Linux Mint 19 "Tara" Final Release is Out @ 2018/07/03 11:08:00
[01:57:48] <Bytram> okay, that gets us to 7AM, which is well past sunrise on the US east coast.
[01:58:05] * Bytram is knackered and heads off to bed
[03:28:15] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:09:25] -!- upstart [upstart!~dbot@0::1] has joined #editorial