#editorial | Logs for 2018-04-24

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[01:50:18] <Bytram> chromas: in a word, "Yes."
[01:50:22] <Bytram> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[01:50:23] <upstart> ^ 03DON'T PANIC! America's net neutrality won't be ending today after all • The Register ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[01:50:24] <exec> └─ 13DON'T PANIC! America's net neutrality won't be ending today after all • The Register
[01:53:34] * chromas removes
[01:54:06] <chromas> We don't really need the slash category though; we've got rehash for that
[01:54:39] <Bytram> hmm... do we even *have* a slash category (topic)??
[01:55:14] <Bytram> 2nding How Many Piracy Warnings Would Get You to Stop?
[01:55:35] <chromas> We do I thought it'd be funny to use it for transplant article :D
[01:56:27] * Bytram checks and notes that there is, indeed, a Slash topic. Huh!
[01:58:23] <Bytram> 2nding Johns Hopkins Performs the First Total Penis and Scrotum Transplant
[01:59:34] <Bytram> chromas: hmm, pardon my ignorance, but I don't "get" your dept line for that story?
[01:59:52] <Bytram> >> from the ♫detachable-penis♫ dept.
[02:00:17] <chromas> It's a (slightly nsfw) song
[02:00:26] <Bytram> oh. ok.
[02:00:27] <chromas> You can change if you like
[02:00:44] * Bytram ponders while he heads off to dishes... back shortly
[02:01:39] <chromas> from the cockswap dept
[02:01:49] <Bytram> chromas: "things are looking up" dept?
[02:02:15] <Bytram> "passing interest"
[02:02:36] <chromas> swapmeat
[02:02:50] <Bytram> *groan* !!!!
[02:03:09] <Bytram> "cringeworthy"
[02:03:34] <Bytram> "touchy subject"
[02:05:58] <chromas> I can't wait for the discounts
[02:06:03] * chromas wants to get half off
[02:06:16] <Bytram> you can have the out-side
[02:07:37] * Bytram cringes at the thought of being one of the doctor's who had to take a scalpel to the donor... how in the world can anyone do that without cringing?
[02:08:34] <chromas> Make the robots do it
[02:08:44] <Bytram> is taking too much time... will leave it as you had it.
[02:09:06] <Bytram> 2nding New Exascale System for Earth Simulation Introduced
[02:10:52] <Bytram> 2nding Aliens on 'Super-Earth' Planets may be Trapped by Gravity
[02:11:42] <Bytram> chromas: ^^^ ... from the \ dept.
[02:11:44] <Bytram> ??
[02:11:50] <chromas> The dept may seem puzzling, but it's a "failed attempt to escape" :D
[02:12:18] <chromas> You can change if you like Like the penis, I'm not too attached to it
[02:12:19] <Bytram> tyranny of the rocket equation
[02:12:27] <Bytram> double *groan*
[02:13:02] <Bytram> nah... it's a good one. made me think, and made sense when it was explained. well done!
[02:13:06] <Bytram> chromas++
[02:13:06] <Bender> karma - chromas: 23
[02:14:37] <Bytram> Students Learn Italian Playing Video Games
[02:16:05] <Bytram> #g how to say love in Italizan
[02:16:05] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com - "Oct 22, 2013 ... Like these Italian Lessons !!! Check out the official app http://apple.co Watch more How to Speak Italian videos: http://www.howcast.com"
[02:16:07] <upstart> ^ 03How to Say "Love" in Italian | Italian Lessons - YouTube
[02:16:07] <upstart> ^ 03Connecting to the iTunes Store. ( https://itunes.apple.com )
[02:16:09] <upstart> ^ 03Page not found | Howcast - The best how-to videos on the web ( https://www.howcast.com )
[02:16:14] <Bytram> lol
[02:16:15] <chromas> and I'll do the alt-right sub by ari ;)
[02:16:40] * Bytram rummages around and finds a fresh set of asbestos undergarments
[02:16:59] <Bytram> #g italian amore
[02:16:59] <MrPlow> https://www.collinsdictionary.com - "English Translation of “amore” | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online. Over 100000 English translations of Italian words and phrases."
[02:17:01] <upstart> ^ 03English Translation of “amore” | Collins Italian-English Dictionary
[02:17:26] <chromas> Hm, we could have a weekly post which wraps up all of aris' subs, for the weekends
[02:17:41] <Bytram> unfiltered?
[02:17:46] <Bytram> just merge 'em all together?
[02:18:09] <chromas> Maybe. We could have a nexus just for his subs
[02:18:17] * Bytram rofls
[02:18:18] <chromas> JustShitpostingThings
[02:18:29] <Bytram> unfortunately, it would not scale well
[02:18:41] <Bytram> would also need a nexus for rdp, and then runaway, and then...
[02:19:03] <Bytram> you get the idea
[02:19:05] <chromas> They at least sub stuff that's usable
[02:19:17] <chromas> Though aristarchus has done that accidentally a time or two
[02:19:26] <Bytram> wrt rdp, well, kinda sorta
[02:20:01] <chromas> I don't recognize that abbrev
[02:20:12] <chromas> remote desktop protocol
[02:20:51] <chromas> How about: accept aristarchus sub, replace it with something topical, then put "oh yeah and something about the alt-right"
[02:20:57] <Bytram> oh
[02:20:59] <Bytram> rdt
[02:21:40] <Bytram> and... I give 'em 5 minutes to point out the "original submission" link
[02:27:58] <Bytram> "Swaziland@ renamed to "eSwatini"
[02:29:17] <Bytram> "Swaziland@ renamed to "eSwatini" 2018/04/24 09:16:00
[02:29:59] <Bytram> break time
[02:31:20] <Bytram> on second thought... bed time.
[02:31:39] * Bytram has not slept well past couple nights.. gonna try to get to bed at a more reasonable hour tonite
[07:18:12] <chromas> This is weird. A takyon sub with hypolinkuliasis.
[09:43:32] <chromas> "Defected" isn't synonymous with "defective", right?
[09:46:55] -!- BASHful_butcher [BASHful_butcher!~BASHful_b@192.36.zt.t] has joined #editorial
[11:00:49] -!- BASHful_butcher has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:23:59] <Bytram> whereto? https://labs.ripe.net
[13:24:00] <upstart> ^ 03So Long Last /8 and Thanks For All the Allocations — RIPE Labs
[13:24:01] <exec> └─ 13So Long Last /8 and Thanks For All the Allocations — RIPE Labs
[13:36:15] <Bytram> #g LIR
[13:36:16] <MrPlow> http://www.lironboylston.com - "Hop on the Bus and Head on down to Boylston Street. for your Bachelorette Party shenanigans! Upper Boylston is ready to celebrate your final fling before the ring,. so book your bacheloretteparty with the Bustonian today! Contact Bustonian for more info today! 1-866-GO-BUS-GO. OPENING HOURS. Monday-Wednesday ..."
[13:36:16] <upstart> ^ 03lir-on-boylston
[13:36:23] <Bytram> lol
[13:36:27] <Bytram> #g LIR IP address
[13:36:27] <MrPlow> https://www.ripe.net - "Mar 10, 2011 ... Local Internet Registry (LIR) is a term used to describe the members of the RIPE NCC. They are called LIRs because they are responsible for the distribution of address space and registration of the address space on a local level. LIRs also ensure that policies and procedures are followed on the local level."
[13:36:29] <upstart> ^ 03What is a Local Internet Registry (LIR)? — RIPE Network Coordination Centre
[13:36:39] <Bytram> much better
[13:49:51] <fyngyrz> Doing "New form of DNA"
[13:55:47] <fyngyrz> Done
[14:04:02] <Bytram> fyngyrz: !!
[14:04:59] <fyngyrz> eh?
[14:05:10] <fyngyrz> did I screw it up?
[14:05:17] <Bytram> Hi! Was just an enthusiastic greeting
[14:05:29] <Bytram> was a long-standing way of saying "Hi!!"
[14:05:34] <fyngyrz> oh. okay. It's morning here. Enthusiasm seems like something to fear
[14:05:41] * Bytram ROFLs
[14:05:56] <Bytram> is morning here, too. Just not as much. =)
[14:06:21] <fyngyrz> Morning's like a bad drug trip. You have to wait for it to wear off.
[14:06:31] * Bytram is on us east coast... IIRC, you're on the other coast?
[14:06:44] <fyngyrz> Montana... one hour short
[14:06:53] * Bytram never had one of those
[14:06:54] <fyngyrz> timezone-wise
[14:06:55] <Bytram> nod nod
[14:12:48] <Bytram> whereto? http://www.bbc.co.uk
[14:12:49] <upstart> ^ 03Apple's Shazam deal faces European probe - BBC News
[14:12:50] <exec> └─ 13Apple's Shazam deal faces European probe - BBC News
[14:13:04] <Bytram> ~arthur a199f5
[14:13:08] <exec> 573 stories loaded
[14:13:08] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Apple's Shazam deal faces European probe"
[14:13:39] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[14:13:40] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:13:41] <upstart> ^ 03Asthma and hay fever linked to increased risk of psychiatric disorders: A new study is the first to find a significant link between common allergic diseases and a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders -- ScienceDaily
[14:13:42] <exec> └─ 13Asthma and hay fever linked to increased risk of psychiatric disorders: A new study is the first to find a significant link between common allergic diseases and a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders -- ScienceDaily
[14:13:44] <exec> 572 stories loaded
[14:14:05] <Bytram> ~arthur 698402
[14:14:07] <exec> it has been only 29 seconds since the last submission - please wait
[14:14:18] * Bytram taps fingers
[14:14:43] <Bytram> ~arthur 698402
[14:14:47] <exec> 572 stories loaded
[14:14:47] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Asthma and hay fever linked to increased risk of psychiatric disorders"
[14:15:18] <exec> error: something went wrong with your submission - maybe try again in a minute
[14:16:05] <Bytram> hmmmm
[14:16:11] <Bytram> whereto? #1 http://go.theregister.com
[14:16:13] <upstart> ^ 03Astroboffins discover the stink of eggy farts wafting from Uranus • The Register ( http://www.theregister.co.uk )
[14:16:14] <exec> └─ 13Astroboffins discover the stink of eggy farts wafting from Uranus • The Register
[14:16:35] <Bytram> whereto? #2 http://go.theregister.com
[14:16:36] <upstart> ^ 03Astroboffins discover the stink of eggy farts wafting from Uranus • The Register ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[14:16:38] <exec> └─ 13Astroboffins discover the stink of eggy farts wafting from Uranus • The Register
[14:16:45] <Bytram> huh!
[14:17:10] <Bytram> same destination url, but one is HTTP and the other is HTTPS
[14:19:37] <fyngyrz> Important to link the HTPS URL so "the man" doesn't know what we're reading about "eggy farts" /s
[14:20:02] <fyngyrz> and ... uranus!
[14:20:13] <Bytram> well... I noticed *both* links listed on the story bot page: https://wiki.soylentnews.org
[14:20:15] <upstart> ^ 03Storybot - SoylentNews
[14:20:16] <exec> └─ 13Storybot - SoylentNews
[14:20:32] <Bytram> and became curious as to why the same story was listed twice.
[14:21:48] <Bytram> here's another:
[14:21:49] <fyngyrz> was attempting humor. Clearly, it's still morning.
[14:21:52] <Bytram> #1: http://www.theregister.co.uk
[14:21:53] <exec> └─ 13Brains behind seL4 secure microkernel begin RISC-V chip port • The Register
[14:22:10] <Bytram> #2: https://www.theregister.co.uk
[14:22:11] <exec> └─ 13Brains behind seL4 secure microkernel begin RISC-V chip port • The Register
[14:22:33] <Bytram> those are for: 9fe8fd and 47404c, respectively
[14:23:35] <Bytram> on a different note:
[14:23:36] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[14:23:36] <upstart> ^ 03Samsung's superfast 970 Pro and Evo NVMe SSDs available soon - CNET ( https://www.cnet.com )
[14:23:38] <exec> └─ 13Samsung's superfast 970 Pro and Evo NVMe SSDs available soon - CNET