#editorial | Logs for 2018-03-24

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[02:32:22] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[02:35:16] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@k2241jepm9doh5wy9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #editorial
[05:20:06] -!- upstart has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[05:21:24] -!- clorox|2 has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[05:24:31] -!- clorox|2 [clorox|2!~drinkme@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #editorial
[09:00:30] -!- chromas has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[09:07:01] -!- clorox|2 [clorox|2!~drinkme@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #editorial
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[09:31:28] -!- clorox|2 [clorox|2!~drinkme@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #editorial
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[09:37:49] -!- clorox|2 [clorox|2!~drinkme@5433-9y82-5383-3z92-9p21-f9r1-0o15-jr91.dhcp4.chtrptr.net] has joined #editorial
[12:58:25] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[13:48:44] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~mrpg@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[13:48:44] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[13:49:19] <mrpg> hi
[13:50:49] <mrpg> I'll do "washington anticensorship law"
[13:56:28] <mrpg> the governing artile is fro the seattle times.
[13:56:51] <mrpg> s/fro/from
[13:56:58] <mrpg> s/fro/from/
[13:57:00] <exec> <mrpg> the governing artile is from the seattle times.
[13:57:10] <mrpg> s/artile/article/
[13:57:12] <exec> <mrpg> the governing article is fro the seattle times.
[13:57:22] <mrpg> ¿?¿¿??
[13:58:50] <mrpg> I'll change the link in the submission to the original website. It seems the same guy (neal morton) got published i 3 different places.
[14:06:16] <mrpg> Should we do the porn one? google enforcing his terms of service is not news. Well it is news if it happens suddenly after years of nothing.
[14:15:49] <mrpg> I'll do "liability laws for software"
[14:21:52] <mrpg> ready
[14:22:05] <mrpg> learn fro your mistakes - ready
[14:22:12] <mrpg> from hehehe
[14:22:42] <mrpg> earwig wings - ready
[14:26:44] <mrpg> I'll do the submission about richard dawkins
[14:33:21] <mrpg> ready
[14:33:41] <mrpg> I'll merge the youtube firearms and the move to porn.
[14:38:08] <mrpg> Well well well, I clicked on "delete" instead of merge.
[14:38:21] <mrpg> I have them in another tab. Now what.
[14:42:41] <mrpg> Ok, I can't merge them, so I'll post Fnord and add the text of the other from the AC.
[15:01:32] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staff/Editor/chromas] has joined #editorial
[15:01:32] -!- mode/#editorial [+v chromas] by Hephaestus
[15:05:06] <mrpg> Ok, youtube cracks down on firearms - ready
[15:06:07] <mrpg> After this the porn submission makes more sense, I'll do it
[15:08:11] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~42ab119e@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[15:21:59] -!- upstart [upstart!~dbot@0::1] has joined #editorial
[15:25:39] <mrpg> sex workers submission - ready
[15:31:09] <mrpg> I'll do "thousands of servers" submission
[15:31:17] <mrpg> #g etcd
[15:31:17] <MrPlow> https://github.com - "README.md. etcd. Go Report Card Coverage Build Status Travis Build Status Semaphore Godoc Releases LICENSE. Note: The master branch may be in an unstable or even broken state during development. Please use releases instead of the master branch in order to get stable binaries. the etcd v2 documentation has ..."
[15:31:18] <upstart> ^ 03GitHub - coreos/etcd: Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
[15:31:42] <mrpg> oh, so like hash but with inet
[15:35:16] <mrpg> Columns look wierd in chromium in ubuntu, looks better in firefox...
[15:39:32] <mrpg> Ok, I'll do one from aristarchus, get ready!
[15:44:55] <mrpg> I don't live in the US so I shouldn't be doing this. I'll let you decide.
[15:45:29] <chromas> Do it. Gotta get those clicks for ad revenue!
[15:45:38] <mrpg> hahaha yes
[15:47:44] <fyngyrz> mrpg, when you do [sic], the sic part should be italicised. I fixed it in the sex workers one.
[15:48:25] <fyngyrz> s/italicised/italicized/
[15:48:26] <exec> <fyngyrz> mrpg, when you do [sic], the sic part should be italicized. I fixed it in the sex workers one.
[15:48:33] <fyngyrz> whoops. :)
[15:48:59] <mrpg> ok, thanks
[15:49:13] <mrpg> aristarchus submission - ready, check it out
[15:49:30] <mrpg> #freearistarchus!!!
[15:50:23] <chromas> it'd be hilarious if that was the dept :D
[15:51:07] <mrpg> :)
[15:51:13] <fyngyrz> how about aristarchus-as-in-beer ?
[15:52:01] <fyngyrz> c'mon, it's humor anyway.... DO IT! :)
[15:52:28] * fyngyrz looks encouraging
[15:53:41] <mrpg> haha, no, I'll leave my opinions for the comments.
[15:54:30] <mrpg> I'll do "Optalysys Claims Creation of a Convolutional Neural Network Using its Optical Coprocessor"
[15:55:40] <fyngyrz> I look at that... was looking for how big an NN they did... couldn't find the info. They're not very forthcoming, really
[15:56:08] <fyngyrz> s/look/looked/
[15:56:10] <exec> <fyngyrz> I looked at that... was looking for how big an NN they did... couldn't find the info. They're not very forthcoming, really
[15:56:12] <fyngyrz> sigh
[15:56:43] <chromas> Would you say their details are convoluted?
[15:56:50] <chromas> and/or convolved
[15:57:42] <fyngyrz> I'd say their detail provision is insufficiently trained
[15:58:29] <mrpg> optalysys - ready
[15:58:33] <mrpg> I'll do "Designing Diamonds For Medical Imaging Technologies
[15:58:33] <mrpg> "
[15:59:02] <mrpg> janrinok is on it, I'll wait.
[15:59:55] <fyngyrz> Optalsys looks good, I seconded it
[16:00:06] <mrpg> thanks
[16:00:11] <mrpg> I'll do "Part Of The Great Barrier Reef Exposed To More CO₂; Results Are Grim"
[16:05:42] <mrpg> coral - ready
[16:06:16] <mrpg> later.
[16:06:20] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: Saliendo]
[16:56:38] -!- fyngyrz has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[19:36:36] <Fnord666> #msg
[19:53:45] <chromas> Is there a rule for adding quotes from additional articles to bot submissions?
[20:07:10] <Fnord666> ~gday chromas
[20:07:12] * exec unwillingly gives a thingy of get-out-of-audit-free cards to chromas
[20:07:19] <chromas> ~g'day Fnord666
[20:07:21] * exec unnecessarily derives a gigabyte of health potions from Fnord666
[20:07:27] <Fnord666> I don’t think there is a rule
[20:07:53] <Fnord666> That I know of anyway
[20:07:55] <chromas> I was looking at the coin miner sub from MrPlow and was considering adding a bleepingcomputer quote
[20:08:24] <Fnord666> As long as you attribute it to the source
[20:08:25] <chromas> There's so many mediocre depts for it
[20:08:43] <Fnord666> somedays inspiration strikes, other days….
[20:08:59] * chromas should test the dept limits
[20:09:15] <chromas> Thanks for the inputs
[20:09:40] <Fnord666> np
[20:09:49] <chromas> p
[20:10:01] * chromas versus
[20:10:02] <Fnord666> =?
[20:10:27] <Fnord666> were you asking about irc clients for mac the other day?
[20:10:43] <Fnord666> or was that someone else?
[20:10:50] <chromas> Somebody was. I don't remember who though
[20:11:01] <Fnord666> k
[20:12:29] * chromas checks logs
[20:12:31] <chromas> Might've been fyngyrz
[20:12:48] <Fnord666> sounds right.
[20:15:45] <Fnord666> thanks
[20:25:54] <chromas> Hm, I just noticed the story's pretty old though
[20:26:47] * chromas tosses the tab
[20:29:14] <Fnord666> eh, not that old if it’s for the weekend
[20:30:16] * chromas un-closes the tab
[20:30:17] <Fnord666> but it’s your call
[20:31:59] <chromas> Okay, I turned it back on
[20:32:50] <chromas> If it's the weekend, I should do the gewg story too :)
[20:35:19] <Fnord666> Not sure I’d go that far…. :)
[20:36:57] <chromas> There's some old poll ideas in the queue. We could schedule the tp one for April 1
[20:39:10] <Fnord666> Not a bad idea
[20:40:22] <Fnord666> Who knew there would be so many choices?
[20:41:59] <Fnord666> biab
[20:42:53] <chromas> I wouldn't expect vertical disrollment to be efficient
[20:43:17] * chromas prefers Schrödinger's dispenser
[22:48:17] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@k2241jepm9doh5wy9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #editorial