#editorial | Logs for 2018-03-14

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[00:25:51] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[00:47:06] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@k2241jepm9doh5wy9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #editorial
[01:08:43] <chromas> Bytram: where's the fire?
[01:08:48] <chromas> s/fire/beef/
[01:08:50] <exec> <chromas> Bytram: where's the beef?
[01:14:02] * chromas picks random story, adds "breaking", checks fast forward
[01:29:21] -!- Azrael_ [Azrael_!~Az@uvnq14-484-049-077.range64-934.btcentralplus.com] has joined #editorial
[01:29:54] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[01:33:48] -!- Azrael_ has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[01:34:19] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@vhost.removed.contact.irc.admin] has joined #editorial
[02:03:47] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[02:06:33] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@k2241jepm9doh5wy9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #editorial
[02:06:39] <Bytram> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[02:06:41] <upstart> ^ 03It's March 2018, and your Windows PC can be pwned by a web article (well, none of OURS) • The Register ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[02:06:42] <exec> └─ 13It's March 2018, and your Windows PC can be pwned by a web article (well, none of OURS) • The Register
[02:10:50] <chromas> Luckily, nobody uses Edge or IE ;)
[02:11:20] <chromas> Windows Web Wulnerabilities
[02:20:02] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[02:21:39] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@k2241jepm9doh5wy9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #editorial
[02:36:47] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[02:46:04] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@k2241jepm9doh5wy9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #editorial
[04:00:35] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[07:27:20] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[07:27:20] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by Hephaestus
[07:27:44] <janrinok> takyon, I added my SH story to yours and then set mine to non-Display
[07:27:55] <takyon> ok
[07:28:08] <takyon> I think I need to add something else. let me think of what it was.................
[07:28:30] <takyon> do we want to add "Sir" or anything back in?
[07:28:52] <janrinok> I have done in mine he was Professor Sir SH
[07:29:04] <janrinok> but it would look good in the title too
[07:30:23] <takyon> gonna unfuckup the stoyr now
[07:31:59] <janrinok> I'll stay out of it
[07:32:16] <takyon> is your text a quote from the article?
[07:32:19] <takyon> I bet it has changed
[07:32:21] <janrinok> nope
[07:32:30] <takyon> ok it needs out of that blockquote then
[07:32:44] <janrinok> it was from a tv news broadcast that I'm watching and transcribing!
[07:33:32] <takyon> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[07:33:38] <takyon> back into the blockquote it goes
[07:33:39] <janrinok> play it how you like
[07:34:02] <takyon> updated, ready to check
[07:35:09] <janrinok> we'll probably be adding to it throughout the day
[07:35:17] <janrinok> I've 2nd'ed it
[07:46:09] <takyon> just changed "Stephen Hawkings"
[07:46:44] <janrinok> where was that?
[07:46:51] <janrinok> seen!
[07:47:18] <janrinok> fingers moving faster than my brain again
[07:49:12] <takyon> next time just copy and paste from an online article rather than transcribe a tv broadcast
[07:49:34] <takyon> seeing as the story hit the press 3 hours ago
[08:49:19] <janrinok> maybe - but it is live TV here
[08:49:36] <janrinok> the obit comments are coming in live as I speak
[11:12:29] <Bytram> janrinok: good morning
[11:12:33] * Bytram is not awake
[11:13:33] <Bytram> I think we have a dupe on AMD security flaws
[11:13:45] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[11:13:46] <upstart> ^ 03Error
[11:13:48] <exec> └─ 13Error
[11:13:50] <Bytram> and
[11:14:00] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[11:14:01] <upstart> ^ 03Error
[11:14:03] <exec> └─ 13Error
[11:16:34] <Bytram> I added an editor's note to the dupe; merge it if you can... I am not awake enough to do it safely. Also marked it NOT display.
[11:20:17] * Bytram goes back to bed
[11:32:55] <cmn32480> janrinok - why woudl we add toit throughout the day? unless he come sback to life... I mean THAT woudl give us a good reason
[11:49:21] <janrinok> cmn32480, I was suggesting that people could add their own memories of the man in the comments - but, if you do see Hawking walking around, then be sure to post something...
[11:49:59] * cmn32480 makes a note to do that, lest he forget
[11:51:57] <janrinok> I won't be doing much on here today - I'm preparing for my op at early o'clock tomorrow morning.
[11:53:11] <cmn32480> ah yes
[11:53:28] <cmn32480> that was why I dumped a bunch in the queue last night.. .I swear
[11:53:42] <janrinok> lol - 'course it was
[11:53:52] <cmn32480> somebody has to look out for you
[11:53:58] <janrinok> true
[11:54:08] <cmn32480> and jsut to give you some brain tattoo
[11:54:18] <cmn32480> I'm sitting in my hotel room in my underoos sipping coffee
[11:54:23] <janrinok> and after tomorrow, someone will have to speak out for me too. No speaking on my part for a couple of days
[11:54:49] <cmn32480> i hear there is a special chair out there that is now available we might be able to get you to help with that
[11:55:01] <janrinok> cmn32480, that is not the sort of thing I want to imagine tomorrow as I slip into my deep sleep ....
[11:55:20] <cmn32480> excellent... my job here is done!
[11:56:09] <janrinok> Bytram, thanks for your email ack. I'll copy the email to cmn32480 too just for his info.
[11:56:28] * cmn32480 wonders if they are gonna bury hawking with his chair.... and add the backhoe attachment just in case
[11:56:51] <janrinok> email in you SN mailbox
[11:57:00] <cmn32480> oh goody... /me wonders what the pwd is
[11:57:28] <cmn32480> ahh.. here we go
[11:57:29] <cmn32480> 12345
[11:57:40] <janrinok> same as my luggage ...
[11:57:57] * cmn32480 makes a note to change the combo on the air shield too
[12:01:17] <cmn32480> read it
[12:01:26] <janrinok> k, nuff said
[12:01:39] <cmn32480> yep
[12:01:56] * cmn32480 wonders if he shoudl get out of his underoos and into the shower
[12:02:20] <janrinok> well, if you are going to get into the shower, then the former action is desireable
[12:02:28] <cmn32480> i tend to think so
[12:02:45] <cmn32480> I also realized that for a trip of this duration, I did NOT pack enough socks
[12:02:45] <janrinok> otherwise you leave wet patches everywhere you sit
[12:02:58] <cmn32480> and my heine won't get clean
[12:03:06] <janrinok> so you packed the usual 1 pair...?
[12:03:27] <cmn32480> actually, I think I missed packing a few days worth.
[12:03:39] <cmn32480> somehow forgot that I was going to be gone 2 weekends and only packed for 1
[12:04:10] <cmn32480> so I will have to hit Walmart and get some
[12:04:20] <janrinok> lol - gtg, things to do... Have a good one, I might be back on here later
[12:04:36] <cmn32480> be safe if I don't talk to you
[12:04:41] <cmn32480> I'll keep you in my prayters
[12:04:47] <cmn32480> and my prayers too
[12:04:53] <cmn32480> my best to S
[12:05:06] <janrinok> ty
[12:06:01] * cmn32480 goes to get soapy and wet
[14:15:20] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[14:18:32] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~42ab119e@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[16:19:14] -!- fyngyrz has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:12:15] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~mrpg@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[18:12:15] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[18:12:49] <mrpg> raspberry pi 3 story - ready
[18:14:35] <mrpg> Good afternoon from my new ubuntu budgie now using hexchat.
[18:51:32] <mrpg> I'm gonna do "how do tactics spread?"
[18:53:02] <cmn32480> from the same-way-as-the-clap dept.
[18:54:58] <mrpg> tac-tics
[18:59:25] <mrpg> How do tactics spread? - ready
[19:08:07] <mrpg> bye
[19:08:17] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:10:35] -!- NCommander has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught me]
[20:10:39] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #editorial
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[20:11:36] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #editorial
[20:11:37] NCommander is now known as SoyGuest12712
[22:22:29] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@k2241jepm9doh5wy9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #editorial
[22:56:25] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[23:01:39] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@k2241jepm9doh5wy9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #editorial
[23:31:49] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[23:33:04] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@k2241jepm9doh5wy9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #editorial
[23:33:21] -!- cortex has quit [Client Quit]