#editorial | Logs for 2018-03-11

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[02:23:27] upstart is now known as systemd
[02:27:56] -!- systemd has quit [Changing host]
[02:27:56] -!- systemd [systemd!~dbot@0::1] has joined #editorial
[02:33:44] -!- mode/#editorial [+v chromas] by Hephaestus
[02:44:49] systemd is now known as upstart
[10:50:19] -!- SoyGuest55194 has quit [Quit: fuck debian, grrr!!!]
[21:13:46] <Bytram> Fnord666: hi there! Noticed you looking at the story about Australian parents' fears...
[21:14:35] <Bytram> note that the story's title has a typo "Auusie" should be "Aussie" (at least, that is what I think it should be)
[21:14:38] <Bytram> #g aussie
[21:14:39] <MrPlow> https://aussie.com - "Aussie Hair Products give you naturally beautiful hair. Our complete line of products includes shampoos, conditioners, treatments, stylers and finishing products."
[21:14:44] <Bytram> lol
[21:15:56] <Bytram> #submit https://www.merriam-webster.com
[21:15:56] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[21:15:58] <exec> └─ 13New Dictionary Words | March 2018 | Merriam-Webster
[21:16:20] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.merriam-webster.com
[21:16:20] <upstart> ^ 03New Dictionary Words | March 2018 | Merriam-Webster
[21:16:21] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[21:16:22] <exec> └─ 13New Dictionary Words | March 2018 | Merriam-Webster
[21:16:22] <upstart> ^ 03SoylentNews Submissions
[21:16:29] <Bytram> lol
[21:16:51] <Bytram> according to the link I saw in #rss-bot, there's something on the order of 850 new words
[21:17:07] * Bytram is tired and heading back to bed for a nap
[21:17:10] <Bytram> laters!