#editorial | Logs for 2017-12-15

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[00:29:08] <Bytram> .
[00:29:08] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[00:29:09] <upstart> ^ 03Nuclear test videos newly declassified are now on YouTube - CNET ( https://www.cnet.com )
[00:29:12] <exec> └─ 13Nuclear test videos newly declassified are now on YouTube - CNET
[00:34:42] <Bytram> https://www.sciencedaily.com
[00:34:44] <upstart> ^ 03Pardon Our Interruption
[00:36:54] <Bytram> http://news.fsu.edu
[00:36:56] <upstart> ^ 03National MagLab's latest magnet snags world record, marks new era of scientific discovery - Florida State University News
[00:36:56] <exec> └─ 13National MagLab's latest magnet snags world record, marks new era of scientific discovery - Florida State University News
[00:38:37] <Bytram> https://www.csail.mit.edu
[00:38:38] <upstart> ^ 03Improving traffic - by tailgating less | MIT CSAIL
[00:39:11] <Bytram> http://www.ns.umich.edu
[00:39:14] <upstart> ^ 03Electricity, eel-style: Soft power cells could run tomorrow's implantables | University of Michigan News
[00:39:14] <exec> └─ 13Electricity, eel-style: Soft power cells could run tomorrow's implantables | University of Michigan News
[00:39:19] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[00:39:21] <exec> └─ 13Eel-Style Electricity - YouTube
[00:39:22] <upstart> ^ 03Eel-Style Electricity - YouTube
[00:42:17] <Bytram> http://jacobsschool.ucsd.edu
[00:42:19] <exec> └─ 13Less than skin deep: humans can feel molecular differences between nearly identical surfaces
[00:42:23] <upstart> ^ 03Less than skin deep: humans can feel molecular differences between nearly identical surfaces
[00:42:27] <Bytram> http://dx.doi.org
[00:42:31] <exec> └─ 13Human ability to discriminate surface chemistry by touch - Materials Horizons (RSC Publishing)
[00:55:13] -!- Bender has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:55:29] -!- Bender [Bender!Bender@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #editorial
[18:28:26] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~m@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[18:28:26] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[18:29:02] <mrpg> hi
[18:38:22] <mrpg> let's see the queue
[18:49:07] <mrpg> uk officers russia cables internet - ready
[18:49:21] <mrpg> dupe from the president, can I delete it ?
[18:49:31] <mrpg> FCC repeals - dupe
[18:52:57] <mrpg> eledtric ell may shock you - ready
[19:18:52] <mrpg> san francisco animal shelter rents - ready
[19:19:33] <mrpg> should the title be "shelter hates the homeless" or "rents robotic guard"?
[19:19:48] <mrpg> what happens next may SHOCK YOU
[19:27:24] <mrpg> Patreon scraps new service fee and apologizes to users- boring. Maybe for sunday 3am?
[19:27:38] <mrpg> 3am in which TZ?
[19:40:07] <mrpg> neglected tropical diseases - ready
[19:41:29] <mrpg> wtf is euobserver, should I trust it? is it a good source?
[19:41:47] * mrpg wikipedias
[19:41:52] * mrpg googles
[19:42:00] * mrpg startpages
[19:42:07] * mrpg duckduckgoes
[19:43:15] <mrpg> wikipedia says it's legit.
[19:43:27] <mrpg> "wikipedia says" is synonym of 'beware'
[19:43:30] <mrpg> but ok.
[19:43:46] <mrpg> Let me talk dont monopolize the conversation!
[19:44:10] <Deucalion> Hi mrpg - Hi EDS!! xD
[19:44:23] <mrpg> hi
[19:45:23] <mrpg> now this conversation passes from a monologue to a biologue.
[19:45:47] <Deucalion> That sounds like a synonym for a plague of some sort :/
[19:46:18] <mrpg> haha right didnt notice
[19:50:39] <Deucalion> or maybe what happens after a natural burial. Rather than an epilogue, you corpse gets a biologue - consumed by critters and microbes in the soil. Can't see them coming anywhere near a normally preserved cadaver prepared the western funeral way.
[19:51:36] <mrpg> that's a nice epilogue for life
[19:56:59] <Deucalion> I suppose it all depends one's philosophy on what happens after we depart our mortal form. Interesting to think about, but an utterly useless conversation topic. Find out when we get there :D
[19:59:33] <mrpg> yes. I think there's nothing.
[19:59:51] <mrpg> I'm doing the bash submission.
[20:01:20] <Deucalion> But why do you think there is nothing? (And here starts the ultimately pointless quasi-philosophical conversation that seems like a good idea after too much malt)
[20:03:48] <mrpg> haha yes
[20:05:47] <mrpg> Interview with Brian Fox, Author of the Bash Shell - ready
[20:09:08] <mrpg> Enough for today.
[20:09:27] <mrpg> I'll reject trump's story on net neutrality as a dupe, which it is.
[20:10:36] <mrpg> I clicked on delete but it asked me nothing! I should have deleted it from inside, where there's a "reason" field.
[20:10:48] <mrpg> :-(
[20:11:14] <mrpg> it wasnt the alt right, it was a simple mistake, im human !!!!!!1!1111222223321111!!!!!!!!
[20:12:20] <mrpg> should I apologize? am I gonna be denied a visa? darn! yikes!
[20:22:29] <mrpg> Ready for today.
[20:22:45] <mrpg> Bye. #MSGA
[20:22:48] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: Leaving.]