#editorial | Logs for 2017-11-20

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[00:22:35] <Bytram> https://arstechnica.com
[00:22:37] <upstart> ^ 03Intel will ship processors with integrated AMD graphics and memory | Ars Technica
[00:22:37] <exec> └─ 13Intel will ship processors with integrated AMD graphics and memory | Ars Technica
[00:25:04] <Bytram> that's one story out...
[00:25:18] <Bytram> "Every Day is a Nibiru Doomsday "
[00:27:24] <Bytram> #g domsday
[00:27:24] <MrPlow> https://www.thefreedictionary.com - "Domsday Book synonyms, Domsday Book pronunciation, Domsday Book translation, English dictionary definition of Domsday Book. also Dooms·day Book n."
[00:30:25] <Bytram> "Every Day is a Nibiru Doomsday " @ 2017/11/20 09:34:00
[00:31:07] <Bytram> "Argentine Navy Diesel Sub Disappears, NASA Plane Joins in Search"
[00:32:32] <Bytram> "Argentine Navy Diesel Sub Disappears, NASA Plane Joins in Search" @ 2017/11/20 11:55:00
[00:33:11] <Bytram> "NY State Supreme Court: Stingrays Act as "an Instrument of Eavesdropping." "
[00:37:40] <Bytram> "NY State Supreme Court: Stingrays Act as "an Instrument of Eavesdropping." " @ 2017/11/20 14:16:00
[00:38:20] <Bytram> "Pentagon Contractor Leaves Social Media Spy Archive Wide Open on Amazon"
[00:39:42] <Bytram> "Pentagon Contractor Leaves Social Media Spy Archive Wide Open on Amazon" @ 2017/11/20 16:37:00
[00:40:11] <Bytram> ooops
[00:40:16] <Bytram> "Pentagon Contractor Leaves Social Media Spy Archive Wide Open on Amazon" @ 2017/11/20 15:49:00
[00:40:48] <Bytram> going back to normal weekday story spacing ever ~93 minutes
[00:41:00] <Bytram> s/r /ry /
[00:41:02] <exec> <Bytram> going back to normal weekday story spacing every ~93 minutes
[00:47:26] -!- cosurgi has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[00:48:26] <Bytram> " MERGE: Kushner failed to hand over emails "
[00:48:48] * Bytram cannot tell what story that ^^^^ was supposed to be merged with
[00:49:12] <Bytram> Oh! THAT one!
[00:49:28] <Bytram> >>> "The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks "
[01:00:54] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@pskvpf01.bl.pg.gda.pl] has joined #editorial
[01:01:54] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest8060
[01:18:19] <Bytram> merged and released into the story queue
[01:19:04] <Bytram> "Huge Population and Lack of Genetic Diversity Killed Off the Passenger Pigeon"
[01:20:42] <Bytram> "Huge Population and Lack of Genetic Diversity Killed Off the Passenger Pigeon" @ 2017/11/20 18:55:00
[01:30:43] <Bytram> allrighty then... that should get us past lunch time on the US east coast.
[01:31:06] <Bytram> and that's gonna do it for me... gonna try and hit the hay early tonight.
[04:07:23] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[04:07:23] -!- mode/#editorial [+v nick] by Hephaestus
[05:20:45] -!- Sirfinku_ [Sirfinku_!~SirFinkus@a-75-623-671-658.hsd7.wa.comcast.net] has joined #editorial
[15:35:13] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[15:35:13] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1] by Hephaestus
[15:38:11] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[22:55:34] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~m@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[22:55:34] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[22:55:50] <mrpg> hi
[22:55:54] <mrpg> im doing " Nebraska Government is Voting about the Keystone XL Pipeline "
[23:06:49] <mrpg> I'll let it be, in politics. Ok?
[23:16:01] <mrpg> The story queue is empty.
[23:18:41] <mrpg> I dont understand this submision, both links are in the same site, so it has 2 articvles about the same thing in the same day? wtf
[23:18:54] <mrpg> ...links are to the same site...
[23:19:59] <mrpg> I cant work while listening to music, I'll have to turn off youtube.
[23:21:39] <mrpg> The story has been changed. 1984!!!!!1!1111!!!!!!!!!!
[23:22:09] <mrpg> New chocolate portion is 25 grams!!!!!!!! so cool!
[23:40:00] <Bytram> mrpg++ thanks for repopulating the story queue!
[23:40:00] <Bender> karma - mrpg: 22
[23:40:31] <mrpg> welcome, I just came by to do one or two and saw it empty.
[23:40:54] <Bytram> I just got home from work, saw it was empty, and came in to push out a story before makjing dinner
[23:41:00] <Bytram> teamwork++
[23:41:00] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 151
[23:42:38] <Bytram> time to make some dinner... back before too long
[23:44:11] <mrpg> ok
[23:55:34] <mrpg> How Would You Define "A Successful Human Head Transplant"?
[23:55:42] <mrpg> Reminds me of a joke.
[23:56:35] <mrpg> - Ms Rogers, your husband died, but the operation was a success.
[23:57:19] <mrpg> I was checking the "marvell" submission but the quoted text is not in any of the two links, weird. It's not the first time.
[23:57:48] <mrpg> Part of it is, but not the other paragraphs.