#editorial | Logs for 2017-09-22

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[02:02:50] <Bytram> whereto? http://www.securityweek.com(SecurityWeek+RSS+Feed)
[02:02:52] <upstart> ^ 03The "Dirty" Secret Everyone Should Know About Automation | SecurityWeek.Com ( http://www.securityweek.com )
[03:29:52] -!- SoyCow7962 [SoyCow7962!~d8c4e185@925-300-434-342.ubr6.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has joined #editorial
[03:30:23] SoyCow7962 is now known as Fnord666_
[03:30:42] <Fnord666_> Bytram: you there?
[03:38:05] <Fnord666_> ~eds anyone around this eve?
[03:38:07] <exec> editor ping for Fnord666_ (reason: anyone around this eve?): janrinok zz_janrinok n1 nick martyb Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 charon GreatOutdoors FatPhil Snow goodie mrpg
[03:51:55] <Fnord666_> ~msg Bytram - marked the CVS story nodisplay for the moment. Please see the ed notes in the story.
[03:53:09] <Fnord666_> #msg Bytram - marked the CVS story nodisplay for the moment. Please see the ed notes in the story.
[03:54:21] <Fnord666_> ~tell Bytram - marked the CVS story nodisplay for the moment. Please see the ed notes in the story.
[04:19:49] -!- Fnord666_ has quit []
[11:14:28] <CoolHand> I might change a couple things in the CVS story summary, but don't really see what Fnord is so worked up about...
[12:00:04] <Bytram> Just read the linked article -- the summary does have a slant to it, not horrible, but I agree it is misleading.
[12:05:04] * Bytram just added a blockquote of a few paragraphs from the story
[12:10:46] <Bytram> I see nothing in the linked story about *refills*, just about initial prescriptions being filled.
[12:11:49] <Bytram> added explanatory paragraph about this being for initial filling of scripts... sadly, removed most of submitter's text, but changed intro to "submitted a story which became:" instead of "writes:"
[12:12:14] <Bytram> ~eds anyone here? need a 2nd on updated CVS story
[12:12:15] <exec> editor ping for Bytram (reason: anyone here? need a 2nd on updated cvs story): janrinok zz_janrinok n1 nick martyb Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 charon GreatOutdoors FatPhil Snow goodie mrpg
[12:13:42] <Bytram> oh, so sorry. I now notice that another story was slotted immediately after this one... will move CVS story to top of story queue to give more time for discussion/review.
[12:14:53] <Bytram> "CVS Limits Opioid Prescriptions" now scheduled for: 2017/09/22 20:32:00
[12:14:54] <Bytram> ( https://soylentnews.org )
[12:14:56] <upstart> ^ 03Error
[15:46:25] -!- Fonrd666_ [Fonrd666_!~d8c4e185@925-300-434-342.ubr6.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has joined #editorial
[15:46:39] Fonrd666_ is now known as Fnord666_
[15:48:34] <Fnord666_> Bytram: you around?
[16:16:38] -!- Fnord666_ has quit []
[23:33:17] <Bytram> Fnord666: nope! =)
[23:33:19] <Bytram> what's up?
[23:46:35] -!- Sirfinku_ has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]