#editorial | Logs for 2017-07-13

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[00:15:45] -!- n1_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:16:12] -!- n1_ [n1_!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[00:16:12] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1_] by Hephaestus
[00:51:25] <takyon> ncommander's innovative idea saves us from needing articles
[01:10:38] <mrpg> hehe
[01:11:14] -!- n1_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:11:37] -!- n1_ [n1_!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[01:11:37] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1_] by Hephaestus
[01:15:01] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:29:08] <Bytram> ~arthur f6d6d7
[01:29:12] <exec> 942 stories loaded
[01:29:12] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Easy way to bypass passcode lock screens on iPhones, iPads running iOS 10"
[01:29:43] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[01:29:49] <exec> 941 stories loaded
[01:29:53] <Bytram> ~arthur fe52e3
[01:29:57] <exec> it has been only 12 seconds since the last submission - please wait
[01:30:52] <Bytram> ~arthur fe52e3
[01:30:55] <exec> 941 stories loaded
[01:30:56] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Private company plans to bring Moon rocks back to Earth in three years"
[01:31:26] <exec> error: something went wrong with your submission - maybe try again in a minute
[01:35:59] <Bytram> ~arthur fe52e3
[01:36:03] <exec> 941 stories loaded
[01:36:03] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Private company plans to bring Moon rocks back to Earth in three years"
[01:36:34] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[01:36:40] <exec> 940 stories loaded
[01:37:56] <Bytram> ~arthur 75845f
[01:38:00] <exec> 940 stories loaded
[01:38:00] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Purpose in life by day linked to better sleep at night"
[01:38:31] <exec> error: something went wrong with your submission - maybe try again in a minute
[01:40:25] <Bytram> ~arthur 75845f
[01:40:29] <exec> 940 stories loaded
[01:40:29] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Purpose in life by day linked to better sleep at night"
[01:41:00] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[01:41:06] <exec> 939 stories loaded
[01:42:45] <Bytram> ~arthur bd2270
[01:42:49] <exec> 939 stories loaded
[01:42:49] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Visual illusion could help you read smaller font"
[01:43:21] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[01:43:27] <exec> 938 stories loaded
[02:10:27] <Bytram> ~arthur 7a44e6
[02:10:30] <exec> 938 stories loaded
[02:10:31] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Six major US airports now scan Americans’ faces when they leave country"
[02:11:02] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[02:11:08] <exec> 937 stories loaded
[02:15:08] <Bytram> ~arthur 51df4d
[02:15:12] <exec> 937 stories loaded
[02:15:12] <exec> attempting to submit story: "The wave nature of light in super-slow motion"
[02:15:43] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[02:15:49] <exec> 936 stories loaded
[02:25:28] <Bytram> Can't stay awake. "Arthur-ed" a few stories into the submission queue, at least.
[02:25:56] <Bytram> heading for some quality inner-eye-lid investigation
[13:13:42] -!- n1_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:14:09] -!- n1_ [n1_!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[13:14:09] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1_] by Hephaestus
[14:12:25] <Bytram> whereto http://go.theregister.com
[14:12:27] <upstart> ^ 03Sleuths unearth 'Panic Mode' in Android, set off by mashing back button • The Register ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[18:40:14] <chromas> Is that like the one I've read about where you press power a few times?
[18:41:03] <chromas> Oh, I guess not.
[18:41:42] <chromas> There's been an option for years now, but only in custom roms I guess, where holding back murders the current application
[20:59:46] <Bytram> hey guys... sorry I've not been more useful around here today. Totally wiped out. Best I could do last night was to ~arthur out a few stories. Got a couple pushed out today, but am still dragging big time. Gonna take a nap and hope it passes by tomorrow.