#editorial | Logs for 2017-06-21

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[00:34:02] <n1> http://thehill.com
[00:34:02] <upstart> ^ 03White House says foreign investment key to infrastructure plan | TheHill
[00:34:28] <n1> '“Working with foreign investors is going to be a critical part of any plan we put forward,” Mnuchin said at the SelectUSA Investment Summit in Washington. "Public-private partnerships are crucial to ensuring that the American taxpayer does not bear the full cost of any proposed program."'
[01:34:22] -!- n1 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:34:48] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[01:34:48] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1] by Hephaestus
[01:46:30] <Bytram> n1: good day fine sir!
[01:47:59] <n1> howdy Bytram
[01:48:13] <Bytram> how ya doin?
[01:48:32] * Bytram will be glad when the humidity gets back to something approaching 'normal'
[02:01:59] <n1> doing alright, very busy, really fucked up sleeping pattern
[02:02:07] <Bytram> nod nod
[02:02:18] <n1> it's back to feeling really cold here, had summer back for a couple days
[02:02:27] * Bytram had today off... woke early, and made up for it by taking two naps
[02:02:54] <n1> naps are important
[02:03:04] <Bytram> we seem to have finally left winner and spring behind us, but with the current humidity, am not so sure the tradeoff is such a good deal. ;)
[02:03:13] <n1> and you definitely work enough to earn them
[02:04:06] <Bytram> appreciate that.
[02:04:40] <Bytram> I don't mind the work that much, but the different-schedule-every-week and not-having-regular-weekends-off takes its toll
[02:05:27] <Bytram> you are no slouch when it comes to work, either, yanno?
[02:05:43] * Bytram 2nds EFF
[02:07:08] <n1> that is indeed what takes it's toll... i try to work smart and efficiently, but even with a flexible schedule, a lack of routine isn't always helpful
[02:07:19] <n1> i always seem to be living in two time zones
[02:07:47] <Bytram> how many hours apart?
[02:08:05] <Bytram> 2nding googler terror online fight
[02:09:05] <n1> i'm on uk time for work matters, as well as roughly east coast time down here
[02:10:25] <Bytram> when I was working on a project for F1's then-new digital broadcast channel, I was in either in eastern US time, or European (England, Germany, Italy, etc.) time
[02:10:31] <n1> this is an old story, but still, it goes nicely with the comment i made on the uk terror story earlier... https://www.theguardian.com
[02:10:33] <upstart> ^ 03Recruited by MI5: the name's Mussolini. Benito Mussolini | World news | The Guardian
[02:10:45] * Bytram cringes
[02:11:04] <n1> 'Archived documents have revealed that Mussolini got his start in politics in 1917 with the help of a £100 weekly wage from MI5.'
[02:11:41] <Bytram> I'm not entirely up on currency inflation rates, but that sounds like a pretty decent wage for way back then??
[02:12:38] <n1> approximately £6,000 today
[02:13:07] <Bytram> that was *per* *week* ??
[02:13:16] <n1> apparently
[02:13:18] <Bytram> Zounds!
[02:13:24] <Bytram> heck, I grossed about $100 for a full week's work back in the late 1970s
[02:13:33] <n1> they're very good at finding capable people
[02:13:51] <Bytram> umm, capable... of what?
[02:13:54] <Bytram> ;)
[02:14:27] <n1> i'm not qualified to answer that question
[02:14:47] * Bytram chuckles -- good, nay, excellent answer!
[02:15:03] * Bytram wanders off for a couple minutes to heat up something for dinner... back soon
[02:35:18] <n1> https://www.theguardian.com
[02:35:19] <upstart> ^ 03Theresa May under pressure as DUP says: ‘Show some respect’ | Politics | The Guardian
[03:07:32] <Bytram> well, that's it for me... have a good night everyone!
[03:07:41] <Bytram> n1: nice chatting with ya!
[03:07:48] * Bytram tips hat on the way out
[10:32:32] <Bytram> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[10:32:33] <upstart> ^ 03Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has resigned, says report • The Register ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[10:33:02] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[10:33:03] <upstart> ^ 03Travis Kalanick steps down as Uber CEO - CNET ( https://www.cnet.com )
[10:33:12] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[10:33:12] <upstart> ^ 03Travis Kalanick steps down as Uber CEO - CNET ( https://www.cnet.com )
[10:33:40] <Bytram> https://www.nytimes.com
[10:33:41] <upstart> ^ 03Uber Founder Travis Kalanick Resigns as C.E.O. - The New York Times
[11:35:43] <Bytram> story submitted.
[13:36:21] -!- n1 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:36:48] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[13:36:48] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1] by Hephaestus