#editorial | Logs for 2017-06-10

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[00:04:43] * n1_ yawn
[00:26:21] <charon_> submit bots blow
[00:42:56] <n1_> why so
[00:51:50] <charon_> well, not completely. they are useful most of the time.
[00:52:13] <n1_> that senator/isp story is nice
[00:52:21] <charon_> but both exec and mrplow choked on the same sub for who knows what reason
[00:53:04] <n1_> not a site specific problem?
[00:53:04] <charon_> yeah, it is. a politician with (sorta) guts and pretty explicit proof of the quid pro quo
[00:53:40] <n1_> do you have a dept for it, it's ready to go aside from that
[00:53:41] <charon_> maybe? i don't know what the bots are looking for to complete a sub. but i just subbed it myself anyway
[00:53:47] <n1_> my brain is in autopilot right now
[00:54:25] <charon_> "quid pro quo" is actually not a bad dept line
[00:55:03] <n1_> it'll work
[01:53:52] -!- charon_ has quit []
[09:51:39] -!- n1_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:52:05] -!- n1_ [n1_!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[09:52:05] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1_] by Hephaestus
[12:18:25] <Bytram> I subbed a Mea Culpa story... flagged as NOT display. Would appreciate it if someone were to review/release it. date/time is just a suggested one -- feel free to change. --Bytram
[20:08:37] <n1_> good afternoon
[21:20:50] <Fnord666> howdy n1
[21:21:26] <Fnord666> how's it going?
[21:29:30] <n1_> its going
[21:29:34] <n1_> how is Fnord666
[21:29:50] <Fnord666> doing well
[21:30:28] <Fnord666> thanks for asking
[21:32:10] <Fnord666> keeping busy?
[21:35:15] <n1_> yeah, going to be pretty non-stop for the next few months, many irons in the fire
[21:36:51] <Fnord666> keeps you off the streets anyway
[21:37:46] <n1_> something like that
[21:37:53] <Fnord666> things going well at least?
[21:40:55] <n1_> ups and downs, it's mostly about my frame of mind, can be a bit bipolar lately
[21:53:38] -!- n1_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:54:05] -!- n1_ [n1_!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[21:54:05] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1_] by Hephaestus