#editorial | Logs for 2017-02-27

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[00:27:07] <takyon> TheMightyBuzzard
[00:27:17] <takyon> I got the *NEW* to display on the right hand side of the comment
[00:27:25] <takyon> I did this by wrapping it with a div:
[00:27:42] <takyon> <div style="display:inline-block; text-align:right; position:absolute; right:0.5em;">*NEW*</div>
[00:30:06] <takyon> and text-align is unnecessary
[00:30:14] <takyon> <div style="display:inline-block; position:absolute; right:0.5em;">*NEW*</div>
[00:31:43] <cmn32480> fuck the right hand side of the comment.
[00:31:57] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org
[00:32:00] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews Comments | Uncle Sam Needs You... to Debug, Improve Dept of Defense Open-Source Software at Code.Mil
[00:32:19] <takyon> it's actually a logical place for it to be since it would be in a fixed position in a place that is just whitespace right now
[00:32:37] <takyon> just as moving the "by username" back to its original location was a good idea
[00:33:15] <cmn32480> Ctrl-F *NEW* works like a champ... just not on a mobile device
[00:33:32] <takyon> also when I said "right hand side of the comment" I meant to say "to the right of where it is on the title bar"
[00:33:42] <takyon> my "fix" wouldn't affect using Ctrl-F
[00:33:57] <takyon> since it doesn't change the vertical location, just horizontal
[00:35:15] <cmn32480> agreed on the user name
[00:36:19] <takyon> I'll be back later
[00:55:42] <charon> blerch
[00:55:56] <cmn32480> belch
[00:56:17] <charon> mrpg stole the sub you set aside
[00:56:38] <cmn32480> i know...
[00:56:40] <cmn32480> I saw.
[00:56:44] <cmn32480> I'm disappointed
[00:56:53] <cmn32480> it's ok
[00:57:01] <cmn32480> I'll fogive him eventually
[00:57:17] <charon> poor guy
[00:57:32] <charon> how are things?
[00:58:10] <cmn32480> reasonable
[00:58:18] <cmn32480> trying to get my expenses done so I can invoice tomorrow
[00:58:22] <cmn32480> how about you?
[00:58:51] <charon> not bad. day off from work tomorrow, so i am looking forward to catching up on sleep
[00:59:20] <cmn32480> nice
[00:59:22] <charon> which i probably won't anyway, because i'm foolish
[00:59:24] * cmn32480 dreams of those days
[00:59:55] <charon> yep, kids make sleeping in tough for a while
[01:00:07] <cmn32480> yeah
[01:00:18] <cmn32480> mine are pretty well trained. they don't generally bother us
[01:00:28] <cmn32480> and since the wife sleeps closer to the door.. she catches most of them
[01:00:34] <charon> hah
[01:00:51] <charon> just pretend you're really deeply asleep
[01:01:05] <charon> don't lift your head up...
[01:02:07] <charon> or it's all over. you may as well volunteer then
[01:02:18] <cmn32480> I wish people had actually read the summary before bitching abotu things that are easy to turn off
[01:03:30] <charon> you must be new here
[01:06:42] <cmn32480> obviously
[01:06:48] <cmn32480> couple of them didn't even read the comments
[01:07:04] <charon> i think every sub i make from now on is going to have a dept bitching about you
[01:07:13] <cmn32480> ok
[01:07:22] <charon> what? no protest?
[01:07:26] <cmn32480> from now on I shall call you gewg_
[01:07:33] <charon> shit. well played
[01:07:46] <cmn32480> and I can always revoke your privs
[01:08:26] <charon> that would only make my submission fury stronger
[01:08:44] <cmn32480> biab gotta get my kids tucked in
[01:34:02] <cmn32480> back
[01:38:39] <charon> wb
[01:38:56] <charon> can i have a cup of water?
[01:39:54] <cmn32480> NO! for the 37th time! GO BACK TO BED BEFORE I MAKE YOU SLEEP ON THE PROCH!
[01:51:18] <cmn32480> ~gday >beverage litter box tootsie rolls
[01:51:19] <exec> error: beverage already exists
[02:11:38] <exec> you've been here before. looks like you've been walking in a big circle.
[02:19:45] <charon> shoot wumpus
[02:51:27] <cmn32480> ~eds Per discussions w/ Janrinok, nexus stories that will also go on the front page are to be dropped in in 1/2 slots between regular stories. Be cautious about the politics nexus, it has the potential to overwhelm the rest of the site. Please use no more than 1 story to the main page per day per nexus. i.e. - reviews can have 1, politics can have 1, your mom can have 1, bewbs can have two (as only 1 would be like a half story),
[02:51:27] <cmn32480> etc.
[02:51:29] <exec> editor ping for cmn32480 (reason: per discussions w/ janrinok, nexus stories that will also go on the front page are to be dropped in in 1/2 slots between regular stories. be cautious about the politics nexus, it has the potential to overwhelm the rest of the site. please use no more than 1 story to the main page per day per nexus. i.e. - reviews can have 1, politics can have 1, your mom can have 1, bewbs can have two (as only 1 would be like a half s
[02:52:45] <cmn32480> ~eds Per discussions w/ Janrinok, nexus stories that will also go on the front page are to be dropped in in 1/2 slots between regular stories. Be cautious about the politics nexus, it has the potential to overwhelm the rest of the site. Please use no more than 1 story to the main page per day per nexus. i.e. - reviews can have 1, politics can have 1, bewbs can have two (as only 1 would be like a half story), etc.
[02:52:46] <exec> editor ping for cmn32480 (reason: per discussions w/ janrinok, nexus stories that will also go on the front page are to be dropped in in 1/2 slots between regular stories. be cautious about the politics nexus, it has the potential to overwhelm the rest of the site. please use no more than 1 story to the main page per day per nexus. i.e. - reviews can have 1, politics can have 1, bewbs can have two (as only 1 would be like a half story), etc.): janrino
[02:53:07] <cmn32480> ~eds stupid bot... read above couple lines
[02:53:08] <exec> editor ping for cmn32480 (reason: stupid bot... read above couple lines): janrinok zz_janrinok n1 nick martyb Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 charon GreatOutdoors FatPhil Snow goodie mrpg
[02:54:00] <charon> extra bewbs
[02:54:25] <cmn32480> that's what I think... but those have to come in paris... otherwise you get into the realm of science fiction... or photoshop
[02:54:50] <charon> now you've made me remember Total Recall
[02:55:16] <cmn32480> Three Breasted Hookers of Betazed or somesuch?
[02:55:29] <charon> something like that
[02:56:51] * cmn32480 wonders if he woudl have been allowed on the editorial staff if his nick was "hooterhunter"
[02:57:37] <charon> juggs would have been terrified
[03:00:18] * cmn32480 sees charon's point...
[03:00:30] <cmn32480> very valid...
[03:00:35] <charon> lol
[03:02:09] <charon> but really, i'd guess there would be some subtle pressure to change it to something a bit less potentially offensive
[03:04:12] <cmn32480> i doubt it woudl have been subtle
[03:04:28] <cmn32480> or it woudl have been non-existent
[03:08:34] <charon> maybe we could have an OO nexus
[03:09:26] <cmn32480> and not link to it anywhere?
[03:09:32] <charon> heh
[03:09:53] <cmn32480> i mean...
[03:09:55] <cmn32480> ummm
[03:10:00] <charon> i'm telling
[03:10:03] <cmn32480> yeah not link ot it anywhere
[03:10:09] <cmn32480> and randomly change the address
[03:10:52] <Fnord666> howdy charon cmn32480
[03:10:58] <charon> hiyo Fnord666
[03:10:58] <cmn32480> ~gday fnord
[03:11:01] <cmn32480> ~gday Fnord666
[03:11:01] * exec sexually throws a zip archive of Splode at fnord
[03:11:03] * exec hurriedly twerks a tablespoonful of wasabi gummy fish for Fnord666
[03:11:10] <Fnord666> ~gday cmn32480
[03:11:13] * exec historically copies an overflowing chest of boiled dog for cmn32480
[03:11:28] <Fnord666> wasabi gummy fish sounds good
[03:11:31] <cmn32480> pretty sure we both lost
[03:11:58] <Fnord666> twerked gummy fish on the other hand
[03:12:00] <Fnord666> ...
[03:12:07] <Fnord666> yeah, we both lost
[03:12:08] <cmn32480> depends on the twerker?
[03:12:11] <charon> someone needs to nuke that list and start over
[03:12:22] <cmn32480> ~gday <list>
[03:12:25] <exec> http://ix.io
[03:12:30] <cmn32480> there you go charon
[03:12:37] <cmn32480> that is the entire list
[03:12:38] <Fnord666> interesting
[03:12:45] <cmn32480> blame chromas
[03:13:03] <charon> oh, so the action is mated to the preposition. interesting
[03:13:10] <cmn32480> over time I have nuked a lot of the really nasty shit out of it
[03:13:25] <Fnord666> well you missed windows 3.11
[03:13:41] <cmn32480> no.. I mean like maggot infested ball sacks
[03:13:50] <cmn32480> and things of that nature
[03:13:52] <chromas> That's so wrong
[03:13:55] <Fnord666> same thing
[03:13:56] <chromas> Sac doesn't have a "k"
[03:14:09] <cmn32480> no.. I mean like maggot infested ball sacs
[03:14:13] <cmn32480> better chromas/
[03:14:15] <chromas> :D
[03:14:16] <cmn32480> ?
[03:14:22] <charon> ~gday add-beverage the Zapruder film
[03:14:24] * exec emphatically snatches a can of stale doughnuts from add-beverage
[03:14:25] <chromas> Well it probably had one in the list. I didn't put it in
[03:14:50] <charon> damn syntax
[03:14:53] * chromas tries to keep it clean, except for the Windows parts
[03:14:56] <cmn32480> nope.. it was sub sen t
[03:15:25] <cmn32480> charon - ~gday >beverage <thingy>
[03:15:38] <charon> ah, danka
[03:15:53] <charon> ~gday >beverage the Zapruder film
[03:15:54] <exec> added to beverages
[03:16:26] <chromas> Back and to the left
[03:16:33] <cmn32480> same syntax for actions and adverbs
[03:16:51] <cmn32480> right.. it is meant to be funny... not gross
[03:18:43] <charon> do i dare ask who is that favicon? is it a pic of crutchy?
[03:24:54] <cmn32480> no idea
[03:26:34] <charon> ~gnight cmn32480
[03:26:36] * exec seductively blows a shoeful of pork rinds at cmn32480
[03:33:50] <Fnord666> ~gnight cmn32480
[03:33:52] * exec allegedly vomits an alternative view of dancing baby on cmn32480
[03:41:34] <cmn32480> I'm out.
[03:41:59] <cmn32480> i will move the update story in the morning, and guys - read what I wrote above regarding the nexus stories
[03:42:05] <cmn32480> we really do need to be careful
[03:43:58] <charon> aye, will do
[03:44:10] <charon> take care
[04:06:28] <Fnord666> oh man, bill paxton died.
[04:06:53] <Fnord666> "Game over man, game over!"
[04:11:15] <charon> yep, it's a shame. he was a solid character actor
[04:12:40] <Fnord666> I heard they are about to shoot an "Edge of Tomorrow" sequel and he was going to reprise his role
[04:12:58] <charon> he was funny as hell in that movie
[04:13:58] <Fnord666> yes he was
[04:16:05] <Fnord666> Did you see the tribute done by storm chasers for him?
[04:16:14] <charon> no
[04:16:19] <Fnord666> http://gizmodo.com
[04:16:32] <charon> hahah
[04:16:51] <Fnord666> so fitting really
[04:17:16] <charon> i've never seen twister. i've heard it's a decent flick
[04:18:13] <Fnord666> It was decent and really put storm chasers "on the map" so to speak.
[04:19:31] <charon> one of those things only the people who do it even know it exists
[04:19:45] <Fnord666> yep
[04:20:06] <charon> extreme ironing!
[04:20:11] <Fnord666> lol
[04:20:45] <Fnord666> hey do you remember the nokia 3310 cell phone?
[04:21:03] <charon> nope. unless it's the one that's indestructible
[04:21:19] <Fnord666> pretty much
[04:21:48] <Fnord666> it was an old 2G era text/phone
[04:22:41] <Fnord666> I guess the company that owns the IP is going to rerelease it
[04:23:39] <charon> cute little thing. but who would buy it in this day and age?
[04:25:14] <Fnord666> Lots of markets besides the US that only have enough infrastructure to support something basic like this.
[04:26:08] <charon> i suppose so.
[04:26:25] <charon> actually i'd buy it, because i don't like smartphones
[04:26:32] <Fnord666> check out this phone. I had one for giggles for a while.
[04:26:33] <Fnord666> https://www.amazon.com
[04:26:35] <exec> └─ 13Robot Check
[04:27:01] <Fnord666> 12 days of standby
[04:27:03] <charon> ooh, that brushed aluminum looking button
[04:27:16] <Fnord666> e-ink display
[04:27:32] <Fnord666> probably cost at least a $1 to make
[04:28:03] <charon> i don't like that style, because i always press buttons by mistake. i have an anonymous flip phone.
[04:28:47] <Fnord666> still have some motorola razr v3s around here somewhere
[04:29:55] <Fnord666> mostly for parts. I used to repair them for people when they damaged the ribbon cable that ran through the hinge.
[04:30:21] * charon starts to worry about the hinge
[04:30:55] <Fnord666> And I would buy the nokia 3310 if I were traveling internationally, particularly going through US Customs
[04:31:45] <charon> yep. if i ever fly again, i won't bring a phone at all
[04:45:32] <Fnord666> I probably wouldn't either. Just buy an inexpensive pay as you go phone at the destination, then donate it before returning
[04:50:23] <charon> but but... i have nothing to hide
[04:52:27] <Fnord666> of course not
[04:55:12] <charon> i haven't flown in a few years, expect i will try to avoid it as long as i can
[04:57:07] <Fnord666> I've flown within the US but not abroad in a number of years
[05:19:24] <Fnord666> I think I'm going to call it a night.
[05:19:26] <Fnord666> ~gnight charon
[05:19:28] * exec sneakily blows a pinch of ice cream at charon
[05:19:46] <charon> ~gnight Fnord666
[05:19:48] * exec crutchyly integrates The Cloud of power overwhelming with Fnord666
[09:07:21] <takyon> so what is the point of the reviews nexus? is book club getting in there or do we anticipate users submitting some like, gadget reviews in there? as opposed to a handful of book and maybe movie reviews that were subbed in the past
[09:08:11] <takyon> acknowledged your nexus message cmn32480. can't wait for the hardcoreporn nexus to be activated
[09:09:39] <takyon> take a look at OO's first use of the dept. field: https://soylentnews.org
[09:09:42] <exec> └─ 132017 Oscars: Best Picture Annoucement Was Totally Borked: SoylentNews Submission
[09:11:42] <takyon> as for the one-half slot rule that janrinok and cmn32480 mention, that applies to politics nexus as well you think? or is this a further-in-the-future concern
[12:13:40] <Bytram> Fnord666: congrats on posting 300 stories! ( according to: https://soylentnews.org )
[12:13:44] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews: Hall of Fame
[12:14:04] <Bytram> charon: looking at the same place, seems like you're just a fews stories shy of 400 stories!
[12:14:07] <Bytram> !woop
[12:14:07] <Bender> woop woop woop (\/) (;,,;) (\/)
[12:15:13] <cmn32480> applies to all nexii
[12:15:53] <cmn32480> the site is still supposed to be mostly tech and science related.
[12:16:01] <cmn32480> takyon ^^
[12:16:13] <cmn32480> JR wants to have a max of 1 per day per nexus
[12:16:41] <cmn32480> the big fear is that the poliotics nexus will overwhelm the rest of the content. and given what is currently in the sub queue, I tend to agree.
[13:02:41] <cmn32480> why are we running the story about the oscars?
[13:03:43] <cmn32480> and at an hour and 15 minute spacing?
[13:04:09] <cmn32480> timing has been adjusted
[14:31:03] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[14:31:31] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[16:55:59] -!- Fnord666_ [Fnord666_!~40399c0d@64.57.mnn.vo] has joined #editorial
[16:56:28] Fnord666_ is now known as SoyGuest69195
[16:58:33] SoyGuest69195 is now known as Fnord666_
[17:02:28] -!- Fnord666_ [Fnord666_!~40399c0d@64.57.mnn.vo] has parted #editorial
[18:36:05] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@3x03iz5598mh2r07503n6nplyc38ex3x.ipv2.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #editorial
[18:36:05] -!- janrinok has quit [Changing host]
[18:36:05] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[18:36:05] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by Hephaestus
[18:36:21] <janrinok> cmn32480, ?
[18:36:47] <cmn32480> ~gday janrinok
[18:36:49] * exec deliciously deallocates a battery of privilege from janrinok
[18:36:53] <janrinok> ~gday cmn32480
[18:36:54] * exec accidentally impales an XFS volume of bluehost on cmn32480
[18:36:55] <cmn32480> everything ok?
[18:37:04] <janrinok> nope.
[18:37:08] <cmn32480> oh shit
[18:37:17] <cmn32480> better in pm?
[18:37:41] <janrinok> Both father and daughter receiving medical treatment in UK, and I have now got to go to a cardiologist appt on Wednesday
[18:37:58] <cmn32480> oh geez
[18:38:40] <cmn32480> is this a regularly scheduled appt, or ddi you start having trouble while in the UK?
[18:47:14] <Bytram> janrinok: !!
[18:47:24] <janrinok> Bytram, !!
[18:47:26] * Bytram reads backscroll, cringes, and prays
[18:47:34] <Bytram> {{{ janrinok }}}
[18:47:44] <janrinok> just pm'ing with cmn32480 and explaining the situation
[18:47:46] <Bytram> {{{ janrinok's family }}}
[18:47:51] <Bytram> nod nod
[18:48:58] <janrinok> both father and daughter still receiving medical treatment. And as a result, so am I now!
[18:50:05] <Bytram> from experience, is better to have treatment, and take it, than to ignore and try to just carry on
[18:50:56] <janrinok> you're probably right but it is 'damned inconvenient' to put my stiff upper lip into it!
[18:51:08] <Bytram> ROFL!
[18:51:43] <janrinok> we are switching to #editorial2 so that you can join in
[18:51:45] <Bytram> well, would you rather have a stiff upper lip and carry on with *this* lot? or take a breather and get things checked out?
[19:33:49] <charon> hello janrinok, best wishes to you and your family. and you must take care of yourself as well.
[19:36:23] <janrinok> charon, thx, just having to take it easy for a while longer than I had expected to
[19:36:46] <janrinok> how's things with you?
[19:37:11] <charon> not bad. pretty ordinary really.
[19:38:16] <charon> the highlight will be spending an evening with my kids tonight
[19:39:07] <janrinok> well, I wish you all the very best with that!
[19:39:16] <charon> thank you
[19:39:31] <cmn32480> I thouhgt we were gonna snuggle tonight charon?
[19:39:40] * cmn32480 cries a small tear
[19:39:45] <charon> that's after the kids are in bed
[19:39:49] <cmn32480> oh
[19:39:50] <cmn32480> ok
[19:39:53] * charon winks
[19:40:04] <janrinok> as long as cmn is not snuggling with your kids, I think you should be OK charon#
[19:40:13] * Bytram wonders if cmn32480 realizes that charon's boat does NOT navigate a 'tunnel of love'
[19:40:23] <charon> heheh
[19:40:30] <cmn32480> don't matter.. I'm the big spoon
[19:40:36] * janrinok thinks Bytram knows too much about this matter
[19:41:06] <charon> for the record, my boat only seats two
[19:42:13] * Bytram looks at his skinny little butt and grows a tad bit concerned as to the actual capacity limitations of said boat
[19:42:31] * Bytram quickly takes a few more bites of his lunch
[19:43:22] <charon> if you're that skinny, you can perch on the bow like a figurehead
[19:44:16] * janrinok hears the soundtrack of Titanic in the backgrounf
[19:44:49] * Bytram quickly snatches a large, sparkly pendant
[19:46:16] * janrinok hopes that Bytram isn't wearing his long flowing dress again ....
[19:46:36] * Bytram wonders how janrinok knew about the first time?
[19:46:47] * janrinok has second thoughts, better the dress than nothing at all
[19:47:09] * Bytram offers the dress to janrinok... to give to S
[19:48:22] <janrinok> she has plenty of her own which she cannot, unfortunately, wear any more.
[19:48:28] * charon paints Bytram like a French girl
[19:48:35] <janrinok> oh God, no!
[19:48:44] <charon> rofl
[19:49:03] * Bytram nods, sadly, in understanding
[19:49:06] <Bytram> hmm?
[19:49:36] <Bytram> ahh
[19:50:33] <Bytram> https://www.cnet.com
[19:50:36] <exec> └─ 13Unlimited plans: Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T and Sprint, compared - CNET
[19:52:02] <janrinok> got to go again guys - thanks for the laughs. I'll be in and out when I can!
[19:52:06] <janrinok> ~gnight cmn32480
[19:52:08] * exec irresponsibly penetrates an old shoe full of bacon grease with cmn32480
[19:52:12] <janrinok> ~gnight charon
[19:52:14] * exec suspiciously violates a tarball of whoopass with charon
[19:52:16] <janrinok> ~gnight Bytram
[19:52:18] * exec diarrhetically fires a speck of gold doubloons at Bytram
[19:52:18] <cmn32480> ~gnight janrinok
[19:52:21] * exec ironically pits a 5¼" floppy dick of monostable multivibrators against janrinok
[19:52:28] <Bytram> ~gnight janrinok
[19:52:31] * exec unnecessarily crams a wagon of closure into janrinok
[19:52:37] <charon> ~gnight janrinok be well
[19:52:39] * exec faithfully pesters a goblet of freedom with janrinok
[19:53:51] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:31:00] <charon> tell Fnord666 "submitter failed to provide a link to the quoted article - fnord." thank you. that was a nice subtle way of saying "charon is an idiot"
[20:31:13] <charon> ~tell Fnord666 "submitter failed to provide a link to the quoted article - fnord." thank you. that was a nice subtle way of saying "charon is an idiot"
[20:31:46] <cmn32480> ~tall Fnord666 he did that AGAIN???? JFC what is wrong with him?
[20:31:51] <cmn32480> ~tell Fnord666 he did that AGAIN???? JFC what is wrong with him?
[20:32:12] * charon shakes his fist
[20:33:16] * cmn32480 waves
[20:33:48] <charon> still crappy at work, cmn?
[20:34:10] * cmn32480 passes the wet wipes
[20:34:28] * charon takes one and returns the box
[20:34:28] <cmn32480> but I did just extend a job offer to a guy.. so that ought to help
[20:34:35] <charon> cool
[20:34:52] <charon> to do the travelling parts?
[20:35:01] <cmn32480> at least some of it
[20:35:12] <cmn32480> but it will take me a few months to get him fuilly up to speed.
[20:36:10] <charon> here's some product literature and your company car, just bluff 'em
[20:40:32] <cmn32480> hell I ish
[20:40:36] <cmn32480> wish
[21:36:45] <cmn32480> FYI - I will be MIA from Wednesday through Sunday out of the country on business
[23:20:23] <Bytram> cmn32480: hope the trip goes well!
[23:22:17] <Bytram> ~tell mrpg It looks like the fragids in the "White House Blocks News Organizations From Press Briefing" story ARE valid; there are, indeed, places in the HTML where there is: id="permalink-overlay" so those WERE valid and would help a visually-impaired person navigate those pages.
[23:22:24] <Bytram> cmn32480: ^^^ FYI
[23:23:10] <Bytram> am adding the #permalink-overlay fragids back into the "White House Blocks News Organizations From Press Briefing" story
[23:26:38] <Bytram> ~tell mrpg NVM - I now see you removed all the twitter references, so the #permalink-overlay fragid is no longer applicable... carry on!