#editorial | Logs for 2017-01-18

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[00:39:34] <takyon> who wanted to know about Space Engine?
[00:40:18] <chromas> ~first message=space engine
[00:40:19] <chromas> :D
[00:41:06] <exec> 03[2017-01-12 04:10:0] #editorial <charon> i remember looking at a video of space engine before, it does look pretty damned cool
[00:41:45] <takyon> charon: https://soylentnews.org
[00:41:47] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews Comments | Space Engine
[00:41:51] <takyon> charon: How are you doing on the merge?
[00:45:36] -!- charon_ [charon_!~0c0959f3@Soylent/Staff/Editor/charon] has joined #editorial
[00:45:36] -!- mode/#editorial [+v charon_] by Hephaestus
[00:46:12] <charon_> takyon: \doing fine. all the stories say pretty much the same thing so i pared it down a lot
[00:46:39] <takyon> charon_: https://soylentnews.org
[00:46:41] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews Comments | Space Engine
[00:47:01] <charon_> i think bytram was also interested in the space engine if you see him
[00:48:29] <charon_> i saw a video where someone was demonstrating where the stars in a given constellation are. and that they are by no means in a plane perpendicular to our sight line
[00:48:41] <charon_> it was pretty cool
[00:50:25] <takyon> yeah there's a lot of crazy functionality in there
[00:50:56] <takyon> it has a time/date thing so presumably you can mimick what stellarium does.... except from the surface of any object in the known universe
[00:53:35] <charon_> the sort of thing gallileo or kepler would have killed for
[00:59:42] <takyon> kill the pope!
[01:05:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> pope on a rope?
[01:06:48] <charon_> i would not buy pope soap on a rope
[01:07:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> afraid you'd slip and jab the hat where the sun don't shine?
[01:08:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's always been my issue with the idea
[01:09:02] <charon_> nah, i don't want him looking at me. soap with eyes in general is creepy
[01:49:55] -!- charon_ has quit []
[02:35:05] <Fnord666> ~arthur e72367
[02:35:07] <exec> 664 stories loaded
[02:35:07] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Access tokens and keys found in hundreds of Android apps"
[02:35:38] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[02:35:44] <exec> 663 stories loaded
[02:35:57] <Fnord666> ~arthur 88e80c
[02:36:01] <exec> it has been only 21 seconds since the last submission - please wait
[02:36:09] <takyon> siri, submit 10,000 new stories
[02:41:11] <Fnord666> ~arthur 88e80c
[02:41:13] <exec> 663 stories loaded
[02:41:13] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Ambulances to jam car radios in Sweden"
[02:41:44] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[02:41:45] <Fnord666> Now that would be interesting
[02:41:49] <exec> 662 stories loaded
[02:44:10] <Fnord666> ~arthur 21367b
[02:44:12] <exec> 662 stories loaded
[02:44:12] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Cell biology: Take the mRNA train"
[02:44:19] <charon> hiyo Fnord666
[02:44:34] <Fnord666> hey charon
[02:44:43] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[02:44:48] <exec> 661 stories loaded
[02:44:54] <charon> hooray for arthur
[02:45:03] <Fnord666> didn't see you come in
[02:45:23] <Fnord666> ~arthur f2c03a
[02:45:25] <exec> it has been only 42 seconds since the last submission - please wait
[02:45:29] <charon> i am always here. muahahahahahahah
[02:45:45] <Fnord666> ~arthur f2c03a
[02:45:47] <exec> 661 stories loaded
[02:45:47] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Chewbacca rips off arm in deleted 'Force Awakens' scene"
[02:46:18] <exec> error: something went wrong with your submission - maybe try again in a minute
[02:47:03] <Fnord666> stupid arthur
[02:47:19] <Fnord666> ~arthur f2c03a
[02:47:21] <exec> 661 stories loaded
[02:47:22] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Chewbacca rips off arm in deleted 'Force Awakens' scene"
[02:47:52] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[02:47:58] <exec> 660 stories loaded
[02:48:51] <Fnord666> ~arthur caef51
[02:48:53] <exec> 660 stories loaded
[02:48:53] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Critical flaw lets hackers take control of Samsung SmartCam cameras"
[02:49:15] <Fnord666> So what's up with the Space Engine story?
[02:49:24] <exec> error: something went wrong with your submission - maybe try again in a minute
[02:49:26] <Fnord666> I saw some discussion in the back scroll
[02:49:30] <Fnord666> ~arthur caef51
[02:49:32] <exec> 660 stories loaded
[02:49:33] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Critical flaw lets hackers take control of Samsung SmartCam cameras"
[02:50:03] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[02:50:09] <exec> 659 stories loaded
[02:50:31] <charon> takyon and bytram and i were talking about it a while back, he just did a journal with a link to the newest version
[02:51:12] <Fnord666> ~arthur 4e3c2b
[02:51:14] <exec> 659 stories loaded
[02:51:14] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Devs reverse-engineer 16,000 Android apps, find secrets and keys to AWS accounts"
[02:51:29] <takyon> charon: my journal has instructions on how to use it
[02:51:45] <exec> error: something went wrong with your submission - maybe try again in a minute
[02:51:46] <takyon> help to avoid that 15 minute learning curve
[02:51:53] <charon> oh, i hadn't actually checked the journal yet
[02:52:20] <charon> hold W for 30 seconds, get lost in a random direction
[02:52:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon, did you just RTFM him?
[02:52:32] <Fnord666> ~arthur 4e3c2b
[02:52:34] <exec> 659 stories loaded
[02:52:34] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Devs reverse-engineer 16,000 Android apps, find secrets and keys to AWS accounts"
[02:52:35] <takyon> yeah the instructions are helpful
[02:52:35] <Fnord666> he did
[02:52:43] * TheMightyBuzzard cackles
[02:53:02] <charon> damnit, the manual is for after you've played for half an hour and get lost
[02:53:05] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[02:53:11] <exec> 658 stories loaded
[02:53:11] <takyon> plus I came up with a list of cool shit to fly to
[02:53:14] * TheMightyBuzzard nods sagely to charon
[02:53:37] <Fnord666> "Famous Swiss ski race cancelled because of snow"
[02:53:45] <charon> buh?
[02:53:48] <takyon> they give the procedurally generated jupiter-like gas giants 90+ moons usually
[02:54:02] <Fnord666> ok that's a lot of exploring
[02:54:16] <Fnord666> so is this like no man's sky?
[02:55:25] <Fnord666> Wait, these sorts of things come with manuals?
[02:55:31] <charon> sort of. except it doesn't even pretend to have gameplay. it's a fantastically accurate simulation of what we know, and a generator to fill in the blanks
[02:55:45] <Fnord666> I suppose next you'll tell me that you stop and ask for directions too.
[02:56:51] <Fnord666> Someone was just tempting the fates. "Flight 666 lands safely in HEL on Friday the 13th
[02:56:51] <Fnord666> . 13-year-old aircraft left gate 13 and landed at 13:31"
[02:57:19] <charon> i saw that the other day. seems too much to be pure coincidence
[02:57:43] <takyon> no man's sky except it's about checking out cool stars and stuff
[02:58:05] <takyon> the procedurally generated planets are cool but there's nothing neat when you land on them. yet.
[02:58:16] <takyon> I just like looking at ROCKS
[02:58:27] <takyon> ROCKS like PSYCHE
[02:58:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> they do rock
[02:58:51] <takyon> fuck: https://soylentnews.org
[02:58:54] <exec> └─ 13NASA Selects Two Missions to Visit Asteroids - SoylentNews
[02:59:40] <charon> if i were a dev, i'd pick a random star far from here but reachable and put a habitation ring, a la Halo, around it
[03:03:48] <takyon> yeah well no megastructures found at tabby
[03:03:57] <takyon> the DREAM is DEAD
[03:04:09] <charon> did it eat a planet though?
[03:04:48] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org
[03:04:50] <exec> └─ 13Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison Over Mobile X-Ray Weapon: SoylentNews Submission
[03:05:22] <Fnord666> ~arthur b797c5
[03:05:24] <exec> 658 stories loaded
[03:05:24] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Misfit Phase proves hybrid smartwatches could replace basic activity trackers"
[03:05:55] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[03:06:00] <exec> 657 stories loaded
[03:12:09] <Fnord666> ~arthur 0e3ac7
[03:12:11] <exec> 660 stories loaded
[03:12:11] <exec> attempting to submit story: "SHA-1 End Times Have Arrived"
[03:12:42] <exec> error: something went wrong with your submission - maybe try again in a minute
[03:14:25] <charon> arthur hates you
[03:15:31] <Fnord666> he really does.
[03:15:41] <Fnord666> ~arthur 0e3ac7
[03:15:43] <exec> 661 stories loaded
[03:15:43] <exec> attempting to submit story: "SHA-1 End Times Have Arrived"
[03:16:14] <exec> error: something went wrong with your submission - maybe try again in a minute
[03:17:25] <Fnord666> third time's a charm?
[03:17:33] <Fnord666> ~arthur 0e3ac7
[03:17:36] <exec> 661 stories loaded
[03:17:37] <exec> attempting to submit story: "SHA-1 End Times Have Arrived"
[03:18:06] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[03:18:12] <exec> 660 stories loaded
[03:18:42] <charon> hooray
[03:19:16] <Fnord666> Should I submit this one?
[03:19:20] <Fnord666> "The Science of Having Sex in Space"
[03:19:56] <Fnord666> https://omgfacts.com
[03:19:59] <charon> why not? we're all grown ups
[03:20:23] <Fnord666> ~arthur 93c19f
[03:20:25] <exec> 660 stories loaded
[03:20:25] <exec> attempting to submit story: "The Science of Having Sex in Space"
[03:20:32] <Fnord666> quite frankly I fear for the commentary
[03:20:56] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[03:21:01] <exec> 659 stories loaded
[03:21:04] <Fnord666> We may be but some of our readers....
[03:21:24] <Fnord666> oh sure that one arthur ahs no problem with.
[03:21:38] <charon> hmm, it occurs to me one needs something to hold onto
[03:22:50] <Fnord666> ~arthur b9765d
[03:22:52] <exec> 659 stories loaded
[03:22:52] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Vulnerabilities Leave iTunes, App Store Open to Script Injection"
[03:23:06] <Fnord666> wait to you get to the part about liquids...
[03:23:23] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[03:23:29] <exec> 658 stories loaded
[03:26:22] <Fnord666> ~arthur 7c82ed
[03:26:24] <exec> 658 stories loaded
[03:26:24] <exec> attempting to submit story: "With Google's RAISR, images can be up to 75% smaller without losing detail"
[03:26:51] <charon> man, QWOP is a ridiculous game
[03:26:55] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[03:27:01] <exec> 657 stories loaded
[03:30:33] <charon> https://www.foddy.net
[03:30:35] <exec> └─ 13QWOP
[03:33:12] <charon> got to reboot. brb
[03:47:20] <chromas> in space, no one's a bottom.
[03:47:46] <chromas> Equal pushes or you'll wander around the room
[03:52:10] <Fnord666> yup. time for some bungee cord.
[03:52:21] <takyon> superglue
[03:52:45] <Fnord666> a bit problematic later on.
[03:53:00] <takyon> that's what the airlock is for
[03:53:08] <takyon> solving problems
[03:58:29] <Fnord666> that seems a bit . . . permanent
[04:18:08] <Fnord666> time for me to call it a night. Good night all.
[07:55:50] -!- nick has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:47:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> #fite Hephaestus
[11:47:28] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[11:47:37] <MrPlow> #fite Hephaestus falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[13:13:07] <Bytram> #fite Hephaestus
[13:13:07] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[13:13:14] <MrPlow> #fite Hephaestus falls broken at Bytram's feet.
[13:50:40] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[13:50:40] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by Hephaestus
[13:50:42] <exec> welcome janrinok: Paimpol, France, 6°C/42°F, 2:50 pm GMT+1, Wednesday, 18 January 2017
[14:38:12] <cmn32480> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[14:38:14] * exec whole-heartedly ejaculates a cat box of tomacco at TheMightyBuzzard
[14:38:17] <cmn32480> ~gday janrinok
[14:38:18] * exec hideously cyberbullies a safe space of brass grommets at janrinok
[14:47:45] <janrinok> ~gday cmn32480
[14:47:47] * exec casually embiggens a shitton of Boaty McBoatface with cmn32480
[14:49:18] <cmn32480> how goes today janrinok
[14:52:00] <janrinok> pretty much the same, but OK
[14:52:06] <cmn32480> need a laugh?
[14:53:02] <cmn32480> lemme post it to imgur... and you'll giggle
[14:54:18] <cmn32480> http://imgur.com
[14:54:20] <exec> └─ 13Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
[14:54:32] <cmn32480> that'd be my forklift.. stuck in the mud... at about 8pm last night
[14:56:12] <cmn32480> the yard behind the office currently looks like a bomb went off
[14:57:55] <janrinok> but you don't need a licence to drive one... er, OK
[14:58:03] <cmn32480> shaddap
[14:58:05] <janrinok> lol
[14:58:46] <cmn32480> I have been catchign hell ALL day
[14:58:56] <janrinok> other than being stuck in the mud, what else happened?
[14:59:10] <cmn32480> everytime somebody wanders by my office.. they pretend to get stuck in the carpet....
[14:59:21] <cmn32480> J found it hilarious
[14:59:35] * janrinok giggles quietly
[14:59:53] * cmn32480 heard you snort...
[15:00:12] * cmn32480 now hears you whispering it to S... and her giggling
[15:00:14] <janrinok> fibber, well, maybe it was a little louder than I intended it to be
[15:01:18] <janrinok> S is laughing out aloud - I don't know how she guessed what you had done ....
[15:01:44] <cmn32480> uh huh
[15:01:46] <cmn32480> I bet
[15:01:58] <cmn32480> I'll go take a picture of the yard to make you two really laugh
[15:02:01] <janrinok> I didn't say a word - honest, guv
[15:02:12] <cmn32480> I've never met an honest guv
[15:02:27] <janrinok> well you wouldn't - you are American
[15:02:53] <cmn32480> brb... I'll go get that other picture...
[15:02:58] <janrinok> k
[15:07:40] <cmn32480> now I'll upload them and you can see the extent of the damage
[15:14:08] <cmn32480> same link now has the rest on the images
[15:14:58] <janrinok> do tell - how on earth did you accomplish that?
[15:15:14] <cmn32480> the destruction? or getting it stuck?
[15:15:18] <janrinok> yes
[15:15:45] <cmn32480> got it stuck trying to pick up a stack of pallets while I wasn't thinking about the fact that it had rained... and the ground was like a sponge
[15:16:08] <cmn32480> the destruction was getting it out
[15:16:12] <janrinok> lol
[15:16:27] <janrinok> well, I'm sure your work mates are most understanding
[15:16:50] <cmn32480> used the company cargo van to gently nudge the lift to the concrete pad against the building
[15:17:10] <cmn32480> because trying to push it out only resulted in spinning the wheels on the van
[15:17:20] <janrinok> 'gently nudge' being a synonym for battering it out of the way
[15:17:58] * cmn32480 nods sagely
[15:19:02] <cmn32480> it was a rather dirty... violent extraction
[15:19:10] <cmn32480> but on the upside.. nobody was shooting at us
[15:19:29] <janrinok> but the boss might be today
[15:19:39] <cmn32480> unlikely...
[15:19:43] <cmn32480> no damage.. just dirty
[15:19:50] <janrinok> is that his boat in the background?
[15:20:21] <cmn32480> nah he sold the boat when he moved to South Carolina
[15:20:37] <cmn32480> 2 trailers and a storage container
[15:21:28] <janrinok> well, what exciting things have you got planned for today - they will have to be good to top that
[15:21:45] * cmn32480 is planning to lay low...
[15:21:57] <cmn32480> maybe do some paperwork
[15:22:24] <janrinok> wise decision
[15:22:34] <cmn32480> I think so
[15:22:48] <cmn32480> maybe drink some more coffee
[15:23:46] <janrinok> ... and plan your next episode carefully.
[15:23:57] <cmn32480> right
[15:24:06] <cmn32480> topping this will be difficult.. but I feel I am up to the challenge
[15:24:44] <janrinok> I'm sure that you are. And remember - you have to be noticed before anyone will promote you. I think you have achieved that, don't you?
[15:25:00] <cmn32480> tire tracks will generalyl get you noticed...
[15:25:39] <janrinok> especially when they lead to a muddy forklift
[15:25:48] <cmn32480> often by the wrong people... typically those with red and blue flashy lights atop their cars
[15:25:55] <cmn32480> yes
[15:26:05] <cmn32480> what happened is really quite obvious...
[15:26:08] <janrinok> now don't dwell on the negative things
[15:26:56] * cmn32480 goes to his best option
[15:26:59] <cmn32480> chocolate
[15:28:04] <janrinok> so the story is this: you noticed that someone had climbed the fence and managed to start the forklift. You, disregarding your own safety, rushed the guy to regain control of the vehicle, but he drove it around the field until he panicked and ran away. You struggled, single-handedly, to recover the vehicle and put it back where it belonged.
[15:28:36] <janrinok> I think you will get promoted with a story like that
[15:28:46] <cmn32480> that sounds like an excellent stiry
[15:28:55] <cmn32480> .me commits it to memiory
[15:29:24] <janrinok> you have prevented the theft of the forklift while putting your own safety at risk for the benefit of the company
[15:30:28] <janrinok> you and J need to start choosing where you would like the free holiday that the boss will give you as a reward
[15:30:42] <janrinok> lucky son of a bitch!
[15:31:11] <janrinok> now, are there any witnesses that need 'to be taken care of'?
[15:31:17] <cmn32480> if I dind't know better, I'd swear you worked in Marketing
[15:31:32] <cmn32480> yes... just the guy who helped me pull it out this morning
[15:32:19] <janrinok> yes, but that was only because, despite your efforts last night to recover the situation, you thought it more sensible to wait until daylight and to seek the safest means of accomplishing the task
[15:32:56] <cmn32480> absolutely
[15:33:03] <janrinok> and the story you told him this morning was because you didn't want anyone to make a fuss of your selfless actions
[15:33:18] <cmn32480> exactly
[15:33:25] * cmn32480 gets the arsenic just in case
[15:33:47] <janrinok> a key to the Directors' toilet is yours for the taking!
[15:37:04] * cmn32480 already has one... have to be able to "check the wifi in that area" just in case somebody needs to use their laptop while on hte commode
[15:38:31] <janrinok> perhaps your boss will let you choose your own reward - now don't be greedy here - but don't sell yourself short either.
[15:39:10] <janrinok> Obama still has time to give you an award of some kind before he leaves office
[15:40:33] <cmn32480> prolly give me the medal fo Freedom like he gave Joe Biden
[15:40:59] <cmn32480> of course that award has been cheapened now as to have very little meaning
[15:41:07] * janrinok starts work on Obama's speech for the award ceremony - uses phrases like 'typical brave and selfless American', 'with complete disregard for his own safety', 'thinking only of the help he can offer to others', 'modest to the point of anonymity'
[15:41:36] <janrinok> that last one is just in case Obama says 'who?'
[15:42:05] <janrinok> brb nursing times
[15:42:45] <cmn32480> 10-4
[15:55:02] <janrinok> and now it is time to start cooking!
[15:55:09] janrinok is now known as janrinok_afk
[15:57:56] * cmn32480 wonders what delightful treat janrinok_afk is whipping up tonight
[16:25:29] <cmn32480> #fite Hephaestus
[16:25:29] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[16:25:34] <MrPlow> #fite Hephaestus falls broken at cmn32480's feet.
[18:05:14] -!- Fnord666_ [Fnord666_!~Fnord666@216.68.nm.gvw] has joined #editorial
[18:09:48] -!- Fnord666_ has quit [Client Quit]
[18:14:52] janrinok_afk is now known as janrinok
[18:15:27] <janrinok> cmn32480, spicy sausage in a BBQ marinade, with mixed roast vegetables
[18:15:36] <cmn32480> woooo
[18:15:42] <cmn32480> sounds tasty
[18:15:51] <janrinok> it was
[18:15:59] <cmn32480> save me any?
[18:16:32] <janrinok> nope - I think your boss is planning a big slap-up meal for you for your brave actions yesterday evening
[18:16:41] <cmn32480> ahhhhh
[18:16:46] <janrinok> ...or not
[18:16:48] <cmn32480> good point.. I should save room
[19:06:57] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[19:18:10] -!- charon_ [charon_!~0c0959f3@Soylent/Staff/Editor/charon] has joined #editorial
[19:18:10] -!- mode/#editorial [+v charon_] by Hephaestus
[19:18:26] <charon_> i should know better than to engage an AC idiot
[19:18:41] <janrinok> ~gday charon - I resemble that remark!
[19:18:42] * exec crutchyly postulates a zfs volume of naval lint towards charon
[19:18:48] <janrinok> tell me more
[19:18:53] <cmn32480> yes, you should... knucklehead
[19:19:02] <cmn32480> ~gday cahron
[19:19:04] * exec single-candidly crams a snatched purse full of expletives into cahron
[19:19:06] <cmn32480> ~gday charon_
[19:19:08] * exec deliciously twerks a spankbank of dark humor for charon_
[19:21:32] <janrinok> which thread is this we are talking about?
[19:21:58] <charon_> https://soylentnews.org
[19:22:00] <exec> └─ 13Give the Public the Tools to Trust Scientists - SoylentNews
[19:22:41] <charon_> one of the anarcho-libertardians is talking about government chafing his nads
[19:23:22] <charon_> hiyo gents
[19:26:21] <cmn32480> lol
[19:29:16] <charon_> ACs often have something of worth to say. too bad it's more often that they don't
[19:30:22] <janrinok> yup
[19:31:03] <janrinok> but you knew that - you were just hoping that _this time_ it would be different
[19:31:34] <cmn32480> what's the definition of insanity? doing the same thing over adn over looking for a different result?
[19:31:43] <janrinok> lol
[19:33:40] <charon_> yep yep
[19:34:04] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[19:34:04] -!- mode/#editorial [+v nick] by Hephaestus
[19:34:06] <exec> welcome nick: Laurium, Calumet Township, MI, USA, 3°C/38°F, 2:34 pm GMT-5, Wednesday, 18 January 2017
[19:34:11] <charon_> i thought maybe i could talk him into seeing government as necessary
[19:34:19] <charon_> bahahahahhhahahahhaaaha
[19:34:29] <janrinok> ~gday nick
[19:34:30] * exec diabolically ships a stein of Ubuntu "Epileptic Elephant" with nick
[19:34:36] <charon_> nah, i just got fired up and wanted to make fun of him
[19:34:43] <charon_> ~gday nick
[19:34:43] <nick> ahoy-hoy
[19:34:45] * exec seductively merges a ramdisk of disagreement with nick
[19:34:57] <janrinok> charon, optimism is fine as long as you know it might not come to fruition
[19:35:00] <nick> http://nypost.com
[19:37:21] <cmn32480> but charon promised bonus points!
[19:38:08] <charon_> let's see what he comes up with
[19:44:43] * cmn32480 bets you never get an answer
[19:46:41] <charon_> he linked to another comment. new reply from me if you want to enjoy some pocorn
[19:47:17] <cmn32480> actaully.. I am eating popcorn...
[19:49:16] <janrinok> gtg - see you guys tomorrow
[19:49:27] <cmn32480> it's your own fault.. you engaged
[19:49:32] <cmn32480> ~gnight janrinok
[19:49:33] * exec defiantly cyberbullies shippon of feministing droppings at janrinok
[19:49:39] <janrinok> I have a doc's appt tomorrow evening so I will probably be late on
[19:49:44] <cmn32480> GOOD
[19:49:46] <janrinok> ~gday cmn32480
[19:49:48] * exec unjustifiably runs the Installshield Wizard to set up a goblet of windows 3.11 for workpoops for cmn32480
[19:49:55] <janrinok> ~gday charon
[19:49:56] * exec overratedly ships a 5¼" floppy dick of hashlists with charon
[19:49:58] <janrinok> ~gday nick
[19:49:59] * exec mistakenly instantiates a teaspoonful of sweet tapioca for nick
[19:50:01] <cmn32480> hopefully the tell you that you need a new puppy
[19:50:26] <janrinok> cmn32480, that's assuming I'm not banned from here by the doc!
[19:50:46] <cmn32480> banned from editing does not ban you from joking around on IRC
[19:52:04] <janrinok> she has previously told me that I am banned from the computer! Not even programming...
[19:52:35] <cmn32480> the computer? you say that like we are a source of stress
[19:52:49] <janrinok> and S becomes her confidential informer
[19:52:57] <cmn32480> ohhhhhh
[19:52:59] <cmn32480> tricky
[19:53:10] * cmn32480 can feel the dark side in that one...
[19:53:20] <janrinok> this is my only relief! I'll let you know what she says...
[19:53:28] <cmn32480> they must have lured her over with gluten free cookies!
[19:53:55] <janrinok> despicable behaviour
[19:54:03] <cmn32480> seriously!
[19:54:15] <cmn32480> now I know what the S stands for
[19:54:19] <cmn32480> Sidious
[19:54:27] <janrinok> snitch
[19:54:33] <charon_> gnight janrinok
[19:54:42] <cmn32480> She is Darth Sidious
[19:54:43] <janrinok> cheers all
[19:54:51] * cmn32480 chokes
[19:54:59] * cmn32480 falls over dead
[19:55:10] <janrinok> don't do that - you make the place look untidy
[19:55:18] <cmn32480> oh
[19:55:19] <cmn32480> ok
[19:55:21] <cmn32480> can't have that
[19:55:29] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:55:34] <charon_> i'll just mop around him
[19:56:07] <cmn32480> excellent idea
[20:03:54] <charon_> all the bouhaha in that thread and no one said anything about my dept line. SAD!
[20:16:19] * cmn32480 dopesn't read the dept lines
[20:20:03] <charon_> awww, my font of creativity is ignored
[20:27:41] <cmn32480> welcome to real life Jr.
[20:38:41] <charon_> ~nelson Fnord666
[20:38:42] <exec> 03Fnord666: HA! HA!
[20:41:15] <charon_> ok, i am done obsessivle refreshing the page. really
[20:41:43] <charon_> now it's time for... DANCE!
[20:41:46] <cmn32480> that explains the hit counter going nuts
[20:42:10] <charon_> not that obsessively. only every few minutes
[20:43:38] * cmn32480 nods in less than full belief
[20:43:59] <charon_> so i read about your forklift adventure. very amusing
[20:44:26] <charon_> i would never stoop to making fun of you for it though
[20:44:46] <cmn32480> neither will the people I work with
[20:44:51] <charon_> lol
[20:46:06] <charon_> around my store, they don't even let forklifts go on asphalt. they have to stay on concrete
[20:46:24] <cmn32480> littel different
[20:46:37] <cmn32480> you would big "big corporate"
[20:46:46] <cmn32480> we are small business...
[20:46:55] <cmn32480> we do what has to be done to get the job done...
[20:47:09] <cmn32480> though getting it stuck in the mud was NOT my idea of a good time
[20:47:21] <charon_> yeah, it's probably lowest common denominator to make sure the idiots are messing things up too badly
[20:47:29] <charon_> are not
[20:48:05] <charon_> so no donuts? no skid marks? not even a wheelie?
[20:49:55] <cmn32480> nope... but it looked like we were moving 100mph with the rooster tails of mud I was tossing up
[20:51:04] <charon_> woohoo. hold my beer!
[20:51:50] <cmn32480> basically
[20:52:26] <charon_> https://www.youtube.com
[20:52:27] <exec> └─ 13Forklift Driver Klaus English Subtitles - YouTube
[20:52:57] <charon_> this may be the funniest thing you see today
[20:55:02] <cmn32480> that is hilarious
[21:00:44] <charon_> and they say germans have no sense of humor
[21:01:29] <cmn32480> I'm not sure if that is suposed to be funny
[21:07:59] <charon_> of course it it. grotesque humor in service of a serious message
[21:09:56] <cmn32480> it is pretty funny
[21:19:10] <charon_> well, after watching dismemberment and 50 gallons of blood, time for lunch
[21:19:59] -!- charon_ has quit [Quit: poor klaus]
[22:09:45] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[22:09:48] <exec> welcome chromas: Walla Walla, WA, USA, 10°C/50°F, 2:09 pm GMT-8, Wednesday, 18 January 2017
[22:17:34] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[23:07:29] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[23:07:32] <exec> welcome chromas: Walla Walla, WA, USA, 8°C/47°F, 3:07 pm GMT-8, Wednesday, 18 January 2017