#editorial | Logs for 2016-12-11

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[00:03:52] * nick is a lover not a fighter
[00:06:59] chromas is now known as cheaty
[00:07:08] cheaty is now known as chromas
[00:08:08] chromas is now known as RustyPlow
[00:08:29] RustyPlow is now known as chromas
[01:45:56] -!- charon_ has quit [Quit: ordering pizza]
[03:18:04] -!- caffeine [caffeine!~andrew@101.175.vky.rn] has joined #editorial
[06:07:12] -!- nick has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:52:07] chromas is now known as farticle
[09:52:17] farticle is now known as chromas
[11:20:20] -!- caffeine has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[12:13:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> #fite Hephaestus
[12:13:05] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:13:22] <MrPlow> #fite Hephaestus falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[15:04:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> #fite Hephaestus
[15:04:49] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[15:05:01] <MrPlow> #fite Hephaestus falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[17:19:03] <Fnord666> cmn32480 - thoughts on stormwyrm's Rogue One story?
[19:09:14] <cmn32480> Fnord666 - the Star Wars saga has gone the way of so many other Hollywood movies, it is a platform for those who create it with all inclusiveness, diversity and characters being some minority for no reason other than having a <minority> character in the film, even if it has no bearing on the plot
[19:09:23] <cmn32480> it is not unusual.
[19:09:45] <cmn32480> there was some story some months back about one of the characters being gay... even though it makes absolutely no difference in the plot
[19:10:23] <cmn32480> JJ Abrams did the same thing in the last Star Trek movie. Made Sului's character gay even though it had no bearing on the actual plot.
[19:10:52] <Fnord666> I just to double check about running the story.
[19:10:55] <cmn32480> it is an interesting take on a storied Sci-Fi franchise, and I see no trtouble running the story
[19:11:00] <Fnord666> ok
[19:11:19] <cmn32480> they did the same thing on the Ghostbusters remake
[19:11:32] <cmn32480> made the characters women... and we saw how well that did
[19:11:42] <cmn32480> but that was also a very shitty movie
[19:12:17] <cmn32480> we won't really know if it is true until after the release and we see the movie
[19:12:39] <Fnord666> true
[19:14:37] <Fnord666> I'm still feeling my way along around stories with a political slant to them.
[19:14:43] <cmn32480> is ok
[19:14:49] <cmn32480> asking questions isn't a problem
[19:20:05] <cmn32480> #fite Hephaestus
[19:20:05] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[19:20:31] <MrPlow> #fite Hephaestus falls broken at cmn32480's feet.
[19:21:31] <cmn32480> #fite Fnord666
[19:21:31] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[19:21:53] <Fnord666> going there are we?
[19:21:54] <MrPlow> #fite Fnord666 falls broken at cmn32480's feet.
[19:24:00] <Fnord666> lol.
[19:24:05] <Fnord666> oh well\
[19:24:53] <cmn32480> I tried
[19:25:01] <cmn32480> I had small hp left
[19:26:05] <Fnord666> apparently swiss took advantage of that
[19:26:57] <cmn32480> I sacrificed myself
[19:27:01] <Fnord666> Re the latest Star Trek movie, that was Justin Lin I believe.
[19:27:09] <cmn32480> to prevent TMB or chromas from killing me
[19:27:19] <Fnord666> sacrificed for the greater good?
[19:27:24] <cmn32480> somethign like that
[19:27:36] <cmn32480> Justin Lin was the director, correct
[19:28:00] <Fnord666> ah. I didn't realize fite was so strategic.
[19:28:44] <Fnord666> although I think JJ was involved also wasn't he?
[19:28:57] * cmn32480 shrugs
[19:29:06] <Fnord666> I was just thankful for the reduced lens flare
[19:29:50] <cmn32480> I thought JJ had control of both franchises for a while... he may be the top dog in the whole thing... who knows... pretty soon the enterprise and the ships of the rebellion will be flying Rainbow flags
[19:30:03] <Fnord666> Lol. Probably
[19:30:41] <cmn32480> I don't have an issue with a charachter's sexuality being brought into it, if it is material to the plot
[19:30:53] <cmn32480> but to do it to make political points is stupid
[19:31:47] <Fnord666> If that's the purpose, then yeah, I agree.
[19:32:35] <Fnord666> If it advances the narrative, then ok
[19:33:41] <Fnord666> The original series' universe was a hoot. Advanced enough to no linger need money, but women still required to wear short skirts
[19:33:49] <Fnord666> s/linger/longer/
[19:33:51] <exec> <Fnord666> The original series' universe was a hoot. Advanced enough to no longer need money, but women still required to wear short skirts
[19:36:04] <cmn32480> agreed
[23:58:09] Bytram is now known as Bytram|fite
[23:58:58] Bytram|fite is now known as Bytram