#editorial | Logs for 2016-10-05

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[02:10:34] <Bytram> What is the name of the guy on 2nd base!
[02:16:41] <Bytram> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[02:16:43] <Nacho> ^ 03After baffling Falcon 9 rocket explosion, SpaceX screams: Hands off our probe! • The Register ( http://www.theregister.co.uk )
[02:17:04] <Bytram> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[02:17:04] <Nacho> ^ 03Google says it would have a two-word answer for Feds seeking Yahoo!-style email backdoor • The Register
[07:21:45] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #editorial
[13:07:08] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[13:21:33] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[17:39:37] <CoolHand> cmn32480:
[17:43:02] <CoolHand> u gonna post up that /. story?
[17:43:43] <CoolHand> (it says you're in it, and I was going to post a different one but didn't wanna hit the same timespot)
[17:44:00] <janrinok> I hadn't seen that ...
[17:44:13] <CoolHand> the /. story?
[17:44:38] <janrinok> yes - but no link to anything?
[17:45:14] <CoolHand> I didn't look at it too close.. just saw cmn was in it and skimmed it.. didn't know if he was serioulsy looking or just browsing it..
[17:45:25] <cmn32480> got ulled into a mtg. will not be toucheing
[17:45:38] <janrinok> there's the answer then
[17:45:46] <CoolHand> touche
[17:46:03] <cmn32480> #smake coolhand
[17:46:03] * MrPlow smakes coolhand upside the head with 💩
[17:46:07] <cmn32480> #smake janrinok
[17:46:07] * MrPlow smakes janrinok upside the head with a facepalm
[17:46:10] <janrinok> I hesitate to log on to /. to see what it is all about - I promised myself to never to that
[17:46:33] <CoolHand> yeah.. I haven't been there in a long time
[17:46:52] <janrinok> I'd be tempted to wait to see if anyone else subs any more into
[17:46:54] <CoolHand> too bad someone can't promote SN to them
[17:46:55] <janrinok> info*
[17:46:59] <CoolHand> :)
[17:47:03] <janrinok> lol
[17:48:31] <cmn32480> ~time
[17:48:33] <exec> Wednesday, 5 October 2016 @ 1:48 pm GMT-4 - Baltimore, MD, USA
[17:48:40] <cmn32480> fek... no wonder I'm starving
[17:48:52] <cmn32480> I'm wasting away to nothing over here... and you guys don't care
[17:52:54] <janrinok> true, but you have plenty of you to waste away, so there is no need for us to rush in our caring
[17:53:35] <cmn32480> ouch
[17:53:41] <cmn32480> that was almost hurtful
[17:53:45] <janrinok> almost
[17:53:50] <cmn32480> almost
[17:55:20] <janrinok> I've just had another email from some girl in Russia called Elena - apparently she has some photos she wants me to take a look at. I don't remember Elena.... :)
[17:56:23] <janrinok> I think she is just kidding me, and that she hasn't really got a clue who I am either. But I can't blame her for wanting to get in touch with me
[18:00:13] <cmn32480> she's the brunette stripper I sent over the other day
[18:01:31] <janrinok> didn't recognise her with her clothes on
[18:01:53] <cmn32480> if you look at the pics I bet she doens't have any oin
[18:02:23] <janrinok> now how did you guess that? That is like magic!
[18:06:25] <janrinok> ~time
[18:06:27] <exec> syntax: ~time location
[18:06:27] <exec> time data courtesy of Google
[18:06:41] <janrinok> ~time paimpol france
[18:06:43] <exec> Wednesday, 5 October 2016 @ 8:06 pm GMT+2 - Paimpol, France
[18:06:54] <janrinok> ~time
[18:06:55] <exec> syntax: ~time location
[18:06:55] <exec> time data courtesy of Google
[18:08:27] <cmn32480> janrinok - if you do a ~weather-add <location> all you will need from then on is ~weather or ~time
[18:08:51] <janrinok> ~weather-add paimpol france
[18:08:52] <exec> name "paimpol" set for location "france"
[18:09:06] <janrinok> ~weather
[18:09:07] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[18:09:16] <janrinok> er no
[18:10:06] <chromas> Looks right to me ;)
[18:10:09] <janrinok> ~help
[18:10:57] <janrinok> ~time
[18:10:58] <exec> syntax: ~time location
[18:10:59] <exec> time data courtesy of Google
[18:11:25] <janrinok> ~weather-add janrinok paimpol,france
[18:11:26] <exec> name "janrinok" set for location "paimpol,france"
[18:11:31] <janrinok> ~weather
[18:11:33] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[18:11:43] <janrinok> nope nope and more nope
[18:11:54] <cmn32480> ~weather-add janrinok paimpol, france
[18:11:55] <exec> name "janrinok" set for location "paimpol, france"
[18:12:02] <cmn32480> ~weather janrinok
[18:12:03] <exec> 10Paimpol, France - currently 59°F / 15°C, clear with periodic clouds, wind NE at 11 mph, humidity 76% - Wednesday partly cloudy (51°F:64°F / 11°C:18°C), Thursday mostly sunny (49°F:60°F / 9°C:16°C), Friday partly cloudy (51°F:60°F / 11°C:16°C), Saturday mostly sunny (53°F:63°F / 12°C:17°C)
[18:12:06] <janrinok> look up 5 lines
[18:12:13] <cmn32480> missed a space you did
[18:12:22] <cmn32480> now you try
[18:12:34] <janrinok> you just typed ~weather and it knew it was you, I have to try ~weather janrinok
[18:12:47] <janrinok> ~weather
[18:12:48] <exec> 10Paimpol, France - currently 59°F / 15°C, clear with periodic clouds, wind NE at 11 mph, humidity 76% - Wednesday partly cloudy (51°F:64°F / 11°C:18°C), Thursday mostly sunny (49°F:60°F / 9°C:16°C), Friday partly cloudy (51°F:60°F / 11°C:16°C), Saturday mostly sunny (53°F:63°F / 12°C:17°C)
[18:13:10] <cmn32480> #weather uranus
[18:13:10] <MrPlow> 98.6F and windy.
[18:13:27] <janrinok> TMB showed me that one the other day
[18:13:30] <janrinok> ~time
[18:13:32] <exec> Wednesday, 5 October 2016 @ 8:13 pm GMT+2 - Paimpol, France
[18:16:47] * cmn32480 wonders if the ~weather in Gay Paris is "FABULOUS!"
[18:20:46] <janrinok> with sparkles and lots of pink
[19:02:47] <janrinok> time for me to go, see you tomorrow!
[19:02:55] <cmn32480> ~gnight janrinok
[19:02:57] * exec provocatively vomits a cold can of Khyber's AC LEDs on janrinok
[19:03:24] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[19:30:46] <CoolHand> ~weather-add CoolHand Indy
[19:30:47] <exec> name "CoolHand" set for location "Indy"
[19:30:55] <CoolHand> ~weather
[19:30:56] <exec> 10Indianapolis, IN, USA - currently 81°F / 27°C, mostly sunny, wind S at 14 mph, humidity 54% - Wednesday partly cloudy (63°F:81°F / 17°C:27°C), Thursday partly cloudy (61°F:83°F / 16°C:28°C), Friday mostly sunny (53°F:81°F / 12°C:27°C), Saturday sunny (46°F:68°F / 8°C:20°C)
[19:31:21] <cmn32480> Winds to the left at 160mph
[19:31:51] <CoolHand> umm, those are strong winds
[19:31:58] <CoolHand> might have trouble keeping the motorbike upright
[19:32:14] <cmn32480> just don't lean right
[21:29:22] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org
[21:29:23] <Nacho> ^ 03SN Submission by takyon: NSA Contractor Harold Martin Arrested