#editorial | Logs for 2016-01-24

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[01:50:54] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[01:50:59] <Bytram> cmn32480: http://www.youtube.com
[01:51:01] <exec> └─ 13Bambi Meets Godzilla - YouTube
[02:07:19] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #editorial
[02:07:19] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Subsentient] by SkyNet
[02:29:18] <Bytram> CoolHand: congrats on reaching 600 stories! https://soylentnews.org
[02:29:21] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews: Hall of Fame
[02:37:59] <Bytram> https://www.washingtonpost.com
[02:38:00] <exec> └─ 13Jeff Bezos launches and lands again in another first for booming space industry - The Washington Post
[02:43:17] <Bytram> http://on.wsj.com
[02:43:18] <exec> └─ 13Apple Veteran Overseeing Electric-Car Project Leaving Company - WSJ
[03:01:36] <Bytram> hmm, https://tools.ietf.org
[03:01:38] <exec> └─ 13RFC 7748 - Elliptic Curves for Security
[03:05:35] -!- PC-Police [PC-Police!~confirms@0::1] has joined #editorial
[03:05:39] <chromas> ~title off
[03:05:40] <exec> titles disabled for 10#editorial
[03:05:51] <Bytram> ??
[03:06:09] <chromas> swapping one title bot for another ;)
[03:06:18] <Bytram> ahhhh, as you were then
[03:08:58] <Bytram> http://googlecloudplatform.blogspot.com
[03:08:58] <PC-Police> ^ 03Google Cloud Platform Blog: Google and Red Hat integrate OpenShift Dedicated and Google Cloud Platform to make adopting containers easier
[03:09:05] <Bytram> http://googlecloudplatform.blogspot.com
[03:09:05] <PC-Police> ^ 03Google Cloud Platform Blog: Google and Red Hat integrate OpenShift Dedicated and Google Cloud Platform to make adopting containers easier
[03:14:36] <Bytram> break time
[03:21:55] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[03:21:56] <PC-Police> ^ 03The crazy East Coast blizzard looks just as dramatic from space - CNET ( http://www.cnet.com )
[03:40:07] <Bytram> http://www.reuters.com
[03:40:07] <PC-Police> ^ 03Nearly 300,000 recreational drone owners in U.S. database -FAA| Reuters
[04:07:14] <Bytram> hmmm
[04:07:47] <Bytram> so what if there is a blizzard... http://www.armytimes.com
[04:07:50] <PC-Police> ^ 03Soldiers guard 'Tomb of the Unknown Soldier' in storm
[04:09:49] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[04:10:04] <Bytram|away> "Bedtime for Bonzo"
[04:10:11] <Bytram|away> g'night everyone!
[04:10:54] <Bytram|away> Sunday [UTC] is covered; hopefully we'll get some more submissions, soon.
[04:11:49] <Bytram|away> kinda rough pickings among what is left; feel free to delete 'em as deemed appropriate.