#editorial | Logs for 2015-08-22

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[10:46:52] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[10:47:26] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[10:47:26] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[11:40:16] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[11:40:56] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[11:40:56] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[13:08:16] cmn32480|afk is now known as cmn32480
[13:28:16] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:28:45] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[13:28:45] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[13:39:40] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:42:29] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[13:42:29] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[13:50:28] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:56:35] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[13:56:35] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[14:07:16] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[14:16:36] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[14:16:36] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[14:22:52] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[14:24:08] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[14:24:08] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[15:33:20] <cmn32480> FYI - Running Arthur. Will post some of his stuff a little later in the day. Wife and kids want to head to the pool or the beach. Nobody can seem to decide.
[15:40:54] <cmn32480> I have to copy/paste the HTML source to get the links, etc. to work properly. Sorry guys. It is gonna suck for editing.