#editorial | Logs for 2015-07-28

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[00:04:01] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
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[01:11:50] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|eatin
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[02:55:53] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|sleepin
[04:12:40] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[04:17:55] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
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[04:38:54] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
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[05:33:52] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
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[06:11:51] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
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[10:14:16] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[10:14:16] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[12:08:55] cmn32480|sleepin is now known as cmn32480
[13:05:14] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|workin
[13:17:54] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[14:34:35] <janrinok> any editors who can 2nd a Breaking News story pse?
[16:40:52] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org
[16:40:56] <takyon> dupe
[16:40:57] <exec> └─ 13Germany Says You Can't Sell Adult Ebooks Until After 10 PM - SoylentNews
[16:41:12] <takyon> oh wait
[16:41:44] <takyon> it's not a dupe
[16:41:48] <takyon> it's just really weird
[17:26:08] <janrinok> takyon: yes, I wasn't expecting a reply!
[17:26:43] <takyon> err from who
[17:26:46] <takyon> hummus++
[17:26:46] <Bender> karma - hummus: 3
[17:26:58] <takyon> oh the submitter
[17:27:10] <janrinok> from the person that wrote the book that caused the problem in Munich!
[17:27:54] <takyon> I'm going to reread your note on that later
[17:28:22] <takyon> maybe even change the title
[17:28:40] <janrinok> why? It is - as I wrote - exactly as a received it
[17:28:55] <janrinok> as I received it*
[17:29:22] <janrinok> look at the original submission
[17:32:23] <takyon> ok we need to linkify his URL
[17:32:34] <takyon> and add a link to the June 24 story
[17:32:38] <janrinok> ? not sure what that means
[17:33:51] <takyon> there's no link to the June 24 story that this submission is a reply to
[17:34:19] <takyon> I see that the name Johanna Kamermans is linked to www.champagnerfuerdietransfrau.beepworld.de
[17:34:27] <takyon> www.champagnerfuerdietransfrau.beepworld.de appears in the text but is not a hyperlink
[17:34:27] <janrinok> ah, ok, but the title tells people where to look :) I don't mind if you add one
[17:34:32] <takyon> kk
[17:35:43] <janrinok> yeah - I debated the submitters link. It actually is to the site that she owns and from where she sells her 'book' - I've never seen it but will grant it that title :)
[17:36:02] <janrinok> how about a NSFW after it?
[17:36:59] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org updated
[17:37:04] <exec> └─ 13Error
[17:37:14] <takyon> allow me to click on it see how NSFW it is
[17:37:37] <janrinok> oh, very
[17:38:09] <takyon> I'm amazed how supportive the several commenters were on the Chief Keef hologram update story: https://soylentnews.org
[17:38:14] <exec> └─ 13Hologram Performance Shut Down by Police at Hip-Hop Festival - SoylentNews
[17:38:22] <janrinok> yep, me too
[17:38:23] <takyon> it was a great opportunity to link that remix, it's dope
[17:39:00] <takyon> yeah i'd say it's NSFW
[17:39:13] <janrinok> especially if you read German
[17:39:16] <takyon> because there are full nudes near the bottom
[17:39:53] <janrinok> ah, they don't cause a fuss here in Europe.
[17:39:56] <takyon> updated again
[17:40:18] <takyon> America hasn't caught up to civilized Yurop just yet
[17:40:47] <takyon> do we need the line of dashes?
[17:41:09] <janrinok> horses for courses - apparently breast feeding is not acceptable in the US, here it is deemed as a normal function. People don't flaunt it, but no-one gets too excited about it most of the time.
[17:41:25] <janrinok> nah, they can come out if you wish
[17:41:35] <takyon> breastfeeding is a mixed "bag" here
[17:41:40] <janrinok> lol
[17:41:48] <takyon> i believe it is an exception to various indecency laws
[17:41:59] <janrinok> good effort on posting over the last 24 hours by the way.
[17:42:54] <janrinok> if you are going to link to the original, I will revise the title. I don't think that we need both. I was happy with the title but if you prefer the link then OK.
[17:43:27] <janrinok> updated
[18:00:31] <takyon> sorry, had something on the stove
[18:00:38] <janrinok> hope it is ok
[18:01:31] <takyon> the rice is nice
[18:01:44] <janrinok> which suggest that something else isn't
[18:02:04] <takyon> nope it all came together quite well
[18:02:23] <takyon> brown rice, hummus, sriracha, olives on a fine tortilla
[18:03:05] <janrinok> sounds good. I made spicy turkey meatballs in tempura batter, service with chinese veggies. Very nice
[18:03:17] <janrinok> served*
[18:04:38] <janrinok> still no /. coverage of their sale by Dice
[18:04:45] <takyon> yeah I checked
[18:04:55] <takyon> comparing Automattic story to WordPress story
[18:05:38] <takyon> these stories really ought to be combined maybe?
[18:05:43] <takyon> it doesn't look like a dupe, but
[18:06:36] <janrinok> no I would say that they are very different. Wordpress is about DMCA, Auto'c is about being gagged without an NSL
[18:07:06] <takyon> yeah I guess so
[18:07:14] <takyon> Automattic is WordPress's parent company tho
[18:07:20] <janrinok> anyone can issue a DMCA - they shouldn't - but they could
[18:07:49] <takyon> now that I've looked at both it seems fine. although these may be emanating from the same transparency report
[18:08:16] <janrinok> agreed - Automattic is trying to keep their users informed, which they are doing for DMCA, but are not allowed to for 'official' interest in their users
[18:09:45] <janrinok> what I don't understand - being a European - is why, without an NSL, they cannot say what they want. I thought you guys were very strong on Freedom of Speech issues?
[18:10:37] <takyon> the first rule of NSL is you can't talk about NSL
[18:10:48] <takyon> so I'm not sure we know there is none
[18:11:03] <janrinok> yes but they claim that they haven't got an NSL, so what legislation is stopping them?
[18:11:19] <takyon> idk that's a bit weird
[18:11:27] <takyon> presumably you have two responses
[18:11:38] <takyon> 1. "We haven't gotten one"
[18:12:04] <takyon> 2. Silence/refusal to say yes/no.
[18:12:05] <janrinok> 'they have recorded zero "national security requests"'
[18:12:08] <takyon> 2B. Warrant canary.
[18:15:08] <janrinok> brb - tea time!
[18:26:09] <janrinok> ah, tea
[18:26:11] <janrinok> tea++
[18:26:12] <Bender> karma - tea: 11
[19:17:02] <janrinok> anyone available to 2nd a few stories pse?
[19:21:33] <janrinok> gtg - back tomorrow
[19:22:08] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[19:39:36] <takyon> literally the most important tech story of the year
[19:40:11] <takyon> CoolHand
[20:06:54] <takyon> post it at 23:45
[22:35:08] <takyon> edsssss
[22:35:33] <takyon> bytram coolhand mrcoolbp subsentient
[22:36:35] <takyon> should I run the next slashdot sale story as a new breaking news story
[22:36:58] <takyon> "Green site and sibling up for sale" which I renamed Slashdot Media Officially For Sale
[22:37:05] * Subsentient wonders who has awoken him from his trance
[22:41:10] <takyon> maybe I'll just merge it into the old story
[22:41:24] <takyon> i don't want to be the sole decision maker here