#editorial | Logs for 2015-02-25

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[00:05:09] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@153.19.lg.mor] has joined #editorial
[00:06:09] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest3387
[03:05:00] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #editorial
[03:05:00] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Bytram|away] by SkyNet
[03:05:30] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[04:03:47] <Bytram> I just dropped 5 stories into the story queue; am very tired so spaced them out a bit to cover more time with fewer stories.
[04:03:55] <Bytram> feel free to reschedule.
[04:24:03] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[04:24:17] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[06:32:19] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot is restarting...]
[06:32:27] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #editorial
[09:51:05] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot is restarting...]
[09:51:15] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #editorial
[12:48:41] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot is restarting...]
[12:48:49] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #editorial
[14:08:52] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[14:08:52] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by SkyNet
[21:13:25] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]