#editorial | Logs for 2014-11-25

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[02:06:29] -!- NCommander has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught me]
[02:07:34] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #editorial
[02:08:32] NCommander is now known as SoyGuest35304
[03:33:14] SoyGuest35304 is now known as NCommander
[03:34:14] NCommander is now known as SoyGuest80234
[03:45:14] Subsentient2 is now known as Subsentient
[03:45:37] -!- Subsentient has quit [Changing host]
[03:45:37] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #editorial
[03:45:37] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Subsentient] by SkyNet
[07:59:18] netctl is now known as NetCraft
[15:49:20] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:45:05] -!- Blackmoore [Blackmoore!~4028ef96@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Blackmoore] has joined #editorial
[18:45:05] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Blackmoore] by SkyNet
[21:52:55] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~18d900fb@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #editorial
[21:52:55] -!- mode/#editorial [+v LaminatorX] by SkyNet
[22:25:24] <LaminatorX> I just posted on Ferguson. Could someone take a proofread?
[22:27:17] <Blackmoore> LaminatorX: is this by you?
[22:27:49] <LaminatorX> Yes.
[22:27:51] <Blackmoore> you might just want to sign it.
[22:27:58] <Blackmoore> it looks good to me.
[22:28:06] <Blackmoore> and I like the "ask me " angle
[22:31:31] <Blackmoore> but i'm oking this to go up
[22:34:16] <LaminatorX> Good idea on signing it. I've added that now.
[22:36:13] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:38:11] <Blackmoore> cool