#editorial | Logs for 2014-08-30

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[08:45:51] -!- monopoly has quit [Quit: bugfix]
[08:46:07] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[10:54:36] -!- monopoly has quit [Quit: bewsb++]
[10:54:51] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[11:04:12] -!- monopoly has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:05:42] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[12:19:24] -!- nick has quit []
[12:40:49] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~56d6f606@sorzxkq-794-2-38-0.w40-973.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #editorial
[12:40:58] <janrinok> hi guys
[12:41:15] janrinok is now known as SoyGuest55713
[12:41:30] SoyGuest55713 is now known as janrinok_
[12:41:49] <janrinok_> oops - not my usual machine
[12:59:44] -!- janrinok_ has quit []
[14:33:10] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #editorial
[14:33:10] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Bytram|away] by SkyNet
[14:34:14] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[14:35:23] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[14:35:23] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by SkyNet
[14:35:57] <janrinok> hi guys - again
[14:36:15] <Bytram> hiya!
[14:36:26] <Bytram> looks like the site is having hiccups :(
[14:36:34] <janrinok> Bytram: hi - how's things?
[14:36:45] <Bytram> good, all in all! you?
[14:37:14] <janrinok> OK - reinforcements have arrived in the form of my parents-in-law!
[14:37:18] * Bytram can't remember... has the expeced company arrived yet?
[14:37:22] <Bytram> aha!
[14:37:27] <Bytram> how's s?
[14:37:48] <janrinok> Slowly improving but still a way to go yet. thx
[14:38:09] <Bytram> improving is good! So glad to 'hear' it!
[14:38:54] <janrinok> we had a problem with the site about 12 hours ago - couldn't log on and loads of 503s. I cannot log on now. Is anyone working on it?
[14:40:42] <Bytram> janrinok: come over to #Soylent -- nc is htere
[14:40:54] <janrinok> ok - changing now
[14:44:21] <Bytram> janrinok: I'm back over here...
[14:44:32] <Bytram> and am reading the comments on: http://soylentnews.org
[14:44:33] <monopoly> ^ 04SN article 03 English Teacher Banned for Writing Fiction 04(31 comments):
[14:47:53] <janrinok> Yes, I think LamX dropped a bit of a booboo there.
[14:48:19] <Bytram> nod nod
[14:48:29] <Bytram> is it too late to do something about it?
[14:48:54] <Bytram> I saw it before it went live; didn't like the last paragraph, but since it WAS posted by Lamx, I let it slide
[14:49:04] <janrinok> There are too many comments - in fact the entire thread is comments about it - so to edit it now would leave it looking bizarre
[14:49:20] <Bytram> yup.
[14:49:45] <Bytram> can't really even reformat and move the last para into the blockquote
[14:49:47] <janrinok> Bytram: A lesson there for us both - we 2nd ed for a reason and I suspect that I would have taken the same (in)action that you did
[14:50:46] <Bytram> thanks for that. the other 'challenge' is that I often see lamx editing, without being reachable via IRC.
[14:51:00] * Bytram has done that, too. :/
[14:51:30] <janrinok> yep - true. But a delete of the last para would have saved the day. We need to discuss this all together at a later date.
[14:51:55] <mrcoolbp> yeah, maybe a comment saying "We hear you" or something
[14:52:10] <Bytram> I'm gonna make an editor's note and use a DEL tag to strike the text...
[14:52:19] <janrinok> mrcoolbp: Yes agreed - I'm just putting another story in the queue and I will do just that.
[14:52:29] <mrcoolbp> thanks janrinok
[14:52:44] <janrinok> OK Bytram I'll leave it to you as 2nd ed if you prefer
[14:53:10] <mrcoolbp> maybe we should get NCommander on this issue, though he's busy fixing the site
[14:53:17] * Bytram wishes there was a way you could see what I do before it goes live.... I'll have to do a little cut-n-paste here. You up for that?
[14:53:22] <mrcoolbp> he did ask us to ping him in these situations
[14:53:42] <Bytram> mrcoolbp: nod nod; but he's not here. :/
[14:53:43] <mrcoolbp> Bytram: yeah, go for it (thx)
[14:53:50] <janrinok> Its one he needs to be aware of, even if we have to fix it.
[14:53:57] <Bytram> here's the <del> tags to strike through the text:
[14:53:59] <Bytram> <p><del>This is lunacy. School administrators are terrified there will be another Columbine or Sandy Hook and are overreacting, or are they. What could they do to prevent one. Nothing, nil, zero. No need to ask yourself 'why', say thank you to the traitorous NRA , the propaganda arm of the small arms manufacturing industry, for blocking any form of gun control. They have successfully infected the count
[14:54:01] <Bytram> ry with The American Disease™ almost unfettered access to weapons of war that kill with brutal efficiency. Sadly there appears to be no cure.</del></p>
[14:54:15] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall] has joined #editorial
[14:54:19] * NCommander coughs
[14:54:21] <NCommander> What's gong on?
[14:54:47] <janrinok> we've put out a story - several hours ago - that is well below our normal editorial standards
[14:55:03] <mrcoolbp> there's an unessary slant at the end
[14:55:07] <janrinok> it needs an apology - do you want to do it personally or leave it with us
[14:55:08] <Bytram> NCommander: read the comments to this story: <p><del>This is lunacy. School administrators are terrified there will be another Columbine or Sandy Hook and are overreacting, or are they. What could they do to prevent one. Nothing, nil, zero. No need to ask yourself 'why', say thank you to the traitorous NRA , the propaganda arm of the small arms manufacturing industry, for blocking any form of gun contr
[14:55:08] <Bytram> ol. They have successfully infected the country with The American Disease™ almost unfettered access to weapons of war that kill with brutal efficiency. Sadly there appears to be no cure.</del></p>
[14:55:26] <Bytram> ugh. copy/paste error; but that is the paragraph causing trouble.
[14:55:45] <NCommander> janrinok, edit the original article, runa retraction
[14:55:50] <NCommander> As a seperate one
[14:55:55] <Bytram> NCommander: I'm on it already
[14:56:05] * NCommander notes he's not going to be around much this weekend
[14:56:07] <mrcoolbp> as a seperate one?
[14:56:21] <mrcoolbp> NCommander we know, you are here now, we wanted to loop you in
[14:56:23] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, unless you've got a better idea.
[14:56:42] <Bytram> I'm using <del> tags to strikethrough the text, to leave the context for the many comments.
[14:56:45] <NCommander> Use the opportunity to discuss work on improving editoral standards or something
[14:56:49] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: a seperate story with an apology? maybe we should email LamX
[14:56:50] <Bytram> then adding an editor's note.
[14:56:56] <janrinok> all that is in hand
[14:57:06] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, probably a good idea
[14:57:16] <mrcoolbp> janrinok: can you email EiC?
[14:57:25] <janrinok> sure thing
[14:57:27] <mrcoolbp> thx
[14:57:41] <NCommander> Yeah, looking at this
[14:57:47] <NCommander> This needs a proper apology/retraction
[14:58:19] * NCommander rubs his eyebrows
[14:58:23] <Bytram> here's what I've got:
[14:58:24] <NCommander> It wasn't signed off on either
[14:58:24] <Bytram> [EDITOR'S NOTE: The preceding paragraph should not have gone out. The comments to this story are spot on. You expect better than this and we let you down. There are so many comments referring to it, so we cannot just delete the paragraph. More to follow.]
[14:58:36] <NCommander> Bytram, looks good
[14:58:45] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #editorial
[14:59:01] <Bytram> minor revision...
[14:59:02] <Bytram> [EDITOR'S NOTE: The preceding paragraph should not have gone out. The comments to this story are spot on. You expect better than this and we let you down. There are so many comments referring to it, so we cannot just delete the paragraph... hence the strike-through. More to follow.]
[14:59:14] <mrcoolbp> s/should not have gone out/was not up to our standards/
[14:59:22] <mrcoolbp> bytram
[14:59:24] <mrcoolbp> ^
[14:59:25] <Bytram> nod nod
[14:59:52] <Bytram> [EDITOR'S NOTE: The preceding paragraph was not up to our standards. The comments to this story are spot on. You expect better than this and we let you down. There are so many comments referring to it, we cannot just delete the paragraph... hence the strike-through. More to follow.]
[15:00:05] <Bytram> hmmm
[15:00:28] <Bytram> [EDITOR'S NOTE: The preceding paragraph was not up to our standards. The comments to this story are spot on. You expect better than this and we let you down. There are so many comments referring to this paragraph, we cannot just delete it; hence the strike-through. More to follow.]
[15:00:38] <mrcoolbp> perfect
[15:01:00] <Bytram> any one else? Squeak now or forever hold your grease!
[15:01:05] <mrcoolbp> maybe just a comma not a semi-colon, but meh
[15:01:23] * mrcoolbp has to jump in the shower and get off to work
[15:01:38] <Bytram> k
[15:02:18] <Bytram> previewing now...
[15:03:00] <Bytram> clicked save...
[15:05:17] <Bytram> refreshed home page; did not see it, but that's prolly cause the cache needs to refresh.... am trying story itself.
[15:05:51] <Bytram> hmm, not there yet, either. HIt Ctrl+F5 in firefox and waiting for refresh
[15:06:23] <janrinok> it will take a while to get through the cache
[15:06:34] <Bytram> janrinok: nod nod
[15:06:52] <Bytram> you have a fast connection... can you load the story directly and then do a hard refresh on it?
[15:06:53] <janrinok> It always seems longer when you desperately want it to change!
[15:07:11] <Bytram> yuppers!
[15:07:21] * Bytram humms 'Anticipation' by Carly Simon
[15:07:58] * Bytram is still waiting...
[15:08:25] <janrinok> for some reason it is not changing to green after subsequent edits
[15:08:58] * Bytram loads his LiveHTTPHeaders FireFox addon
[15:09:02] <janrinok> its changed colour now!
[15:09:15] <Bytram> hits Ctrl+F5 again....
[15:09:22] <FunPika> Still seeing it not crossed out over here.
[15:09:25] * Bytram resumes waiting
[15:09:44] <janrinok> it took 3 or 4 updates to get the system to register the changes
[15:10:04] <Bytram> nope... not there yet.
[15:10:07] <Bytram> let me take another look
[15:10:42] <Bytram> huh! It's not there!!! let me re-add
[15:11:35] <Bytram> preview
[15:11:39] <Bytram> updated
[15:12:07] <janrinok> if it doesn't update - kill the story
[15:12:10] <Bytram> wtf! there's two of the stories now?
[15:12:38] <janrinok> where?
[15:13:17] <Bytram> hold on...
[15:13:37] <janrinok> kill the original, your new to the old place
[15:13:55] <Bytram> I unticked display on the dupe...
[15:14:05] <Bytram> hit update...
[15:14:19] <janrinok> looks good to me
[15:14:20] <Bytram> going into the *right* story
[15:14:26] <Bytram> yup, I got that updated.
[15:14:39] <Bytram> http://soylentnews.org
[15:14:39] <monopoly> ^ 04SN article 03 English Teacher Banned for Writing Fiction 04(33 comments):
[15:14:49] <Bytram> looks right in preview...
[15:14:59] <janrinok> it looks good on the front page too
[15:15:08] <Bytram> wheew!!!!
[15:15:33] <Bytram> umm... I'm not seeing it yet...
[15:15:39] <Bytram> on the front page, that is.
[15:15:44] * Bytram hits Ctrl+f5
[15:15:53] <janrinok> I'm reading it and it looks OK
[15:16:47] <Bytram> okay, now I see it.
[15:17:47] <Bytram> I just realized that there is something else I can do to the paragraph... <div style="font-weight: 50%"> ... </div>
[15:19:59] <janrinok> go for it
[15:20:18] <janrinok> sry - I'm emailing LamX and not watching this screen.
[15:20:41] <Bytram> well, in theory, that is. I did some fun stuff on dev, doesn't seem to be working atm... given the nature of the situation, I'll not mess with it any more and just leave it with the strike-though.
[15:21:25] * Bytram has encountered way too many FITIBs -- fixed it 'til it broke
[15:22:35] <janrinok> gtg - duty calls
[15:22:43] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[15:22:54] <mrcoolbp> later sir
[15:23:04] <janrinok|afk> mrcoolbp: email sent
[15:23:10] <mrcoolbp> okay
[15:23:50] <Bytram> janrinok|afk: thanks!
[15:24:03] <Bytram> mrcoolbp: thanks for the feedback on the wording, too!
[15:24:14] <mrcoolbp> np
[15:24:14] * Bytram needs to be getting going about his day, too.
[15:24:17] <Bytram> :(
[15:24:23] <Bytram> Oh!
[15:24:51] <Bytram> I just got the e-mail about Staff getting a subscription -- That was SO NICE! T H A N K - Y O U ! ! ! !
[15:25:40] Bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[16:05:45] Bytram|afk is now known as Bytram|away
[16:05:49] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[16:50:57] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[17:26:43] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[18:13:54] <janrinok> time to go - until tomorrow. bye.
[18:14:23] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[19:02:37] <cosurgi> damn, this guys is right http://soylentnews.org
[19:02:38] <monopoly> ^ 04SN comment by lrmo (838)
[19:04:47] <cosurgi> 8 editors note is invisible for ACs on "English teacher ..." ! All ACs see old version. Just try in a different browser where you are not logged in.