#editorial | Logs for 2014-07-09

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[00:07:51] <mrcoolbp> janrinok: pong
[00:39:43] -!- BlackHole [BlackHole!~4c77e8d9@f-09-442-560-040.hsd9.ma.comcast.net] has joined #editorial
[00:58:39] -!- Drop [Drop!~Drop___@via1-vhat2-0-3-jppz214.perr.cable.virginm.net] has joined #editorial
[01:46:29] -!- Drop [Drop!~Drop___@via1-vhat2-0-3-jppz214.perr.cable.virginm.net] has parted #editorial
[02:45:49] <paulej72> mrcoolbp: a topic can be added easily, but we would need artwork for it.
[02:46:11] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: got it, we are trying to think of what that logo would look like
[02:46:29] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: also just FYI, we are holding a board-meeting in #staff
[02:47:06] <paulej72> see if pipedot has one.
[02:47:45] <mrcoolbp> all of pipedots icons are super slick
[02:48:00] * paulej72 caught everything since 6
[02:49:10] <paulej72> not time but item 6 c specifically
[04:38:51] -!- mattie_p has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[04:39:05] -!- mattie_p [mattie_p!~mattie_p@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mattiep] has joined #editorial
[04:39:05] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mattie_p] by SkyNet
[06:26:33] -!- BlackHole has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[06:47:33] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[06:56:52] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #editorial
[06:56:52] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrcoolbp] by SkyNet
[08:32:50] -!- BlackHole [BlackHole!~4c76b3cf@t-59-991-957-035.hsd4.ma.comcast.net] has joined #editorial
[08:33:35] <BlackHole> NCommander, ping.
[08:34:27] <NCommander> BlackHole, pong
[08:34:32] * NCommander thinks blackhole sun ...
[08:34:39] <NCommander> Which is ironic since Alaska is experiencing polar sun :-)
[08:34:56] <BlackHole> was just reading your comment on the candidate article.
[08:35:20] <NCommander> BlackHole, and?
[08:35:26] <BlackHole> i had a good conversation with mrcoolbp yesterday in this channel:
[08:35:40] <BlackHole> <BlackHole> yeah, definitely something to think _carefully_ about, i would think.
[08:35:46] <BlackHole> <BlackHole> atm, there is a discussion between the community and a political candidate, without staff intervention...
[08:35:50] <NCommander> ah poop
[08:35:54] <BlackHole> <BlackHole> i think that to the extent that the staff can _enhance_ the discussion between the community and the politician, that would be great
[08:36:01] <BlackHole> <BlackHole> what would not be great would be to in any way _influence_ that discussion...
[08:36:08] <BlackHole> <BlackHole> just my 2 cents.
[08:36:13] <BlackHole> <BlackHole> it's a really tough one, because if the community doesn't want to talk to him to any greater degree, then taking extrordinary steps to give him a platform and force that discussion could generate well-deserved backlash...
[08:36:27] <NCommander> BlackHole, and I pay for not reading the backlog
[08:36:28] <NCommander> Shit
[08:36:34] <BlackHole> NCommander, but maybe I'm overthinking things ;)
[08:36:48] <NCommander> BlackHole, honestly, our site traffic went up
[08:36:54] <NCommander> BlackHole, and I mean by a considerable margin
[08:37:09] <BlackHole> actually, i was thinking that since he answered so many of our questions...
[08:37:16] <NCommander> ?
[08:37:25] <BlackHole> i could email his opponents, and invite them to answer themselves.
[08:37:46] <BlackHole> if that actually happened, we would be talking about a sitting U.S. Representative (the incumbent) :)
[08:38:00] <BlackHole> not to get your hopes up ;)
[08:38:01] <NCommander> BlackHole, honestly, probably not a bad idea, though our community tends to grill people
[08:38:27] <BlackHole> i know. tbh, i was really surprised at how he handled some of the less-gentle comments.
[08:39:01] <NCommander> I chose to the wrong state to move to >.<;
[08:39:19] <BlackHole> that's just about the closest congressional district in the lower 48 to alaska, i think.
[08:39:44] <NCommander> Alaska solved its political problems by exiling their government to Juenuo
[08:40:17] <BlackHole> with so much space to share, it must be easier for people to get along with one another.
[08:41:09] <NCommander> BlackHole, indeed, I think we need to take a priority action item to figure out how to do interviews properly. While I realize its a longshot, if we hosted a political debate, it would be epic
[08:41:19] <BlackHole> yeah!
[08:41:43] <BlackHole> tbh, i would not have guessed that our first interview would be a congressional candidate.
[08:41:58] <BlackHole> maybe we can get E. Snowden!
[08:44:35] <BlackHole> NCommander, so does it sound like a reasonable plan for me to email to the two opponents in that race as a next step? Basically, inviting them to join the discussion, or just provide written answers, whichever they prefer. If they do, then that could make for a great new article.
[08:44:45] <BlackHole> That could even be picked up by ars or some other places.
[08:47:28] <NCommander> shit internet is shit
[08:47:30] <NCommander> <BlackHole> with so much space to share, it must be easier for people to get along with one another.
[08:47:32] <NCommander> <NCommander> BlackHole, indeed, I think we need to take a priority action item to figure out how to do interviews properly. While I realize its a longshot, if we hosted a political debate, it would be epic
[08:47:35] <NCommander> <NCommander> BlackHole, honestly, if it wasn't for the fact the discussion was still going, I likely won't have posted at all. I still feel like I stepped on a landmine though
[08:47:38] <NCommander> * NCommander hasn't done THAT in awhile
[08:47:57] <BlackHole> <BlackHole> yeah!
[08:48:02] <BlackHole> tbh, i would not have guessed that our first interview would be a congressional candidate.
[08:48:06] <BlackHole> maybe we can get E. Snowden!
[08:48:23] <BlackHole> <BlackHole> NCommander, so does it sound like a reasonable plan for me to email to the two opponents in that race as a next step? Basically, inviting them to join the discussion, or just provide written answers, whichever they prefer. If they do, then that could make for a great new article.
[08:48:29] <BlackHole> <BlackHole> That could even be picked up by ars or some other places.
[08:48:51] <NCommander> BlackHole, eh, honestly, I never expected SN to be more than a weekend project
[08:49:00] <BlackHole> :D
[08:49:02] <NCommander> I got involved cause I had nothing to do that night
[08:49:10] <BlackHole> now you're the leader of the nerd revolution!
[08:49:15] <NCommander> No ****ing kidding
[08:49:27] <NCommander> At some point, I'm going to write a book about all this
[08:49:43] <NCommander> Probably as a warning to the next ten generations of MBAs, DONT FUCK YOUR USERBASE
[08:50:08] <BlackHole> so if your normal article is the length of a book, than a book would be the lengh of a... oh, nevermind :)
[08:50:28] <chromas> NCC Tolkien
[08:50:31] <BlackHole> yeah, i'm amazed that /. is still kicking.
[08:50:40] <NCommander> BlackHole, go look at the comments
[08:50:42] <BlackHole> surely, not for much longer.
[08:50:43] <BlackHole> ok.
[08:50:44] <NCommander> I think 4chan has them beat on quality
[08:51:08] <NCommander> I'm going to loose my net access real soon here
[08:51:13] * NCommander hates not having home 'net access
[08:52:01] <BlackHole> how much longer until you can get some (home internet)?
[08:52:16] <NCommander> BlackHole, Thursday
[08:52:24] <NCommander> GCI == proving their are worse ISPs than comcast
[08:52:37] <BlackHole> not too bad, i guess. what could possibly happen in 2 days ;)
[08:53:00] <NCommander> BlackHole, we get sued
[08:53:02] <NCommander> :-P
[08:53:29] <BlackHole> let's sue first! that'll show 'em. whoever they are.
[08:53:32] <NCommander> Seriously though, I'm still amazed we stumbled into that w/ the candidate
[08:53:57] <BlackHole> yeah. it is truly a testament to how awesome we are :)
[08:54:25] <BlackHole> oh, any quantification of the increase in traffic?
[08:54:34] <NCommander> Yeah, we broke the record on unique visitors
[08:54:37] <NCommander> 3010
[08:54:44] <NCommander> And today was the second highest
[08:54:57] <NCommander> (thats about 350 higher than baseline we've been averaging)
[08:55:03] <BlackHole> wow! although, frankly a lot of the stories have been really good lately.
[08:55:18] <NCommander> Pageviews have been consistently going up
[08:55:26] <NCommander> (those at in the 60-70k range)
[08:55:52] <NCommander> It seems once we get users here, they stick around
[08:55:56] <NCommander> We just have problems with step 1
[08:55:56] <BlackHole> the pending submission list is pretty full, as well.
[08:56:06] <NCommander> ENOKIDDING
[08:56:23] <NCommander> One of these days, I'm going to wake up and see 100 stories in the queue
[08:56:30] <NCommander> We'll have an editoral OH SHIT when that happens
[08:56:37] <BlackHole> and only 2 Cialis adverts. not bad :P
[08:56:53] * NCommander notes the worst thing I think DICE could do to us is link us on their main page
[08:56:59] <NCommander> I'm not 100% sure we could survive a slashdotting
[08:57:10] <BlackHole> hah!
[08:57:37] <NCommander> Actually, I think we've officially won when /. posts something by us
[08:58:07] <NCommander> But looking over at /., it confirms the theory that the interesting discussion was by a relatively few users and a lot of crap
[08:58:34] <BlackHole> yeah, big comment counts, but a very high crap to gold ratio.
[08:59:09] <NCommander> We're going to have to work on keep ours high
[08:59:18] <BlackHole> ack! just got automatically redirected to beta! why did i even try?
[08:59:24] <NCommander> Without becoming Slashdot 2.0, or Reddit
[08:59:41] <NCommander> BlackHole, http://pipedot.org
[08:59:42] <monopoly> ^ 02Pipedot Article: 03 Soylent News Incorporates02 (3 comments) Good news from our friends over at Soylent News! They have finished their incorporation as a Public Benefit Corporation under the “SoylentNews PBC” name. While th...
[08:59:47] <BlackHole> read it.
[08:59:50] <NCommander> Oh
[08:59:54] <NCommander> We're the last one standing
[09:00:02] <NCommander> (excluding comp.misc, but that predates slashdot itself)
[09:00:19] <BlackHole> sounds a bit like that. i was a bit surprised at the tone.
[09:00:36] <NCommander> Yeah :-/
[09:00:42] <NCommander> BlackHole, its 11PM AKDT, time to poof
[09:00:44] <NCommander> cya later
[09:00:54] <BlackHole> so back to defusing landmines...
[09:01:03] <BlackHole> what should be done with our candidate fan?
[09:02:29] <BlackHole> NCommander ^^^^
[09:06:28] BlackHole is now known as BlackHole|zzz
[09:48:46] <NCommander> OK
[09:48:55] <NCommander> blackhole still here
[09:49:01] <NCommander> got sick of no net
[09:49:54] <chromas> NCommander: can you hide out in the bathroom or something whiel they close?
[09:50:22] <NCommander> I bought an AT&T Sim card and got my phone going again
[09:50:31] <NCommander> turns so
[09:50:35] <chromas> ah. cool
[09:50:39] <NCommander> out Alaska has 4G
[09:50:45] <NCommander> who knew
[09:50:55] <chromas> It's probably easier than laying out fiber
[09:52:47] <chromas> I wish there were more MVNOs like Ting, especially ones that don't use Sprint's network
[13:55:10] -!- BlackHole|zzz has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[14:15:09] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #editorial
[14:15:09] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Bytram|away] by SkyNet
[14:17:09] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[14:32:41] -!- mrcool|work [mrcool|work!~48226344@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #editorial
[14:32:41] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrcool|work] by SkyNet
[14:42:17] -!- Woods [Woods!~41a24c20@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Woods] has joined #editorial
[14:42:17] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Woods] by SkyNet
[14:59:12] Bytram is now known as bytram|afk
[15:10:34] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[15:10:34] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by SkyNet
[15:16:43] <janrinok> paulej72: have you noted the 2 spam emails in the subs list yet? I brought them to your attention yesterday, I think. If you have finished with them I'll delete them.
[15:17:25] <janrinok> Any eds available to check my stories please?
[15:20:25] <Woods> Janrinok: Just did it.
[15:25:17] <janrinok> Thx Woods
[15:25:35] <janrinok> Hows things with you today?
[15:27:35] <Woods> Not too shabby, just chillin
[15:27:38] <Woods> ou?
[15:28:46] <janrinok> Still tired - a difficult period in our lives at this end - but fine really. It's just that someone keeps piling rocks on top of the hill that we a trying to climb!
[15:29:24] <janrinok> Over dramatic - a rough period, not really difficult.
[15:29:38] <Woods> I understand, it just keeps coming sometimes.
[15:30:12] <janrinok> yep. I'm having a bit of fun replying to comments!
[17:14:42] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[17:23:05] <Woods> Can someone check my two stories before they go out? I am feeling pretty tired, and worried that I missed an obvious mistake.
[17:55:36] <Azrael> Woods: done
[17:55:56] <Azrael> looked ok :) unless I'm too tired too
[17:57:07] <Woods> Woo! Good enough for me.
[18:01:10] -!- bytram|afk has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:27:10] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[20:03:26] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[20:04:01] <janrinok> paulej72: ping
[21:00:14] <janrinok> Any eds to check my story please?
[21:26:03] <mrcool|work> janrinok: I'll be home in a few hours, I could try then
[21:26:41] <mrcool|work> janrinok: did you delete the submissions already?
[21:37:34] -!- mrcool|work has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:41:36] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[21:44:45] <Woods> Got your back, Janrinok.
[22:23:39] -!- Blackmoore [Blackmoore!~4028ef96@64.40.xqg.gvs] has joined #editorial
[22:26:33] <Blackmoore> geh, looks l like i have verboten charaters in the title for New report calls for "deep decarbonization
[22:27:34] <Woods> Blackmoore: Despite being a wordsmith, I do not understand what you are saying.
[22:29:10] <Woods> Blackmoore: Oh, in the title. Right. It will be fixed in post, no worries. Thanks for the heads up!
[22:32:20] <Blackmoore> np. I thought i had nipped the degree symbol
[22:56:01] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[22:56:02] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1] by SkyNet
[23:32:16] -!- Drop [Drop!~Drop___@via1-vhat2-0-3-jppz214.perr.cable.virginm.net] has joined #editorial
[23:52:06] -!- Woods has quit [Quit: Web client closed]