#editorial | Logs for 2014-05-21

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[03:37:15] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[03:37:59] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@62-31-652-122.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #editorial
[03:37:59] -!- chromas has quit [Changing host]
[03:37:59] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[04:44:01] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!Tachyon@hollhb.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #editorial
[04:46:51] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[06:49:26] mrcool|afk is now known as mrcoolbp
[07:22:14] mrcoolbp is now known as mrcool|afk
[09:37:15] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[10:30:01] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@62-31-652-122.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #editorial
[10:30:01] -!- chromas has quit [Changing host]
[10:30:01] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[12:17:39] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[12:22:31] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@62-31-652-122.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #editorial
[12:22:31] -!- chromas has quit [Changing host]
[12:22:31] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[14:59:46] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[14:59:46] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by SkyNet
[14:59:51] <janrinok> hi guys
[15:00:02] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~18d900fb@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #editorial
[15:00:02] -!- mode/#editorial [+v LaminatorX] by SkyNet
[15:00:09] <janrinok> hi LaminatorX
[15:00:16] <LaminatorX> Hello.
[15:01:12] <janrinok> how's things with you today?
[15:01:33] <LaminatorX> Tired but good. How about you?
[15:01:59] <janrinok> just this very second logged on. OK but, like you, tired, otherwise fine.
[15:03:24] <LaminatorX> I was up late recording a concert last night, a bunch of experimental stuff. More interesting than good, though there was some good.
[15:03:57] <janrinok> Just your own band or were others involved?
[15:04:28] <janrinok> I'm not sure that I'm following what you mean yet.....
[15:06:14] <LaminatorX> I was just the engineer for the evening: http://newmusiccircle.org
[15:06:27] -!- Woods [Woods!~41a24c20@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Woods] has joined #editorial
[15:06:27] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Woods] by SkyNet
[15:06:53] <janrinok> Ah, ok I'm with you now.
[15:07:06] <janrinok> You do lead a busy life....
[15:07:55] <LaminatorX> I'll sleep when I'm old. :)
[15:08:38] <janrinok> lol - you sound quite the rebel!
[15:11:07] <LaminatorX> Not so much any more, parenting takes priority most of the time.
[15:13:05] <janrinok> Forunately, that stage has passed for me - they're off making their own mistakes and doing all the things that they used to knock their parents for doing!
[15:13:51] <LaminatorX> Ha.
[15:44:27] -!- weeds [weeds!~4118a13c@cwz-29-45-637-17.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #editorial
[15:45:20] <janrinok> hi weeds
[15:46:03] <weeds> Good Morning - How ar you on this fine day?
[15:46:26] <janrinok> fine, but a little tired. And yourself?
[15:46:27] <weeds> s/are/ar/
[15:46:38] <weeds> oops, backwards
[15:47:15] <weeds> anyhow - great! the script I fixed yesterday is working fine.
[15:47:23] <janrinok> 'ar' I thought that might be a poor pirate impersonation
[15:47:47] <janrinok> well done on the script!
[15:53:48] <weeds> arrrrrr. thee script be a trivial thing, but thee file permissions arrrr now straightened out :)
[15:54:29] <janrinok> lol
[15:55:28] <janrinok> brb
[16:37:11] <janrinok> paulej72: you probably already know - but your test mailer works - I have received your email on my system. The originator Dev.SN didn't make we work too hard to discover what was happening. Did that go out to everyone? Did you want it to?
[16:39:16] -!- LaminatorX_ [LaminatorX_!~18d900fb@21-164-9-915.static.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #editorial
[16:39:23] <janrinok> hi again
[16:40:01] <LaminatorX_> Flashcrash!
[16:40:27] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[16:40:49] LaminatorX_ is now known as LaminatorX
[16:41:31] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Changing host]
[16:41:31] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~18d900fb@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #editorial
[16:41:31] -!- mode/#editorial [+v LaminatorX] by SkyNet
[16:41:39] <janrinok> should the word 'Flashcrash' mean something to me - I was going through my remembered military codewords and trying to work out what I should be doing or where I should be going.....
[16:42:00] <LaminatorX> Flash crashed my browser.
[16:42:12] <janrinok> Ah - _that_ flash crash....
[16:42:39] * janrinok starts removing the camo cream and takes his boots back off.
[16:46:34] <paulej72> janrinok: I am not sure what you mean, I did not setup any test mails.
[16:48:17] <janrinok> LaminatorX: An interesting aside. Some years ago the code phrase for recalling certain special forces back to unit for urgent ops was 'Free Beer'. One soldier was not at home when the message was phoned through so it was given to his mother and asked that he be told the moment he arrived home. He never got the message. His mother did NOT pass it on because she didn't approve of her son drinking..... True story from about 1980s
[16:49:14] <LaminatorX> I'd be worried about false posatives with a code word like that.
[16:49:18] <janrinok> paulej72: I've copied the email back to you paulj72@soylentnews.org although it originated at noreply@etc
[16:50:21] <janrinok> LaminatorX: it was changed soon after but it had to remain a phrase that could be used in a public place without raising eyebrows e.g. in a bar, or on public transport etc
[16:51:29] <paulej72> janrinok: I am not sure if my sn email forwards propelry. can yo send to ericpaul@princeton.edu
[16:52:11] <janrinok> paulej72: email sent Mon 19 @ 2044 (Security) from noreply@dev.soylentnews.org, 'posted by paulj72'
[16:53:09] <janrinok> paulej72: sent to the email you asked.
[16:55:33] <paulej72> janrinok: that is the daily headlines email. Do you have that turned on for producion. IF so you would also have gotten the emails from dev as we never turned off daily headlines when we copied the db. I posted a test story yesterday so that is why you see the message, if no new stories the mail does not go out.
[16:56:14] <janrinok> That'll be it then - I suppose we all got one!
[16:56:51] <paulej72> Headlines are not on by default, so only thoes who set it up.
[16:57:15] <janrinok> which you now hope isn't very many....lol
[16:57:30] <janrinok> sry to have troubled you.
[16:59:19] <janrinok> paulej72: the email that I sent to your soylentnews addy just bounced back - you are not known in the virtual mailbox table.
[17:00:50] <paulej72> janrinok: I was at one point, someone must have broken it.
[17:01:23] <janrinok> didn't touch it, not me, no sir, I just looked at it a little bit, but no touching....
[17:02:36] <janrinok> LaminatorX: have you been deleting old subs or have I really processed that many stories...?
[17:03:15] <janrinok> The posting history takes me back a few months - just the 2 names appearing!
[17:17:42] <LaminatorX> Well, we've posted around 1500 stories in total...
[17:18:07] <janrinok> that's not bad for about 3 months
[17:21:14] <janrinok> bbl - couple of hours.
[17:21:22] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[18:00:02] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|out2lunch
[19:37:44] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[19:51:16] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[19:54:39] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[19:54:39] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by SkyNet
[20:24:16] LaminatorX|out2lunch is now known as LaminatorX
[21:55:32] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[22:38:51] -!- weeds has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[23:59:07] -!- Woods has quit [Quit: Web client closed]