#editorial | Logs for 2014-03-09 - Select a date

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[00:00:23] <LaminatorX> This one's pretty clean. I'll take it as is. Thanks for the offer though. That might be helpful in the future.
[00:01:17] <martyb> okay. I just pulled it down. ... where do you want it? If you make a place for it, I'll put it there.
[00:02:14] <LaminatorX> Hmm. Email me for now. I'll post it to Editorial's journal once that's setup.
[00:03:06] <martyb> laminator@gm ?
[00:03:58] <martyb> LaminatorX: need your e-mail addy.
[00:04:31] <LaminatorX> that's right.
[00:04:42] <LaminatorX> laminatorx@gm
[00:04:56] <martyb> let me send you a test msg , just to make sure... brb
[00:06:37] <martyb> LaminatorX: test e-mail is on its way.
[00:07:13] <martyb> looks like it did not bounce.
[00:07:33] <LaminatorX> Got it.
[00:07:53] <martyb> great!
[00:08:04] <LaminatorX> Alright. I need to go parent. I'll be back later this evening though.
[00:08:11] <martyb> thanks for letting be a part of the discussion! I had fun!
[00:08:21] <martyb> I'll be back in a couple three hours, too.
[00:08:23] <martyb> c u then!
[00:08:24] <LaminatorX> You were certainly a welcome presence.
[00:08:32] <LaminatorX> Bye all.
[00:08:44] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|afk
[00:09:20] martyb is now known as martyb_afk
[00:09:26] -!- martyb_afk [martyb_afk!~a6b50349@Soylent/Volunteer/martyb] has parted #editorial
[01:05:36] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:05:54] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@81.200.wy.ti] has joined #editorial
[01:21:56] -!- Dopefish_afk has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:35:06] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:35:31] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@81.200.wy.ti] has joined #editorial
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[01:52:31] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #editorial
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[01:54:21] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@81.200.wy.ti] has joined #editorial
[03:08:39] -!- Cactus [Cactus!~EBC@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Cactus] has joined #editorial
[03:08:39] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Cactus] by BaconTree
[04:00:32] -!- martyb [martyb!~a6b503c9@Soylent/Volunteer/martyb] has joined #editorial
[04:08:05] <martyb> LaminatorX|afk: sent you the staff meeting log; enjoy!
[04:55:54] martyb is now known as martyb_afk
[05:07:31] martyb_afk is now known as martyb
[05:55:50] -!- MrBluze|zzz [MrBluze|zzz!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #editorial
[06:01:07] -!- martyb [martyb!~a6b503c9@Soylent/Volunteer/martyb] has parted #editorial
[06:04:27] -!- MrBluze|zzz has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:07:19] -!- MrBluze|zzz [MrBluze|zzz!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #editorial
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[07:15:45] -!- MrBluze|zzz [MrBluze|zzz!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #editorial
[07:18:15] LaminatorX|afk is now known as LaminatorX
[07:20:15] MrBluze|zzz is now known as MrBluze
[07:26:54] -!- MrBluze has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[07:30:12] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #editorial
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[07:58:53] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|zzzzzz
[09:03:18] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #editorial
[09:40:45] -!- paulej72 has quit [Quit: paulej72]
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[11:20:55] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #editorial
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[11:39:24] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #editorial
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[14:58:53] -!- paulej72 [paulej72!~paulej72@Soylent/Staff/Developer/paulej72] has joined #editorial
[16:30:27] -!- VitaminR has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:32:33] -!- VitaminR [VitaminR!~abc@094-93-5-987.c6-3.bth-ubr4.lnh-bth.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #editorial
[16:34:03] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #editorial
[16:34:03] -!- mode/#editorial [+v janrinok] by BaconTree
[17:38:14] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #editorial
[17:43:10] -!- MrBluze has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[17:48:21] -!- mrgirlpluggedout [mrgirlpluggedout!~girlinter@Soylent/Staff/Editor/girlpluggedout] has joined #editorial
[17:48:21] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrgirlpluggedout] by BaconTree
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[19:35:26] -!- mrgirlpluggedout [mrgirlpluggedout!~girlinter@Soylent/Staff/Editor/girlpluggedout] has joined #editorial
[19:35:26] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrgirlpluggedout] by BaconTree
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[20:24:42] -!- mrgirlpluggedout [mrgirlpluggedout!~girlinter@Soylent/Staff/Editor/girlpluggedout] has joined #editorial
[20:24:42] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrgirlpluggedout] by BaconTree
[20:37:33] -!- mrgirlpluggedout has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:39:52] -!- mrgirlpluggedout [mrgirlpluggedout!~girlinter@Soylent/Staff/Editor/girlpluggedout] has joined #editorial
[20:39:52] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrgirlpluggedout] by BaconTree
[20:42:24] -!- Cactus has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:19:12] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #editorial
[22:22:44] LaminatorX|zzzzzz is now known as LaminatorX
[22:36:39] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|afk
[22:50:09] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[23:01:38] -!- mrgirlpluggedout has quit [Quit: Leaving]