#dev | Logs for 2022-06-05

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[13:54:05] <FatPhil> Does anyone have a clue where the logic for what is included in the "Most Recent Journal Entries" slashbox is?
[13:55:02] <FatPhil> Wondering if we can remove Runaway's from that list without having to do anything too invasive.
[13:57:09] <janrinok> I'm just preparing tomorrow's stories, I'll take a look in the code in a while.
[14:05:50] <FatPhil> journal.pm, sub topRecent, my $min_karma = getCurrentStatic('journal_sb_min_karma') || 0;
[14:08:36] <FatPhil> looks like that's the only selection criterion: SELECT ... WHERE ... ui.karma >= $min_karma
[14:14:00] <janrinok> I can't find anywhere in the templates where we could filter it out - changing templates is relatively easy to do.
[14:22:36] <FatPhil> So the only simple way to do it now is to simply fine him karma?
[14:24:14] <janrinok> yep, but I am not sure how we do that......
[14:25:02] <janrinok> we are trying to create a new procedure where a 7 day ban would be just as effective IMO.
[14:38:42] <FatPhil> mail reply on its way...
[14:48:27] <janrinok> Seen, and replied to, along with a reply to Bytram
[15:34:27] <chromas> throw an AND in there and slap a boolean banned column in the table
[15:35:35] <janrinok> yep, but that would require a rebuild, retest and then pushing out to the servers.......
[15:36:34] <chromas> quick live edit to a perl file. live a little ;)
[15:37:39] <janrinok> ah, we've all been there, and we can all probably remember at least 1 occasion when it didn't quite work as expected.....
[15:37:53] <chromas> that's why we have dev
[15:38:12] <janrinok> who is dev today? It's not my turn is it?
[15:38:35] <chromas> ari. let's try live editing him
[15:38:57] <janrinok> now don't get me started....
[15:39:25] <janrinok> anyway, time to go cook my dinner!
[15:39:42] * chromas chooses between african-american-eyed peas and aerosmith
[15:39:50] <chromas> er rolling stones. same thing
[15:39:59] <janrinok> :)
[21:04:56] <FatPhil> chromas: I'm very much against changing the database schema unless there's no other way.
[21:05:38] <FatPhil> there might be a field in the user table that has enough space to carry the information needed
[22:25:01] <chromas> You're right. The better way would be to create a new, second db, just specifically for that one function :D