#dev | Logs for 2020-03-30

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[00:56:26] <Bytram> I have a user who emailed me... getting form key errors when trying to submit a comment. Anybody else seeing this?
[00:57:47] <Bytram> is using: "Firefox 68.6.0esr on Debian 10, running in a container/jail. All state is ephemeral. "
[03:51:15] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:52:14] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #dev
[07:21:37] -!- replic8tor2 [replic8tor2!~replic8to@2605:e000:1213:iwlz:igum:xmyj:ojxj:shut] has joined #dev
[07:24:53] -!- replic8tor has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[09:13:26] -!- fyngyrz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:14:11] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:14:18] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #dev
[09:14:47] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #dev