#dev | Logs for 2019-04-23

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[11:19:18] <Bytram> okay, reports of comment counts on main page being incorrectly shown as 0
[11:19:31] * Bytram tried bouncing the servers, no joy.
[11:19:56] <Bytram> comment counts in actual stories seem to be correct.
[11:19:58] <Bytram> hrmm
[11:20:19] <Bytram> ~devs asnybody around?
[11:20:33] <Bytram> ~dev anybody around?
[11:22:28] <Bytram> NCommander: paulej72: TheMightyBuzzard: Xyem: cosurgi: SemperOSS: Anybody here who can suggest how to get comment counts on main page to work?
[11:22:53] <NCommander> slashd is running?
[11:22:59] <Bytram> dunno
[11:23:13] * Bytram never quite figured out what runs pon which box
[11:23:19] <Bytram> oh, and HI!!!!!
[11:26:22] <Bytram> looks like slashd should run on fluorine
[11:28:31] <NCommander> I have no idea where it's running these days :(
[11:28:36] <Bytram> ssh fluorine
[11:28:43] <Bytram> ps -AF | grep slashd
[11:28:53] <Bytram> shows 32 entries
[11:29:13] <Bytram> now how to restart it?
[11:33:13] <Bytram> aha! https://wiki.soylentnews.org
[11:33:17] <Bytram> Item #7
[11:33:35] <Bytram> Then run slashd. This should be done via the init script:
[11:33:35] <Bytram> /etc/init.d/slash start
[11:36:11] <NCommander> killall the slashd instances first
[11:36:19] <Bytram> nod nod
[11:36:30] <Bytram> am reading the slash shell code rght now
[11:36:36] <Bytram> has a stop option
[11:37:42] <Bytram> nope
[11:37:52] <Bytram> now have 27 processes
[11:37:57] <NCommander> killall -9 slashd
[11:39:00] <Bytram> mare see!
[11:39:22] <Bytram> no process found
[11:39:22] <Bytram> ?
[11:40:17] <Bytram> have a bunch of these:
[11:40:19] <Bytram> slash 837 1 0 75883 87388 0 Jan10 ? 00:06:10 slashd slash process_file_queue
[11:40:19] <Bytram> slash 846 1 0 75883 86924 3 Jan10 ? 00:00:54 slashd slash balance_readers
[11:40:20] <Bytram> slash 1829 1 0 75881 6236 1 2018 ? 00:23:08 slashd slash process_file_queue
[11:40:22] <Bytram> slash 1888 1 0 75881 1140 3 2018 ? 00:03:15 slashd slash balance_readers
[11:43:43] <Bytram> .
[11:43:51] <Bytram> $(ps -AF | grep slashd | awk '{print "# " $0; print "kill -9 " $2}' )
[11:43:52] <fungus_> (ps -AF | grep slashd | awk '? Unknown Style "print" ?' )
[11:43:58] <Bytram> LOL
[11:56:47] <Bytram> Seems to have worked!! Debian Usage: /etc/init.d/./slash {start|stop|restart|keepalive|checkvars}
[11:58:27] <Bytram> not the most elegant approach, but the comment counts now appear on the stories on the main page... (NOTE TO SELF: see putty log for today; actions performed on fluorine)
[11:59:25] <Bytram> and... I have an hour to get ready and be at work
[11:59:28] <Bytram> laters!!
[11:59:33] <Bytram> NCommander: thanks so much for the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[11:59:39] <Bytram> afk
[12:45:14] <Bytram> gtg laters!
[20:28:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, i specifically said not to break stuff while i was gone, dangit.
[21:03:11] <chromas> [laugh track]