#dev | Logs for 2018-08-30

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[10:14:12] -!- martymcfly [martymcfly!~backintim@78.142.vu.mz] has joined #dev
[13:12:17] -!- martymcfly has quit [Quit: who the hell is JFK?]
[20:46:41] <Bytram> Maybe it's just me,but the site seems less responsive lately... here are the numbers from the bottom of the screen:
[20:46:44] <Bytram> Performance 1.2 pps
[20:46:46] <Bytram> article 1.83s -54% | comments 0.37s -7% | index 1.61s +30%
[20:46:48] <Bytram> 33% fast
[20:47:31] <Bytram> I've seen them creep up past 2 and 3 seconds, lately
[20:49:12] <Bytram> Here's another set:
[20:49:13] <Bytram> Performance 0.9 pps
[20:49:13] <Bytram> article 2.06s -48% | comments 0.59s +45% | index 2.60s +109%
[20:49:13] <Bytram> 8% fast
[21:23:04] <Bytram> annnd it looks like oxygen is kinda full:
[21:26:30] <Bytram> orrr, maybe I'm reading things wrong... is a bit too hot and humid to concentrate clearly
[21:31:15] <Bytram> Performance 1.0 pps
[21:31:16] <Bytram> article 4.00s +221% | comments 0.93s +152% | index 2.27s +95%
[21:31:16] <Bytram> 159% slow