#dev | Logs for 2018-06-29

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[04:04:15] chromas is now known as Chromas
[08:17:29] -!- RoboCops_Penis [RoboCops_Penis!~MSDOS@185.220.ptk.my] has joined #dev
[08:19:35] -!- RoboCops_Penis has quit [Client Quit]
[14:47:43] -!- BoyceMagooglyMonkey [BoyceMagooglyMonkey!~4039920b@64.57.tgv.rt] has joined #dev
[14:47:59] <BoyceMagooglyMonkey> Good morning!
[14:48:51] <BoyceMagooglyMonkey> just dropped in to mention that the cert for chat.soylentnews.org expired this morning and is currently showing up as invalid
[14:57:37] -!- BoyceMagooglyMonkey has quit []
[23:16:25] -!- cocaine-ninja [cocaine-ninja!~SNoRT@141.255.vmu.kz] has joined #dev
[23:47:33] -!- cocaine-ninja has quit [Quit: all your powder are belong to us]