#dev | Logs for 2018-05-01

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[02:56:29] -!- DrexlSpivey [DrexlSpivey!~DrexlS@62.102.tli.rp] has joined #dev
[06:01:40] -!- DrexlSpivey has quit [Quit: g2g]
[06:06:25] -!- DrexlSpivey [DrexlSpivey!~DrexlS@185.62.wh.mvt] has joined #dev
[10:14:58] -!- DrexlSpivey has quit [Quit: g2g]
[17:01:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> Kuro, eh, kind of. i don't have a pr made for the install changes i've made yet.
[17:01:50] * TheMightyBuzzard wanders past on his way to lunch
[20:54:28] <Kuro> Ah ok, understood. Still a noob to git
[21:11:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> Kuro, i'm not sure it's even up on github at the moment. it's quite possible it's only on the vm at the moment.
[22:42:09] <Kuro> got it TMB, through that you meant something else when you mentioned the above mentioned pull