#dev | Logs for 2018-04-20

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[00:00:42] <Bytram> fyngyrz: hmmm, linky to your up-modded post?
[00:00:53] * Bytram is curious and can use a good laugh
[00:01:25] <chromas> Probably this'n https://soylentnews.org
[00:01:27] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews Comments | French President Macron Challenges Nationalism, Promises Reform of Islam and Stronger Copyright Laws
[00:01:30] * chromas was also lookin'
[00:01:37] <fyngyrz> sec
[00:02:01] <fyngyrz> https://soylentnews.org
[00:02:03] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews Comments | French President Macron Challenges Nationalism, Promises Reform of Islam and Stronger Copyright Laws
[00:02:14] <fyngyrz> I dunno if it's worth a good laugh, thoug :)
[00:02:19] <Bytram> clicked
[00:05:37] <Bytram> had to follow a couple parent posts to find out the context... now I finally understand what your post was about... not a LOL for me, and I can see how that got an Insightful, atually.
[00:05:40] <Bytram> *actually
[00:06:13] <fyngyrz> well, there you go
[00:06:34] <fyngyrz> the only context I was using was the absurdity "software communism"
[00:06:41] <chromas> It's funny because it's true
[00:06:59] <fyngyrz> but if I was somehow being insightful, I guess I'll take it
[00:07:20] <fungus> fyngyrz-> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[00:07:26] * Bytram decides for maximum enjoyment he is going to read a copy of the local phone book
[00:07:32] <chromas> That is pretty absurd. I thought we were all on bz2 or xz by now,.
[00:07:37] <Bytram> ;)
[00:07:52] <fyngyrz> not when you're trying to destroy the economy of the other guy
[00:07:52] <chromas> phonebooks are fake news though
[00:07:52] <Bytram> you're behind on that one: bzzzt
[00:08:04] <Bytram> #g call me blondie
[00:08:04] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com - "Mar 11, 2009 ... Official video of Blondie performing Call Me from the soundtrack of the movie American Gigolo."
[00:08:38] <fyngyrz> oh hey, Richard Gere and what's-her-name
[00:10:39] <Bytram> you mean "Pretty Woman"
[00:10:41] <Bytram> ?
[00:11:05] <chromas> Neigh
[00:11:19] <Bytram> huh? The Tide is Neigh?
[00:11:28] <chromas> oh weight, that's sarah jessica parker
[00:11:45] <chromas> I couldn't remember her name but a web search of "horse face" got it on the first hit
[00:11:54] <chromas> The internet is cruel
[00:12:18] <Bytram> drat!
[00:13:41] * Bytram notes that one of his addons has failed to work on occasion, lately, but only on selected vids: Download YouTube Videos as MP4 1.8.10
[00:14:31] <fyngyrz> Lauren somebody
[00:14:37] <Bytram> Bacall?
[00:14:44] <fyngyrz> nooo...
[00:14:48] <Bytram> Ralph?
[00:14:51] <fyngyrz> I can't recall. Hang on. IMDB
[00:14:51] <Bytram> ;)
[00:15:00] <fyngyrz> Hutton
[00:15:09] <Bytram> gap tooth?
[00:15:19] <fyngyrz> moderately pretty blonde
[00:15:39] <chromas> cindy crawford?
[00:15:57] <Bytram> doritos ad on superbowl
[00:16:15] <chromas> You guys ever stick stories way into the future?
[00:16:43] <chromas> Not sure if my feed reader's broken but it's got weird entries set in 2021
[00:16:49] <Bytram> only VERY rarely... tends to mess up / confuse folks when scheduling the next story
[00:16:58] <Bytram> it's your reader, methinks
[00:19:13] <chromas> fpos
[00:21:52] <Bytram> first person operating system?
[00:22:16] * chromas gnu/nods
[00:30:14] * Bytram gnods gnods
[10:12:34] <FatPhil> have there been new layout changes?
[10:13:00] <FatPhil> SN front page is next to unreadable on my phone now
[10:19:01] <FatPhil> crappy vid of me scrolling down the 1st summary on the page at http://fatphil.org
[10:19:03] <exec> └─ 13404 Not Found
[10:19:52] <FatPhil> .mpg, sorry
[10:44:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, there's been fuck all since the february update except some faq template changes
[10:45:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> if this is a new thing, it's on your browser.
[10:51:34] <FatPhil> browser's not changed in, ooooh, I did do an update a week ago, not sure if browser or libs were touched
[10:52:47] * TheMightyBuzzard dearly loves problems that turn out to not be his
[10:53:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> back in a few. nicotine.
[10:53:46] <FatPhil> exe's not changed in 8 years, but I think exe is just a wrapper
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